Even the best sales professionals hear the word no. So how do you handle rejection in sales? Does it play with your emotions? Does that word make you feel disappointed and exasperated? Does it make you suffer from call reluctance? Don’t give up! The reality is that you’re going to hear no a lot, but we have a way to help you find the value in no.
In this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl is joined by the one and only Andrea Waltz, speaker and author of the best-selling book, “Go For No!”. Darryl and Andrea discuss how to turn around a fear of rejection and actually celebrate the no. They also go over tangible steps such as giving yourself permission to fail and eliminating the negative emotions that hearing “no” can elicit. Learn ways to conquer rejection on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!
Not in the mood to listen or watch? No problem, you can read the transcription below.
Host: Darryl Praill, VanillaSoft
Guest: Andrea Waltz, GoForNo.com
Getting To No You
Darryl Praill: Another week has gone by, I say that every week. It’s like it’s a shock to me, you know, you think about that. Like, hey, guys another week has gone by. Oh right, it’s a weekly podcast, of course another week has gone by. What have you guys done this week?
Darryl Praill: Seriously, what have you done? Can you reflect back and think about what you’ve done and go, I did, A, and B, and C, and it was a killer week. I often, I get home every day and my wife is.
Darryl Praill: You know, God bless her, I don’t know how she’s still with me after all these years. But she is amazing and she’s patient, and she says to me, every day, how was your day? Yeah, it was okay, it was good. What’d you do today? Eh, you know, I mean, I did this and did that.
Darryl Praill: And I’m, I just kind of like, blow it off. And I don’t blow it off to be rude or insensitive to her, it’s because I’ve moved past it and, you know, I’m here focused in the moment now and I’m with her, and I’m home, and I’m unwinding, and I don’t want to revisit the day because that’ll wind me back up again. I don’t know if you guys can relate.
Darryl Praill: And the irony of that whole statement, of course, is that, even though I’m trying to unwind, I do stay tethered to the smartphone, in case there’s something important, I get an email, or something critical said on social that requires me to respond, maybe not as tethered as I am normally, in the work day, but you know, so I want to come down but I’m still connected.
Darryl Praill: It’s crazy, and you know, it’s all a mindset, right, you got to change your mental model a little bit to make sure you have a long-term success. Right, that you’re here for the long-term.
Darryl Praill: You don’t burn out, you don’t get discouraged, you don’t get frustrated. I’ve learned to do that over the years, I sucked at it at the beginning. And that’s kind of interesting because now, you know, I’ve got two kids that are in their early to mid 20’s, and they’re out in the workforce.
Darryl Praill: And it’s funny, I’m seeing me all over again in them. So, I’ll give an example. You know, my oldest will come to me periodically. I’m blessed this way because he actually, we have this relationship that he’s now of an age where I’m no longer stupid and know nothing, I might know something, he just doesn’t want to admit I know something but he’ll still ask the questions, take my advice, and then think it was all his own.
Darryl Praill: That’s the father and son dynamic. And he’ll ask me advice on how to deal with conflict in the workplace. I’m frustrated with his co-worker, my boss isn’t listening, my boss is a moron, whatever it might be. We all have it, doesn’t matter what the conflict is, and I’ll coach him on how to do it, and how to respond.
Darryl Praill: And I’m coaching, you know, having been a manager myself for so many years of staff, having been an employee who has a boss, having made the mistakes of how not to approach somebody, having been full of pride and arrogance and thinking that I’m right, only to later learned that I wasn’t as right as I thought it was, and that’s a little humbling.
Darryl Praill: That’s all part of life, right? Okay, so I give him the advice and often my advice goes like this. You have to talk to them. You have to talk to them. And, and then I’ll caveat it by saying, listen, the message you’re saying isn’t a tough message. No boss wants a disgruntled employee, no co-worker wants another co-worker to be mad at them, you know, we’re all people.
