How are you at prospecting? Do you have an idea of who you want to target? Do you rely too heavily on inbound or outbound leads? Are you struggling with which criteria to use to find the perfect prospect?
In this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, we continue our series with the founders of the wildly successful OutBound Conference as Darryl speaks with the one and only Mark “The Sales” Hunter. Darryl and Mark discuss ways to help you determine how to find your perfect prospect. They go over the importance of your messaging as well as the medium you are using. Darryl and Mark also go over how impactful it is to have a separate cadence for different targets, as well as advice on using your ICP to better understand your prospect’s pains. Learn how to grow your list of prospects on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!
Host: Darryl Praill, VanillaSoft
Guest: Mark Hunter, TheSalesHunter.com
Hunting The Perfect Prospect
Darryl Praill: It’s another episode, folks. I’m here, I’m here. I made it, I made it, I made it. It’s been crazy today. I think I said last episode it was crazy. You see the theme here. My life is getting crazy. It’s getting crazy, in full disclosure, as we get closer and closer to the OutBound Conference.
Darryl Praill: By now, you guys know that we’re the title sponsor of OutBound, and you see us plugging it, and the reason, if you’re wondering why, I don’t know if I’ve actually shared this publicly, if you’re wondering why we sponsored it or why we’re plugging it, it’s really straightforward. It’s because we love the premise, philosophically we love the premise of the show. It’s like sales, at its heart, is about outbound.
Darryl Praill: If you’re just living on inbound leads and you’re just closing deals that way, some might argue, for some of you, that you’re an order taker, and I’ll take orders five days a week, Monday to Friday and take the commission and say, “Thank you very much,” but sales, truly, is the essence of outbound, going out and proactively seeking the individual you want to sell to for whatever reason that might be, the right persona, the right ideal customer profile, you want to get market shares, if you want to get certain named accounts because they change the world.
Darryl Praill: If you get those named accounts, then the rest just fall like dominoes. It’s all really, outbound to me is the epitome of how do you find who to prospect to? What are the tips and tricks I need to equip myself? And then once I connect with them, what do I do to move that deal through the pipeline?
Darryl Praill: The nice thing about the show, we are the title sponsor, I share that because we have zero influence on the content, we have zero influence on the speakers. I’ve had a lot of people reach out to me and say, “Hey, can I speak at the show?” and I’m like, “I don’t know. “You should go ask them because I have no influence,” and it’s crazy, right?
Darryl Praill: And then, “Hey, can I get involved? “Can I sponsor? “Can I get my brand in there somehow?” I said, “I don’t know. “Let me introduce you to the same people I talked to.” So, we have zero influence. They just took my money and said, “Thank you very much,” but that all said, they’re great guys.
Darryl Praill: One of the benefits of sponsoring the show, you may have figured out by now is we get to bring you guys all these really cool speakers. Not that they wouldn’t speak to us before, although between you and I would you speak to me?
Darryl Praill: I get it, but they agree to come and join us on the show because they do get a chance to plug for the show and I love them because they’re so good, but it truly is how do you find another prospect? It’s funny, I look at that whole premise of, “How do I find who to prospect?” and when I sort of hear VanillaSoft, you may find this bizarre, because I’m a marketing guy, not a sales guy by trade and everyday craft and discipline, but I too had to find out who to prospect. What do I mean by that?
Darryl Praill: Well, when I got here, let’s just say our brand wasn’t as prolific as we would have liked it to be, and people weren’t talking about us as much as we would like them to talk about us. We weren’t always in the top conversation, which is a shame because we’re probably the oldest sales engagement platform, and perhaps just the most conservatively run.
Darryl Praill: We haven’t raised 250 million dollars give or take that my competitors have that allows me to make a lot of noise. I’m guessing you can relate to that. I’m guessing for many of you out there, you’re listening to the show and you may not be the top brand in your industry. You may compete with somebody who’s more significant, who casts a shadow upon the industry or upon you and makes it hard to be heard.
Darryl Praill: So if you’re like me, when I began this, I had to figure out, I had to prospect, if you will, the right influencers, the right opinion shapers, the right noise makers to physically align myself with, convince them of my value prop, and get them to agree to work with me in some way that was a win-win, right? Because every time you’re selling the intention is a win-win.
Darryl Praill: You get the deal, but they get resolution to their pain because of what you’re offering, and I had to do that. So, I had to prospect, and you may think this is silly, but for me, let’s use an example, I’ll use an example, like Keenan. I’ll use Keenan as an example.
