Lead Management

Don’t Let Your Leads Go Cold

Those ‘hot’ leads marketing gave you aren’t going to get any hotter. So make sure your team doesn’t let them go cold. We can help automate your sales process to ensure that reps contact the right leads, at the right time, with the right message.

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Trusted by Thousands of Businesses

Organize and Thrive

In order to successfully execute an inside sales campaign, organized and efficient lead management is essential. Without it, leads get lost in the shuffle, sales reps spend unnecessary time determining who to call next – and leads go cold. VanillaSoft’s user-friendly platform eliminates the guesswork, allowing your inside sales team to focus on closing deals.

Comprehensive Lead Management at Your Fingertips

VanillaSoft makes lead management simple with a full complement of solutions to boost productivity, including lead prioritization, email nurturing campaigns, logical branch scripting, call-activity dashboard, and flexible data management. With VanillaSoft, you can:

Product features to simplify your job

Lead Routing

Queue-based lead routing software gives you the shortest distance between a lead and the sale

Auto Dialing

Keep the calls rolling with autodialing. More calls and fewer mistakes lead to increased productivity.

Call Recording

Provide your reps with meaningful and actionable feedback through our call recording software


Our VoIP solution gives you enterprise-grade phone service built for any size business

Logical-Branch Scripting

Our scripting capabilities deliver dynamic messaging through every step of the sales cycle

Appointment Setting

Set more appointments with the most powerful appointment setting software on the market

Lead & Sales Tracking

Make revenue generating decisions easy with lead management software that gives you greater visibility into every lead

E-mail & SMS Marketing

Outreach automation for today’s inside sales teams with SMS and email

Sales Intelligence

Upload fresh prospects directly into your sales cadence from VanillaSoft’s database of over 40 million contacts.

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