Darryl Praill: So, you can approach it. It’s not what you say, as much as it is how you say it. So, there’s a life lesson, right? Whether you’re in sales, this exact same way, in sales you can ask for the price and say, how much money you got, or you can say, you know, what’s this worth to you and what’s the benefit of it?
Darryl Praill: Same question, do you have the budget, but you deliver the message differently, it’s received differently. And what I always find amazing is that his first reaction in which is totally youth related, is to say, yeah, okay.
Darryl Praill: And he won’t do it. And so, we’ll have to often revisit it two or three times before he finally gets up the courage to do it and ultimately it always ends well and then I take credit for it and he says it was all him and then we trash talk, and we talk sports.
Darryl Praill: That’s what we, you know, that’s what guys do. But the point I observed as a parent, is how he is avoiding conflict. Why? Why is he avoiding conflict? Well, it really goes back to sales, he’s avoiding rejection. What if I approached them, and they reject me? Well, that sucks, doesn’t it? No one wants to be rejected.
Darryl Praill: You see, why I bring this up is because I see this in him and I know there’s so many of you out there who have this fear of rejection from prospects and clients, and it’s limiting you, it’s stopping you from being successful. And you know, it’s totally reasonable, do not feel bad about it, but do own it.
Darryl Praill: That’s kind of my thought. And there’s lots of ways to cope with it, lots of ways to deal with it, lots way to recognize it, lots of way to work around it. But you know what, that’s not my expertise, I can barely coach my son. So, who is the right person to talk about how to overcome fear of rejection from prospects and clients?
Welcome, Andrea Waltz
Darryl Praill: Well, my friends, that would be, Andrea Waltz. Do you know her? Do you follow her? If not, the usual story, do it, go follow her, check her out, LinkedIn, Twitter, website. She’s with Courage Crafters. And they are the Creators and Authors of “Go for No!,” so GoForNo.com, you check that out. But Andrea Waltz is going to talk to us today about how to overcome fear of rejection from prospects and clients. Andrea, welcome to the show, my friend.
Andrea Waltz: I am so glad to be with you today, Darryl.
Darryl Praill: Oh, my gosh, you know, everybody says that but then afterwards they hang up on me and they say, Darryl was a total doofus, what a disappointment. It’s okay you can just lead with that idea. The audience will actually nod their heads and agree with you, just so we’re clear on that. So, what part of the country am I finding you in today?
Andrea Waltz: I am in sunny Orlando, Florida.
Darryl Praill: I’m not bitter at all is I’m here in snow-filled Ottawa, Canada.
Andrea Waltz: No.
Darryl Praill: So, there we go. Okay, so we’re going to stop talking about weather and we’re going to talk about you and how to overcome fear of rejection. So, how did you become so well versed in this? What’s your story, Andrea?
The Story Behind “Go For No”
Andrea Waltz: Well, we wrote “Go for No!” 20 years ago, actually, when my husband and I launched our company in 1998, we were training retail organizations at that time, and of all of the things that we would teach, sales, Customer Service, Management, philosophies, “Go for No!” was the thing that resonated with people more than anything else.
Andrea Waltz: And so, we ended up writing the book and realized that actually, “Go for No!” solves a problem that everyone has in every business and every industry, whether you’re an actor going out for an audition, salesperson, writer, it doesn’t matter.
Andrea Waltz: And so, we since, retooled our business in 2007, became Courage Crafters and ever since, I wake up every day figuring out how I can help people reprogram the way they think about failure, rejection, and hearing the word no in their business.
Darryl Praill: So, what I love about this. I mean, think about these guys, their company name is Courage Crafters because it takes courage to overcome rejection, and it’s all about. Then she’s telling you to go for the no.
Darryl Praill: So, we’re going to drill down on that but what I do want to talk about is, you know, guys, I don’t think we’ve ever actually had an episode that’s been solely focused on the fear of rejection. We’ve talked about it, you know cold callings, challenges, what if there’s rejection, but this one today is all about rejection.