Darryl Praill: It could be anybody. Keenan didn’t know who I was, and I had to get in front of him and get a conversation with him. This is a man, as one example, who commands great interest, great attention in the sense that people want to talk to him, they want to work with him, so why me? Why me versus anybody else?
Darryl Praill: So, I had a name, I had to identify my named accounts, then I had to figure out the multiple different channels I was going to use to pursue him, and then when I finally got that moment, I finally connected, I had to make that impression quick and dirty to actually work together.
Darryl Praill: So, this is where it’s ironic that sales and marketing in many ways, they do overlap on these areas, on how do you find who to prospect, and then what’s the process you follow? So, I feel your pain. I don’t carry a bag anymore, but I still do have to do the exact same thing. I just don’t get the benefit of the commission check that you get.
Darryl Praill: So, I thought to myself, let’s revisit that topic. Let’s revisit how do you find who to prospect, and then I said, “Okay, who’s the right guy?” and of course, who’s the right guy who’s supporting the show, OutBound?
Welcome Mark Hunter
Darryl Praill: And I said, “Well, clearly “one of the original, “one of the founders of the show “is Mark the Sales Hunter.” He’s a sales hunter, emphasis on the word hunter, Mark, hunter, sales, hunter. He knows about how do you find the right person to prospect. Mark, welcome to the show, my friend.
Mark Hunter: Thank you for having me on and I think you’ve done enough of a show right there. Oh, and I feel your pain, you are a marketing person who doesn’t get to take home the commission check. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Maybe you just got to get over to the right side and get over to sales, that’s all.
Darryl Praill: Yeah, but if I was the right side in sales, I wouldn’t be able to hang out with wannabe pretenders like you, right? So, now I get this joy.
Mark Hunter: Oh.
Darryl Praill: Oh, oh.
Mark Hunter: Wow.
Mark Hunter: Man, wow. This is going deep fast. Okay, here we go, kids. Man. Man.
Darryl Praill: I got to ask a question. Before we get into the whole conversation about how do you find who to prospect, you’re one of the founders of the show. How did this come to be? What’s the story? I’ve been asked that by a lot of people, and why is it called OutBound?
Mark Hunter: Well, how it came about was really a bunch of us just got together on the phone, we just began talking on the phone, and sharing ideas, sharing ideas about sales. Sales is not a solo activity. Sales is a team sport, and Anthony, myself, and several others, Jeb Blount and some others, and then from that we just began doing a couple webinars.
Mark Hunter: We just began doing a couple webinars. So, that was cool, and we got some sponsors, and suddenly we said, “Wow, “we can actually do a live event,” and then, “Hey, OutBound. “That’s a cool name. “Domain name’s available. “Let’s by it.” Boom, that’s how it came to be, and then we got together, we did a little schtick together under a different name. Then, we grabbed the name OutBound, we did an event in Atlanta, and let’s see, coming up, this’ll be the fourth one.
Mark Hunter: Over 1000 people. Last year, we had people from 17 countries there. The best way to describe it, it is Cirque du Soleil takes over a rock show to disrupt a sales meeting, and it is that intense. There’s no pitching, there’s no selling from the stage, so it’s not like, “Oh, get your credit card out. “Buy.” No, no. None of that. This is pure content.
Mark Hunter: It is the sales event, and it’s probably why we probably have about 30% of our audience comes back every year because it’s so much great content from the stage, from the breakout sessions, from everything we do. It’s power.
Darryl Praill: Cirque du Soleil takes over a rock show, takes over a sales event. So, what I’m hearing you say, Cirque du Soleil is Canadian. A rock star, I’ll use everybody’s favorite rockstar, like Nickelback, for example, a good Canadian act, but we can go with Rush or anybody else you want. So, what I’m really hearing you say is this show is a Canadian venue, Canadian event, located in Atlanta. Am I getting that right?
Mark Hunter: Just like the Stanley Cup.
Darryl Praill: That’s not held by a Canadian team. We won’t go there.
Mark Hunter: I know, that’s what I mean. It’s Canadian players owned by U.S. teams. So, I’m just saying.
Darryl Praill: Okay, okay, okay. Well then, I’m going to stop there. I’m going to stop there. I want to talk about how do you find who to prospect? Now, I got some things I want to talk about, but we can go in any direction you want here.
