We’ve all heard that having a polished online presence can often make the difference between success and failure. But what exactly are the benefits of personal branding?

This week on INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl is joined by 3 very special guests to discuss how important it is for sales professionals to have a quality personal brand. Josie Marshburn, the founder and CEO of Sales Enablement Benchmark, Kristina Jaramillo, the President of Personal ABM, and John Moore (aka “The Collaborator”) VP of Revenue Enablement at Bigtincan all join Darryl to hammer home the many benefits of leveraging your personal brand to earn greater success. They all share their expertise and wisdom on how to create your brand, the information you should use, as well as ways to build trust and engagement through your online profile. Learn how to improve your numbers through personal branding on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!




Host: Darryl PraillVanillaSoft

Guests: Kristina Jaramillo, Personal ABM

John Moore, Bigtincan

Josie Marshburn, Sales Enablement Benchmark


Darryl Praill: We’re back for another episode, it’s been another week. Another week has gone by! Where has it gone? I don’t know. You tell me. My friends, I’ve been on some dynamite sessions recently. So much so they’ve inspired me. I was on a session recently, honest to goodness, where it was like, it’s talking about, you know, as you might imagine, sales and it was about that the new way to sell isn’t so much, you know the classic, you know, use the phone or use an email or you know, be, you know, be on social selling. It’s that the new way of selling is you! You’re the commodity. You’re pitching you if you will. And people react to you. And the whole premise of the conversation, this was not my conversation, it was somebody else’s conversation, of course, I totally interjected myself in there, is the importance these days of the individual.

Darryl Praill: In fact, I’ve seen a lot of people out there, whether it’s Justin Michaels, Josh Braun, Scott Leese, a lot of them out there, Justin Welsh, well especially Justin Welsh, especially Justin Welsh, who goes on and says that that is how you sell now in the new, new, modern era we’re in. And it’s probably even, even more so the case in this fine year as we record this of 2020 the year of COVID, where, you know, we’re not able to go and mix and mingle at those live shows, you know, and be profiled on all the videos and the highlight reels and everything else. So, and everybody’s just gone totally online and totally social, and it’s about whoever has the most traction, you know, the most visibility that gets the most buzz. And we’ve seen it! You know Justin Welsh talks about how he’s turned his own personal brand into a money-making machine. And that’s simply because of awareness. And I can, I can recognize that because I have seen similar results with any efforts I make that leads come in to me because they like me, they respect me.

Darryl Praill: The biggest comment I get over and over again on my stuff is they like my content, right? So they trust me because they like my content. Now that’s important. It’s, you know, they may like me, they may not like me, it doesn’t really matter, you know. Do they respect me? That matters. Do they think I add value? That matters. Do they remember who I am, or at least that they know my name and that I am someone worthy of remembering? That matters. But for me, it always comes back to the content I put out there. They, what I hear a lot is they don’t feel the content is biased. It doesn’t feel like it has the vendor spin. It feels like it’s adding value. It’s sparking conversation, it has great debate. So that’s something that I’ve gravitated around, and that all matters today. And so today, normally you would hear me riff non-stop, I might tell a personal story. I might reminisce about what’s happened at a previous time in my life. And nine times out of 10, whatever I’m gabbering about comes back, and it ties in with what the day’s topic is.

Darryl Praill: We’re doing things different. We’ve never done this before. Normally you would have me have one guest, and today I don’t have one guest. In fact, I don’t, I don’t, I don’t have two guests. I have three guests. I have three guests amongst the show, as well as myself. So it’ll be four of us talking non-stop. So you’re saying, « Darryl, what, you’re rambling now, so what’s the topic? Get to it, lad ». And that’s a great point. The topic is exactly what we’re talking about. It’s about the importance of personal branding. Now you’ve heard me talk about this before. I’ve brought it up over and over again, and I feel so committed about it, but it was the conversation. You know, when, when Justin’s out there, you know he talks about this on Thursday Night Sales. If you’re not part of that, you should be part of that community. Where it’s like that’s what matters. He and I had a webinar not too long ago, about, his point was that content marketing no longer works. If he has a company send him content, he doesn’t care. It just goes into his trash.

Darryl Praill: But what he does is he likes the content of an individual, and he follows certain individuals and then because of those individuals and the content he’s consumed from those individuals that he’s actually done business with them. So, that was when I was like, man, that’s just a whole different way of looking at things. It’s no longer branding like Coca-Cola or Nike or anybody else. And it was interesting cause I had this conversation the other day with somebody who’s looking for a job and I was trying to help them and say you know you’ve gotta build your own personal brand, it’s not just about having a great profile, you gotta actually get engaged, and that’s how you’re gonna float to the top. He was affected by the whole COVID, you know, debacle and his reaction to me was, « That’s a gimmick Darryl, and I’m not gonna do that. » And I was like well okay, dude it’s not a gimmick, it’s just the way it is. And either you adapt and survive, or you don’t, and then you look for a different career, and then he hung up on me, and I’m not making this up. He hung up on me.