Darryl Praill: So, if this is something that you can relate to, great, but if you got a colleague or co-worker that can relate to that, you know, feel free to share this with them too. So, let’s start talking about it.
Darryl Praill: I know for me, when I first started with the sales mag, I was selling photocopiers going door-to-door, and then that was very, whoof, eash, talk about learning from the school of hard knocks, and then you know there was a, you know.
Darryl Praill: Fast forward, I was selling software and just doing cold calls from the phone. Both of those scenarios, rejection was just killing me. How do I get past that reluctance I was having to do my job to hit my number?
Andrea Waltz: Right, well first of all we have to cover the idea of what does, “Go for No!” mean actually because it sounds, I think for a lot of people in sales, they think, “Go for No!” that’s the last thing I want to get is more no’s, I want to get more yeses. And of course yes is the destination but no is how you get there.
Andrea Waltz: So, the whole premise of “Go for No!” is to intentionally increase your failure rate to intentionally go out and hear no’s more often, so that you build your skills, you build your confidence, and you find those yeses.
Andrea Waltz: But the call reluctance really starts, and the problem really starts because we have all been taught and trained to avoid hearing no, to avoid failure, avoid rejection, and actually, and that is kind of the old mental model.
[bctt tweet=”The problem really starts because we have all been taught and trained to avoid hearing no, to avoid failure, avoid rejection. 🎧 Listen as @GoForNo explains how to deal with the old mental model of not hearing a NO. #SalesCall #B2BSales” username=”VanillaSoft”]
Andrea Waltz: So, in our book we have two models. And basically, it starts off, you’re in the middle, success, the yeses, are on one side, failure, rejection, hearing no’s on the other side, and we do everything within our power to avoid that.
Andrea Waltz: Really what we need to do is, we are on one side of this model rejection, the no’s, the failures are in the middle, and the success that we’re seeking, the yeses, are really on the other side.
Andrea Waltz: And so, it’s adopting that mental model, I think that’s so important, so that we can, when we start doing the “Go for No!” process, when we start hearing more no’s, people don’t give up. So, that is a really important foundational idea there.
Darryl Praill: So, what jumps out at me was when you described your model, it’s completely different than how I was visualizing the model, so tell me if I’m normal or not.
Darryl Praill: So, in my view of the world, like, I’m going to pick up this phone, and either it’s going to take a left turn and be rejection or it’s going to take a right turn and it’s going to be success, but I’m in the middle.
Darryl Praill: But what you just described was, no-no-no, I’m at the start, and then there’s rejection and then there’s success. So, what I’m hearing you say is, we have to walk through that fear of rejection, and it might or may not happen before we could ever get to success, rejection is inherently part of the process, am I getting that right?
Andrea Waltz: Absolutely. It is and you can’t bypass it. And I think a lot of people, especially in sales, you know, we do things, we have a lot of protective mechanisms to avoid that failure. So, a lot of assumptions, these people are just going to say, no, this company doesn’t have the budget, whatever.
Andrea Waltz: And so, we protect, use those things to protect ourselves from that failure, from that rejection. We actually have to embrace that and seek it out and get the answers, right, in other words “Go for No!” could be a no in order to really make the progress that we want to make.
The Mental Model Behind Facing Rejection in Sales
Darryl Praill: So, you made reference a few seconds ago, talking about changing your mental model of failure and success. So, I guess I’m thinking, what is my mental model? I don’t know if I have one, but to me, I think failure is uncomfortable, rejection I don’t like it because I want people to like me, success is good.
Darryl Praill: I would rather gravitate towards success, but I would really avoid failure. So, how do I change my mental model. So, I don’t, because I’m obviously my approach is the wrong approach.
Andrea Waltz: Right, well, not entirely. I mean, but this is, it’s common. I mean, this is where we have all kind of been, again, we’ve been taught and trained to do that and so really what it comes down to is giving yourself permission to fail, seeing the value of those rejections, and the value of no, as opposed to not asking the question, not picking up the phone, not making progress with that potential customer. And so, that in that is really where the failure comes.