Darryl Praill: So, feel free to go off course, which I know you love doing to me anyway. So, the first question I have for you, and full disclosure, guys, the question we’re going to have today is not unlike all the questions we’ve had right here at VanillaSoft. So, this is actually a really near and dear conversation for me, and I’ll start off the first one.
Inbound Versus Outbound Leads in Sales
Darryl Praill: The first one I have is the whole premise of inbound versus outbound. So, if you talk about how-do-you-find who to prospect, that implies I’m doing outbound, but I’ve got my sales reps saying, “Darryl, you’re not sending me “enough inbound leads.” So, there’s tension there with me saying, “I’ll feed you, “but you got to learn how to feed yourself, too.” So, maybe talk to me a bit about that.
Mark Hunter: Well, I could run for an hour right here. First of all, sales cannot rely on marketing for their leads, okay? It’s great that marketing can supply leads. I got nothing wrong with that, but who closes the deal? It’s sales, so sales is going to understand best who the right lead is. Now, let’s break down this whole inbound deal.
Mark Hunter: Inbound leads have depreciating value. They have depreciating value, and just because it’s an inbound lead doesn’t mean it’s worth anything. Let me tell you something. An inbound lead just means it’s somebody who has a heartbeat, and my dog has got a heartbeat. Okay, but my dog isn’t buying anything from me.
Mark Hunter: So, sorry. It’s just not going to happen. So, you have to look at this. Leads that come from marketing, this is going to be painful, I look at them as really nothing more than names. They’re MQL. They’re marketing qualified leads to one degree or another, but they’re not SQL, they’re not sales qualified leads, and what many times happens is we have to realize who is our perfect persona? Who is our perfect customer? What do they look like? What’s the outcome?
Mark Hunter: I like to use the word avatar, but I know I use the word avatar and then people go wonky. They don’t understand what that means. It’s if you were to describe a picture of who your perfect, well, for instance, if I were to describe my perfect marketing person, it would be Darryl with the loud jacket, the hair standing up.
Mark Hunter: That would be him, but see, that’s what you got to get. You really have to define, but here’s the whole thing. Don’t define your perfect customer first by the type of company they’re in or business they’re in or where they live. No, no, no. Define in by the outcome. What is the outcome that you help them with? Because here’s the whole thing. So many customers, if you think about this, customers tend not to buy your product for everything that you offer. You may offer a product or a service.
[bctt tweet=”Don’t define your perfect customer first by the type of company they’re in or business they’re in or where they live. NO. Define in by the outcome. 🎧 Listen as @TheSalesHunter explains who your perfect prospect is. #B2BSales #Prospecting” username=”VanillaSoft”]
Mark Hunter: They don’t buy it for 100% of the features. They probably buy it for one or two, and what happens many times is that we confuse them because we throw at them everything. So, what I want to do is I want to break down my personas by what are the outcomes? What are the individual benefits, the individual features, pieces of what I sell? That’s what’s going to help me narrow down who I’m going to be prospecting with.
Darryl Praill: So, let’s give an example of that. And for clarity, I have no problem with Avatar. I think it was a great movie, but people may also be talking about, as you said, persona or ideal customer profile, or basically, who the hell is it you’re targeting, folks? So, Mark makes a great point. I’ll use VanillaSoft as an example.
Darryl Praill: I’ll be the sacrificial individual here. We have probably four personas that we target. There’s probably actually a lot more, but let’s just stick with the four. We have the executive in charge of marketing, the executive in charge of sales, and then we have it’s called a practitioner, an ops person, a sales ops person, and a marketing ops person, all right?
Darryl Praill: So, the executives, of course, they own the budget, they’re tasked with the big vision, they’re tasked with the ROI, they’re tasked with achieving the big goals, the big, hairy, audacious goals, but the ops people are the ones who are in the soup, the mucky, messy soup of actually using the tools and making sure they’re employed, and fixing, and calling tech support, whatever it might be.
Darryl Praill: The execs aren’t. Very different needs, wants and desires. Our solution at VanillaSoft can help all four of those, but if I go right down the middle, what I say to a marketer is going to be very different than what I say to a sales person, and then what I say to an executive is going to be very different from what I say to an ops person, all right?
Darryl Praill: So now, I can have a very specific message for a marketing ops person, and a very different message for sales ops person, and different again for a sales exec, and different again for a marketing executive. If you know your ideal profile, then from that you can figure out their pains and their issues, and now you can start building your list, and maybe that’s a great place to go to is, “Okay, how do we build our list?” but I’m going to tease you. I’m not going to answer that, but when we come back, Mark will. Don’t go anywhere.