Welcome Kristina Jaramillo, John Moore, and Josie Marshburn

So, you know, I’m here today. If you, this is your point in time, if you wanna disconnect, press stop, go away, you know, shut the browser, whatever. However you’re consuming this, do it now because what I’m telling you is truth. But it’s not me. I might be the one telling you. I’m just gonna be leading the conversation. Let’s bring the guests in right now. I wanna bring them in, one, two, three, here we go. First up is Kristina Jaramillo, and she’s with Personal ABM. Personal Account-Based Marketing emphasis on the word personal, also a part of Stop the Sales Drop. And she’s gonna talk to you soon about some kick-ass event they have coming up shortly, I may or may not be involved in. Kristina, welcome to the show. How are you doing, my friend?

Kristina Jaramillo: I’m doing great, thank you. It’s good to see you, Darryl.

Darryl Praill: All right, for those watching video, why do you look like you’re half nervous and half excited? Just so we’re clear it’s about this.

Kristina Jaramillo: I’m always half nervous and half excited. I don’t know why. Like it keeps me on my toes.

Darryl Praill: I love it. Next up is John Moore, and I love John Moore. He is VP of Revenue Enablement at Bigtincan. He calls himself The Collaborator, and he truly is. If you haven’t followed John yet and this goes for everybody, any of these individuals on LinkedIn, make a point of doing it right now, multitask. John, my friend. How are you, sir?

John Moore: I am doing great Darryl. I’m so excited to be here. I’m so excited, I’ve wanted this challenge for a long time. So I’m excited to be here.

Darryl Praill: All right, rounding out the collection is Josie Marshburn. Now Josie is the CEO at Sales Enablement Benchmark. She is just an amazing woman. You have to go follow her – all these people on LinkedIn. I mentioned that already, go follow them. Josie, welcome to the show!

Josie Marshburn: Hello, it’s so nice to be here. Thank you for having me.

The benefits of personal branding

Darryl Praill: Look at that big smile. I love it! Okay, so let’s just get right into it, okay? We’re gonna go right in. First off, I’m gonna throw it out, let’s start off with the elephant in the room. Personal branding, as it relates to a sales rep, is it relevant, is the question, is it relevant? And then I’ll let you expand on what does relevancy mean. I’m gonna start with John first, and then I’m gonna let the women have the last word cause you, if you’re smart, you always let the women have the last word. I’ve learned that with a lot of years of marriage. John, is it relevant to a sales rep, or as the individual hung up on me said, it’s a gimmick?

John Moore: It’s absolutely relevant for a sales rep. You need to show that you have something to say that’s of value to people you’re trying to reach out to. And it damned well better not be all about you, you, you, but you better show that you have an understanding of what their pain points are, their needs and start to prove credibility. So it’s absolutely important.

Darryl Praill: Is there a time when somebody, John, shouldn’t care about personal branding? You know, if someone says to you, you know, « It’s not about me, it’s about the product or the service, it’s about my company, my employer, and their brand, you know, I’m just a facilitator, you know, I’m just a person, I’m a matchmaker, I match, you know, your pains and problems up with my company solutions. » What do you say to that?

John Moore: We’re not all Yentls out there anymore just being those blind matchmakers, I’ll first say that. I mean, you represent your business. So if you’re picking up the phone as an SDR, making phone calls, if they have a clue who you are because they’re aware of you on LinkedIn or someplace else, also by building your own personal brand if it’s in alignment with the company, you start to amplify your own brand. You’ve got to do it. Create and adding value in every conversation, so you gotta do that now.

Darryl Praill: I love what you’re saying there. So to pick up what John just said there, if they know who you are, they’ve heard of your name and then you actually reach out to them, phone, email, whatever, they’re gonna respond. I remember Morgan Ingram sharing a story about how, he had a success story, one of his clients, and she followed his content, and one day she was sitting at her desk, and he cold-called her, he called her. And she said, when she saw Morgan Ingram come up on the actual display of the phone, she freaked out spazz and picked up the phone right away. So how many calls did that person ignore? But they didn’t ignore Morgan’s because they knew Morgan’s brand and were a fan of the content. Alright, I’m gonna bring it over to Josie. Josie, I asked John this question, I’m gonna ask you, I wanna know your opinion. You can disagree with John if you want to. Personal branding, is it relevant to a sales rep?

Josie Marshburn: It’s always relevant, so the answer is yes. It’s really interesting when you think about what we use LinkedIn for today. We use LinkedIn for networking. We use it for lead generation. We use it to convey a message either about ourselves or our company. So all of that is branding, right? And it’s, it’s surprising to me how poorly people will have their profile on LinkedIn or some of the things they may say on LinkedIn. I was coaching a girl the other day and she put something rather negative out on LinkedIn, and she’s looking for a job, and it was about recruiters. And so I sent her a quick message, and I said, « Hey if it was me, I wouldn’t put that out there. And this is why…’’ And she said, she sent me a really nice note back and she said, « Yeah, but I disagree with you so I’m gonna leave it out here. »

Darryl Praill: So, yeah, that’s an interesting one, right? Because I do agree that when you have solid constructive discourse you may not agree with one another. And I see the best engagement, again, Scott Leese and I got into a bit of a Twitter flaming exchange a couple days ago for a topic that’s not relevant right now. And we went back and forth and back and forth and we were completely at odds, completely at odds. And, and then he, then he texts me later on that night and he’s like, « Dude, that was the most engagement I have ever had on Twitter, that was awesome ». So the point was even though we were disagreeing, it was constructive and it was back and forth and people were part of the conversation. But to your point, you know she disagreed with you, but your whole point was it’s affecting your brand. I mean, it may not be what you said, it’s affecting your brand.