Darryl Praill: All right. So, I’m just, I’m listening to you and I’m thinking of another guest we’ve had on the pod before, a guy named Benjamin Dennehy, I’ve talked about him before. But he made a really important point to me one time on the show, where he said, you’re wired as a kid, to be polite, to not interrupt, to be respectful.
Darryl Praill: That’s what mom and dad taught you, and they chastise you if you didn’t do that. And now, as adults, we’re effectively being told to ignore all that advice, in the pursuit of our sales career, and to expect, change our mental model that there’s going to be failure, and we have to accept that, before you know, and just kind of discard all that stuff we were taught, and that baggage, because that’s the nature of the beast. In your opinion, because this is what you do, is there truth in that statement?
Andrea Waltz: Oh, absolutely. We fundamentally have to re-craft what we’ve been taught. And we have two issues, this is kind of nature and nurture because we’re biologically wired to not be rejected.
Andrea Waltz: Nobody, you know, thousands of years ago, you did not want to get thrown out of the tribe, that would be very bad, right, you’re then foraging on your own and you’re probably going to die.
Andrea Waltz: And so, some people, you know, they see getting rejected, as they get that rejection, they get that no, and the brain, because the brain is trying to protect us, has us living under the freeway overpass in a matter of seconds, right, that that is the catastrophizing that goes on.
Andrea Waltz: And so, in today’s world though, it’s actually the opposite, where we have to move through those no’s, figure out what we’re going to do with them, like, get to no and then say, what’s my next move? I’m not going to avoid this situation, I’m going to pursue these opportunities, pursue this situation and move through it. So, we’re fighting that brain, we’re fighting, kind of, that people pleasing mindset.
Andrea Waltz: Also, I think a lot of salespeople, they don’t want to be seen as aggressive or pushy, and that’s definitely not what the “Go for No!” Philosophy is about, we’re not saying, you know, hey, we’re going to do whatever it takes, we’re going to force you and twist your arm to say, yes, but it does come down to having the courage to ask the questions and present the opportunity and present, you know, the product and the service, so that you have a chance to get those answers rather than talking yourself out of it, and then always kind of having a mediocre sales career, because you’re never putting yourself in a position to fail, you’re never willing to risk, you’re never willing to kind of go that extra mile.
Darryl Praill: All right, so, Andrea’s going to tell us how to overcome all this momentarily. Once you do this, you will be set for life and life will be grand, you’ll hit your quota every time, guaranteed, Andrea assures me of that. To learn how that’s going to happen, stay tuned, we’re going to go to our brief commercial break, we’ll be right back.
Darryl Praill: All right, so on the break, I was thinking about my wife. My wife has a massive, like, over the top fear of snakes. And it’s crazy, right, if a commercial comes on or a TV show comes on and there’s a flash of a snake, she’s like, freaking out. And it’s not funny, I’ve learned to tease her with pretend snakes, it doesn’t go over well. Just leave it at that.
How To Confront Your Fears?
Darryl Praill: But that’s not too far off of our fear of rejection. So, they say making you have a fear, you’re supposed to confront it. Is that the same here? Do I need to see and experience, no, more often to overcome this fear? Like I guess, I throw it up, I get that out there. Is that what I have to do?
Andrea Waltz: Yeah, absolutely. In fact, one of the strategies we suggest is to set what we call, no goals. So, instead of just setting a typical, yes goal, so some people might say, I want to get four appointments this month. What we say is, instead of worrying about getting your four yeses, why don’t you set a goal to get 10 no’s or 50 no’s?
Andrea Waltz: And when you are in that process, what happens is you take this idea and you make it very behavioral focus. That’s what “Go for No!” is all about. It’s about getting into action. And so, when you think about, well, how am I going to reach my sales quota this month, and Darryl, I did not guarantee that.
Darryl Praill: I may have lied. I may have lied.