How do you Find the Perfect Prospect?
Darryl Praill: Okay, Mark. I put you on the spot. I said when we came back you would tell us just simply if I need to know who to prospect. You said know my avatar, know my persona, know my ideal customer profile. Great, I now know it. Now, how do I build my list?
Mark Hunter: Well, you just said something very key. You used different titles, see, for instance, and if I were to break apart my perfect customer by company, I’d be treating them all the same. You see, I have to have a separate cadence, a separate sequencing, a separate set of messaging for each one of those four that you just described, and yet, each one of those four might live within the same company.
Mark Hunter: So, my messaging for marketing all the way through has to be targeted against that specific person. So, what is it about? The executive that I’m reaching out to, I’m going to be reaching out to with a question or a statement that resonates more of a strategic value.
Mark Hunter: Down at the practitioner level, it’s going to be more tactically focused, and what does this also mean? At the CEO level, the C suite level, it’s going to be probably a longer time because it’s a longer decision-making process. Down at the practitioner level it’s an instant decision. So, what does this mean?
Mark Hunter: My whole prospecting has to be built around developing different strategies for each one of those four. Now, here’s where so many salespeople fall apart. They put the same frequency into each one of those four. False. The solo practitioner will, say, I might be able to reach out to every couple of days.
[bctt tweet=”Now, here’s where so many #salespeople fall apart. They put the same frequency into each one of those prospects. False! 🎧 Listen as @TheSalesHunter gives out tips & tricks to find the perfect prospect. #B2BSales #Prospecting” username=”VanillaSoft”]
Mark Hunter: That CEO that I’m reaching out to or that senior officer, I might only be able to reach out to every other week because they operate on different time frames. Here’s the other piece that comes into play, and that is the messaging and the medium. You see, the medium that it might use for the senior officer, I’m going to probably be using very short emails, very short emails, and yes, telephone.
Mark Hunter: For the solo practitioner, I might be able to use other mediums. I might be able to use social media because they happen to be on social media because they’re in a sales role. So, they’re out there on social media. I might be able to use text. If I try to use text to reach a senior officer, it’s going to be no. It’s not going to go anywhere.
Mark Hunter: See, so I have to craft my messaging around who it is I’m trying to go after, and that’s going to include the message, that’s going to include the medium, and that’s going to include the frequency, and that’s going to be very well defined.
Darryl Praill: So, I’m taking notes furiously here because I’m liking what you’re saying. When I know who to prospect, then I need to nail down my message and my medium. So, I’ll share a story on this. Another marketing almost sales story. Years ago, I was the CMO for a public safety company.
Darryl Praill: In other words, if you were to call 9-1-1 here in North America, because you had an emergency, the people who would answer that call, they actually have special hardware and special software. We manufactured, we created that hardware and software. Often, these are all staffed at the public safety access point, a piece app, and the people who led that were often ex-police or ex-fire or ex-medical personnel, they’d retired and taken this job, and I came in and I said, “These people, “do they read? “Do they have publications?
Darryl Praill: “Do they go online? “Are there websites they seek?” and the answer everybody told me in that company when I started there was, “No.” So, I said, “Okay. “So, I should not spend any money “on any kind of online paper click.” “Nope.” “Okay.” So then, I sent a survey out, every single one, the piece apps, 5500 at the time, I asked that very question, amongst other questions. Guess what.
Darryl Praill: Turns out they were all online. They were online different publications. That’s okay. So now, I understood where to go to find them, as an example, and I understood what they cared about. I did some research. That’s huge. Don’t make an assumption. Assumption is an input, but do some research, do some A-B testing.
Darryl Praill: Now Mark, you talked about the message and the medium was different depending on the role, the ICP, the avatar, the persona, as is the frequency. So, how do I build a list? Do I just go to a Zoom Info Discover org? Do I go to associations? Do I go to Linked In? Do I start screen scraping whatever I can find? Not that that’s legal. That’s a side bar. What do I do to build my list to get these people?
Mark Hunter: Well, I’m going to build my list in multiple ways. One of the first ways I’m going to do is I’m going to say, “Who are my existing customers “and where do they tend to live? “Where do they tend?” Just like you did.
Mark Hunter: Okay. So, you began probably marketing in some of those publications and you began then finding those people, and that’s what you’re going to do, and you just start drawing bigger circles that go a little round, little further out, little further out. One of the whole key things, in fact, I just wrote a blog post on this.
Mark Hunter: You want to take your perfect profile and you’re going to have all these traits that make up this perfect profile, this perfect customer. You never want to prospect anybody who is more than, well, that doesn’t line up with at least 75% of those traits. Here’s why. You start to get yourself sideways, and when you start to get yourself sideways you start to get into trouble and there’s a line I like to use.
Mark Hunter: I can’t take a Walmart shopper and make them a Nordstrom customer. You may have people who are responding to you, they may like what you have, but they don’t have the budget, they just aren’t there. So, I guess, say, very tight. So, what I’m going to do is I take this perfect profile and I begin drawing it out. Now, your reputation arrives before you do. Let’s not kid ourselves. So yes, I’m going to be putting things out on social media.
Mark Hunter: I’m going to be doing this. Now, solo-preneurs, be careful on this. You can sit there and say, “I’m going to spend 10 minutes a day “on social media,” and three days later, you still haven’t come up for air. You have to block your time. You have to block your time because I can be social media rich and hungry, and I see this happen with a lot of people.
Mark Hunter: They say I’m going to throw all my work into just creating this massive presence on social media, and you develop this big following and this big audience, but it’s not cashing in for you. So, you got to be very careful. So, what I’m going to do is I’m looking for different levels of customers, different levels of prospects, and as soon as I begin engaging, I’m going to start engaging.
Mark Hunter: So, I may only have 10 or 12 prospects, I may only have 15 or 20, and let me tell you something, it doesn’t take as many as you think because here’s the other rule I say. Don’t start what you can’t finish. You may have to be in a process where you need 15 to 20 contacts of this one person, attempts to reach this one person, but the problem is if you’ve got too many people in your pipeline, there’s no way you can maintain that.
Mark Hunter: So, what happens is you make three or four calls. Well, they haven’t responded, so they must not be interested. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. So, don’t start what you can’t finish. So really, what I say is it’s actually fewer than you believe it to be, but it’s keeping the frequency and the frequency of your messaging must be each message must deliver different value. What does this mean?
Mark Hunter: It’s a value-added statement or a value-added question that is going to be pertinent to them. I get bonus points if I can link that to time, if I can link that to something currently going on in their company, going on in their industry. Then, boom, it’s amazing. Right now, for instance, we have a situation where we have some issues in China regarding this virus that’s breaking out, and that’s going to start impacting companies, that’s going to start impacting company decisions.
Mark Hunter: So, think about this for a moment. Can I begin? Now, I’m not about playing off of problems for other people, but it does become problem for potential customers. See, so can I link something back to something happening right now? Creating time. Because if I can create urgency in my messages, it’s amazing how, again, it increases the likelihood of them being willing to engage with me.
Mark Hunter: One final thought and I’ll turn it back over to you. Don’t be gun shy. If you deliver six, eight, 10 messages to somebody and you haven’t heard a response, don’t be gun shy because you know what you’re doing? You’re still creating awareness. You’re creating awareness and it will break through, but you have to be patient.
Is your Prospect Not Getting Back to You ?
Darryl Praill: So, I’m going to hit on that, actually. One of the biggest things I hear a lot is people say, “Well, I know my ICP or my avatar. “I know them, and I built my list, “my list of target accounts I want to penetrate. “So, that’s my tier one list of accounts, “and I have a tier two list of accounts, “people who maybe have this pain “that fit my ideal customer profile, “revenue, employees, industry, et cetera, blah, blah, blah.
Darryl Praill: “So, I know all this, “but despite that, “I’m still struggling to prospect “because no one’s getting back to me,” and there’s two reactions that I have to say. One is chances are you’re giving up too soon, and you might say, “I did six times, Darryl, “or eight times,” and my comment is, “Well, that’s not enough.” Grant Cardone, whether you believe him or not, and I don’t agree with a lot of what Grant says personally, he will say you do it until they block you or they spam you.
Darryl Praill: So, that is one end of the spectrum of being extreme. The point is, you’re giving up too soon. That’s the first part. The second thing you need to evaluate, Mark talked about the message and the medium. If no one is responding to what you’re saying, there’s a good chance they don’t find what you’re saying interesting.