Andrea Waltz: Okay. Yeah, we come back to that, yeah. Revisit that topic. But what happens is, instead of just saying, get four yeses, and then what most salespeople do, is they get their four yeses and then they stop all productivity for the rest of the week or rest of the month, it’s I’m going to get 50 no’s, let’s say.
Andrea Waltz: And so, you might get your four yeses the very first week of the month, now you’ve got three weeks to continue to go for no, quote-unquote, get the no goal that you set, and simultaneously give yourself an opportunity to get more yeses.
Andrea Waltz: So, that is a very behavioural way to put “Go for No!” into action, and when we focus on behaviors, it is kind of the mindset that changes on the back end.
Andrea Waltz: That is though, why I mentioned this failure model, is because when you start going for no and you start putting and setting your no goals and doing these things, your brain might say, holy cow, no, this is wrong, this doesn’t make sense.
Andrea Waltz: Yes it does, this is the new mental model, which all great business people operate from. That they don’t shy away from failure and they don’t run from rejection, they move through it.
[bctt tweet=”This is the new mental model, which all great business people operate from. That they don’t shy away from failure and they don’t run from rejection, they move through it. Says @GoForNo #B2BSales #SalesLeaders” username=”VanillaSoft”]
Darryl Praill: So what I really like what you just said is, you know, I’ve talked many times on many pods before about the power of mindset and how important it is. But what I heard you just say, this is me speaking, hopefully many can relate. I’m a bit competitive, you know, for those, you may be shocked, all, to learn that, I’m a bit competitive, and I’m mostly competitive with myself, right?
Darryl Praill: So, when I’m working, dialing, reaching out, engaging, going for yeah, I’m going for yes. So, when I get a no, I’m P-O’d, I’m frustrated, I’m angry, I’m disappointed, I’m exasperated, I am all of that, right, and it’s, ugh. But you said, you need to “Go for No!” So, you’ve changed the rules of the game. This is Darryl speak. Okay, now, I’m not going for yes, I’m going for no.
Darryl Praill: And when they say, no, yes that’s another no, check. And the goal is 10 or 20 or 50 or whatever, I’m going for that goal, how many no’s can I get today? And if they say yes, oh, okay, shift, that’s a bonus, I wasn’t going for yes, I was going for no.
Darryl Praill: That mindset for me, has a dramatic impact, I can get that because now I’ve given myself permission so when they get it, I don’t feel frustrated or angry at myself, or that I dropped the ball, I feel like, I’ve got another no. That’s my immediate reaction when I heard you say that.
Setting A “NO” Goal Helps
Andrea Waltz: Yeah, absolutely. And a very good friend of ours told me a funny story. He called me one time and he said, it was Friday afternoon and he had set a no goal of 10 for that week, he had nine.
Andrea Waltz: He had a guy that he’d been calling on for a couple years, who was always kind of putting him off and always telling him no and he realized that this would be the perfect opportunity to get his 10th no, to call this guy on this Friday, late Friday afternoon, and just check in, and get his 10th no.
Andrea Waltz: And he says, Andrea, I called this guy and I said hey, just checking in, I’m sure you’re probably not ready to sign up right now. And the guy said, Mike, I’m so glad that you called, yes, let’s do this thing. And Mike said, I didn’t know how to feel it was kind of–
Darryl Praill: Yes.
Andrea Waltz: Kind of weird. Yeah, because I didn’t get my, I didn’t get my 10th no but I got the yes from this prospect that I had been going after for a couple years. And that is kind of a funny thing.
Andrea Waltz: And I do also want to just add in here, this is not about like sabotaging yourself, if somebody actually calls you back and says, I’m ready to do business, you don’t hang up the phone, right, it’s not about, we’re not like.
Andrea Waltz: Sometimes people here “Go for No!” and they think, well, that’s crazy, you know, I want yes. Of course you want yes, and ultimately yes is what we’re all striving for. The idea is, don’t fall into the trap that we all fall into as salespeople, where we make assumptions, we come up with excuses, we do all of this stuff, in order to avoid no’s, that is kind of the go for it part.