Mark Hunter: Spot on. Spot on. This is why you can’t sit there and say, “Gee, we’ve been in business for 25 years “and we’ve done.” Who cares? Who cares? Nobody woke up this morning and said, “Man, “I hope Darryl Praill reaches out and calls me today.” That doesn’t happen. Doesn’t even happen with Mark Hunter.
Mark Hunter: But people have got challenges. People have got problems. I’ve got prospecting calls that I’m going to be making this afternoon. I’m going to be making calls this afternoon, and it’s not going to be about, “Hey, I’m Mark Hunter.” No. It’s about their challenges, their issues. Yesterday, I was having lunch with a person who was VP of sales of a company and it wasn’t about me talking about how great we are.
Mark Hunter: No. I was talking to her about what are the challenges her company faces, and what she’s finding with their customers and so forth. The mark of a good prospector is one very simple measurement. How much of the time are they talking on a phone call versus how much of the time is the prospect talking? There’s a direct correlation. Direct correlation.
[bctt tweet=”The mark of a good prospector is one very simple measurement. How much of the time are they talking on a phone call vs how much of the time is the prospect talking? 🎧 Listen @TheSalesHunter as talks about the direct correlation b/w the two. #Prospecting ##SalesStrategy” username=”VanillaSoft”]
Darryl Praill: you the advice. There’s a correlation. But on tools, like a Refract or a Gong or a Chorus, they can actually help you measure that stuff. So, if you’re not sure if your message is resonating, for example, when you do have those conversations, that’s another tool available to you to help you understand what’s working and what’s not.
Darryl Praill: Lots of tools out there. One of the things I would suggest you do, ironically, this is not a plug, I just connected the dots myself right now is Mark, he has a book come out, he mentioned, called A Mind For Sale, which will be out, in fact, it’s out now. It’s his brand-new book. But his most recent book was High Profit Prospecting, where he gives you powerful strategies to find the best leads and drive breakthrough results.
Darryl Praill: So, before you get a mind for sales maybe you might want to try high profit prospecting. That’s my little plug, but better than all of those two books would be to see him, of course, at the Outbound Conference. If you go to OutBoundConference.com you’ll see the VanillaSoft logo there, life is good. Here’s a tip. You have two discount codes available to you. You can use one, VS100, VanillaSoft, VS100, that’ll save you some money, or Mark, I think you’ve got a code, too. Do you not?
Mark Hunter: I have one, but you know what? Just use the VS11.
Darryl Praill: Just use the VS11.
Mark Hunter: I want to give you guys the love. Hey, it doesn’t make a hill of beans anyway.
Darryl Praill: It doesn’t.
Mark Hunter: Whatever the code is.
Darryl Praill: I get, absolutely– I know, I’ve actually had a number of demand generation agencies call me and say, “We see you’re the sponsor. “How can we help you “drive bums in seats to the OutBound conference?” And I said, “I’m flattered, and I hope I can, “but I’m not being compensated or incentive “any shape or form to put bums in seats. “So, you should go talk to Mark the Sales Hunter “whereupon he will help you change your message “and be much better than that.”
Mark Hunter: And hey, can we do a quick thing there? It’s not like we’re struggling. No, this thing sells out every year. Every year, it’s sold out.
Darryl Praill: It does.
Mark Hunter: We’ve expanded the seating this year. This year, we’ve been able to get it up to 1250 people, and let me tell you something, all 1250 seats will be sold. It’s only a matter of how early it sells out.
Darryl Praill: So, there you have it, guys. Mark, thank you so much for your time today. Best way to reach you? [email protected] is the email, but hey, just go to TheSalesHunter.com. That’s the website. It’s all right there. The book, A Mind for Sales. That’s the new book out. Grab it.
Darryl Praill: The other thing you can do, of course, guys, follow him on LinkedIn and what you’ll do is you’ll be able to follow Mark’s travels because he is the man who’s known for posting non-stop videos from every single airport he’s at, and they’re always less than 30 seconds, and I tease him about the quality of his videos, but they’re actually good videos despite his production attempts.
Darryl Praill: We’ll leave it at that. That’s all I want to say, all right? I’m not judging. I’m not judging. Well, maybe I’m judging a little bit. In the meantime, that wraps up another episode of Inside Inside Sales. I want every single one of your right now just, when we’re done the podcast and it goes to silent, I want you to say to yourself, “Inside Inside Sales,” just like that and if you do that, I guarantee you, you will smile. My name is Darryl. I’ll talk to you soon. Take care, guys.