Darryl Praill: So, one that jumps to mind is that, you know, mindset is a challenging thing, right, many people can’t just, it’s not on or off. So, there’s going to be, for many of us, is back and forth, you know, almost a roller coaster of, I’m yes, I’m no, I’m yes, I’m no. That roller coaster effect, I assume has an impact on our success, does it not?
Andrea Waltz: Absolutely. The roller coaster, the emotional roller coaster, that we end up on really comes about because of two things. How we will respond to that no. In other words, what do we say to ourselves mentally and what action do we take next? So, if you get a no, what’s your response, initially?
Andrea Waltz: Do you think in that moment? Are you are you saying, wow, I’m so frustrated? Or I’m not cut out for this. Or what have you. Are you saying all of those negative things. And then, what’s your next move in terms of action? Is this the moment you get that big no and you say, I’m done for the day, like I am done.
Andrea Waltz: And the next day you come in and you find all kinds of excuses not to prospect, and so another day goes by. Those responses really are what put you on the yes/no emotional roller coaster, where yes is great, no is horrible, you have all these negative reactions, and it doesn’t allow you to be consistent or productive.
Andrea Waltz: That’s why setting no goals keeps you in activity, and the final piece is really to celebrate those no’s when you do get them, to kind of eve, the goal is to even out your emotional reaction.
[bctt tweet=”That’s why setting no goals keeps you in activity, and the final piece is really to celebrate those no’s when you do get them and the goal is to even out your emotional reaction. 🎧 Listen as @GoForNo speaks about handling NOs in your life. #SalesLife #B2BSales” username=”VanillaSoft”]
Darryl Praill: If I am on that roller coaster, and I make that next call, am I, I can’t be optimal, I can’t be on my game talking with that next prospect, I’m assuming, it’s got to have an effect on how that next call, that next call, plays out, does it not?
Andrea Waltz: It does and this is something that takes probably the longest to reprogram, because remember, we talked about biologically wired. So, there’s always that sting, but when you start to value that no and then you start to, not only figure out how am I going to respond, I’m going to start responding differently. How we do that is, first, think differently about the no.
Andrea Waltz: So, it’s not the end of the road, here’s my next move, here’s what I’m going to do with that no, so there’s value in it, and then from there it’s, how does that then affect your emotions? When you are thinking correctly about the no and you have a plan in place for dealing with those no’s, then your emotions start to get on a more even keel.
Andrea Waltz: And you’re right, Darryl, you don’t want to necessarily pick up the phone if you’re on tilt. So, the idea is, can you celebrate the no, can you find value in it, can you figure out what your next step is? So, that you don’t go the next day or week, you know, without picking up the phone, so that you’re ready and that you are on optimal, you don’t want to be on tilt, because that last no has nothing to do with the next thing.
Andrea Waltz: But sometimes I think salespeople, you know, it’s kind of like a baseball player, like all of a sudden, you can get in a slump, right? Just like you can get on a hot streak. So, it’s important to recognize, hey, this next interaction is completely fresh, it has nothing to do with the last one.
Darryl Praill: So, I’ve heard you talk, a couple times about, we have to value the no, playing devil’s advocate. I get it.
Andrea Waltz: Yeah.
Darryl Praill: But, but there’s always the but, right? But if I get the no, sure I got the no, I’m going for no, I want to get 10, yay, I got a no. But at the same time, that means that prospect, who I thought was really good prospect is possibly dead. So, are they dead? Or should I value the no if that means I’ve just lost another possible prospect, which means my pool that I get my number just shrunk? Talk to me.
Andrea Waltz: Yeah, first of all, love Devil’s Advocate, like, all day long. Yes. Keep challenging me. Yeah, so, the whole idea here, I think is that we all know that, I think for most salespeople, there’s all kinds of prospects and leads in the pipeline that are really dead leads already.
Andrea Waltz: And so, we’re just lying to ourselves. So, if we actually get that no, that is absolutely a good thing. But also remember, the value is, what is my next move and what strategies can I employ? So, is this a no, never? And if it is a no, never, then hey, you just freed up a ton of potential time, energy, that you will have spent on this prospect that now you’re going to save and you’re going to go after more qualified prospects.
Andrea Waltz: So, there is value inherently in that, or secondarily, is this just a no for now, it’s not a no for never. We need to figure that out, and what does that look like, and what does that sales cycle look like, and when can you check back, and what value can you offer, so that you continue to build that relationship so that no does turn into a yes, in the future.
How to be Persistent for That “Yes”
Darryl Praill: All right, so if I want to get that yes, because I ultimately do want that yes, how do I be persistent, I guess, without being pushy or being aggressive, because I really ultimately want the yes. Like, can I do that, or do I just embrace the no and say, it is what it is.
Andrea Waltz: Well, you have to make a decision, right? Every time you’re in that position and you get that no, you have to decide, how far do I want to go? And the trick is that there is a line, I think for a lot of people, I mean, if everybody has their line. And unfortunately for every prospect it’s different, it’s completely invisible.
Andrea Waltz: So, we never know where it is and when we’re crossing that line. Most people, I think, stay so far back that they rarely cross that line. And so, it would probably be, I think it’s the rare person, who hears over and over, like, you’re being too, you’re too persistent, you’re too this, you’re too that.
Andrea Waltz: Most people give up way too soon. From an aggressive standpoint, I think that this is definitely not about being aggressive whatsoever. The kind of aggressive mindset is the go for yes, I’m going to sell you at any cost, I don’t care if this product or service is right for you, I’m going to twist your arm.
Andrea Waltz: That’s kind of that old go for yes, sales mentality. The go for no is, what I’m going to do, is at every turn not give up on you, if I think that you are the ideal prospect, highly qualified, I’m going to continue to offer value to you when I can. And knowing that at some point, this no could turn into yes. I think that’s that positive persistence that we do need to have.
Darryl Praill: All right folks. I’m looking at Amazon right now. “Go for No!“, five stars, not 4.2, not 3.8, five stars on Amazon, massive number of reviews. I’m telling you, invest in yourself. We’ve talked about, you got to learn to earn, good example here, invest in yourself, go do that.
Darryl Praill: Now, if you like Andrea, guess what? Not like and you follow her on LinkedIn and Twitter, she will be speaking in Atlanta, May 5th-8th at the Outbound Conference, 18 speakers, just 18 speakers, thousands of people. The industry’s biggest outbound centric show. No vendor bias, no product pitches, just raw real stuff. Andrea, are you pumped? This is year number two for you there, right?
Andrea Waltz: It is, I’m so excited. Last year was amazing and I didn’t know if I was coming back or not and then the guys invited me back and I’m so thrilled because it was definitely one of the funnest conferences and such amazing speakers. I was in awe; I was sitting in the back of the room learning so much myself. So, it’s fabulous.
Darryl Praill: It’s true, even when you’re there, you’re like, I can’t believe I’m surrounded by all these people here and all the knowledge we’re learning, we’re hearing and learning. For that reason, VanillaSoft, Title Sponsor of the show because that’s exactly what we do. Andrea, thank you for your time today. I had a blast. Any final words of wisdom, any pitches, anything you want to share with the audience?
Andrea Waltz: Oh gosh, so much, Darryl, we could talk for hours on this. But I would just say, you know, “Go for No!” in your life, like try it out. If you want an upgrade to the next time you get on the airplane and you want to try to get into first class or the next time you check into a hotel, say, hey do you have, you know, an upgrade? Practice your courage, practice using this skill of asking because that’s, of course, what sales is all about. You can do it everywhere, all the time.
Darryl Praill: That wraps another episode, folks, of Inside, Inside Sales. I’m Darryl Praill, I’ll see you next week. Take care, bye-bye.