Josie Marshburn: That’s right.

Darryl Praill: I loved your point about the poor LinkedIn profiles. Do you see that a lot? I see it a lot. I see them, they’re glorified CVs is what they are and there’s nothing else there.

Josie Marshburn: Yeah. You know, I used to teach an onboarding program when I was at Oracle and one of the things that we would teach everybody in that onboarding program was the importance of LinkedIn. Not only in your brand as a person, but in how you’re conveying to your customers and prospects, who you are and your expertise. So we would have somebody from LinkedIn come in and speak to them. We would then take a professional photograph with them and then we would make them all go to LinkedIn and update their LinkedIn profile. So I think it’s super important. And you know, as a salesperson, if you’re not going to build a brand around your expertise, how do people know what you, what you do and what you’re really good at?

Darryl Praill: All right. I wanna flip it to Kristina here because of something Josie just said now, clearly Josie, Kristina, I’m not even gonna ask you your thoughts on personal brand because I mean, hey, you’re at, your company’s called Personal ABM. So I’m pretty confident I know your position on this one, but I am gonna ask you something about what Josie said. She talked about, you know, she made it, if your profile doesn’t tell a story and I know how important, I’ve heard you talk about your profile needs to tell a story, but what does that mean? Help me understand what does that mean?

Kristina Jaramillo: Well, it needs to show your expertise. It needs to show your point of view. That’s how you’re gonna stand out from other SDRs, from other business development or account reps or aids, whatever it is, and show who you are. It’s how you build trust, it’s how you build value. So, when we are forced into the digital age, which most of us were already here, but the ones that were in event marketing or business development at events, or in-person things and forced to digital, you build trust, it’s much easier, I’m not gonna say it’s easy in-person, but on digital, you have to build trust and add value. Otherwise, you’re just gonna be seen as a salesperson as opposed to a trusted vendor or a trusted source or advisor.

Darryl Praill: Okay so here’s a question for you then, you talk about, you said you need to have your own point of view come across as part of the, the profile, which you know, your own point of view, so that means the language, your abstract, your about, whatever, whatever you’re wanting to feature, so many of you don’t feature, use the feature function, use the feature function. All right, it’s a great chance to get your style out there, but it also comes across in your posting and your engagement. So let me ask you this, Kristina if all I ever post are somebody else’s posts and that’s it. And if all I ever say in any kind of comments and other people’s posts is like, either I just like it, or I just say, « Yeah, what he said, » « Attaboy, » « Preach, » and that’s all I say, is my point of view out there? Just so I’m clear as it relates to my personal brand.

Kristina Jaramillo: It’s funny that you say that cause that’s one of my biggest pet peeves. It’s kind of just showing up to social and showing up on digital. You’re not sharing again your point of view you’re just resharing other people’s things. If you, you can share other people’s info and content as much as you want, but put your spin on it. Put your take on it. Say what you agree with, say what you disagree with, but say why it is, so that you’re adding that value and building trust, so you’re not that actual resource and just sharing other people’s content, which doesn’t really add any value that you’re looking to build.

Darryl Praill: Okay, so we’re gonna quick commercial break here, folks. Don’t go anywhere. We’re gonna be right back cause I wanna ask these heavy hitters what are the objections they get to do? And what are the excuses that you give to other people on why you don’t do it? Don’t go anywhere, we’ll be right back.

Excuses, excuses, excuses

Darryl Praill: Okay, so I’m just gonna throw, I’m just gonna throw it out there. I’m not even gonna do Round-Robin anymore. We’re gonna get people talking over each other. It’s gonna be fantastic. Number one excuse any of you hear, shout it out, for why you won’t do personal branding, especially on something like LinkedIn? Number one.

John Moore: Don’t have time.

Josie Marshburn: My favorite one is-

Darryl Praill: Favorite one, go for it, I love it, that’s why we crosstalk. What’s your favorite one?

Josie Marshburn: My favorite one is: I don’t wanna have a social presence.

Darryl Praill: No social presence, John, what’s your favorite, what’s your number one you hear?

John Moore: Don’t have time.

Darryl Praill: No time, no social presence, no time. Kristina?

Kristina Jaramillo: I represent a company that hide behind the logo.

Darryl Praill: I, what I hear a lot of is I don’t wanna get trolled. I don’t wanna look stupid, all right. So, that’s what I hear a lot of. Okay, so let’s go on that. John, « I don’t have time, » is that valid or not?

John Moore: No, I say it’s not valid. You can spend five to 10 minutes a day and do an adequate job of getting your opinions out there and sharing a little bit of value each day. Now I certainly spend more than that because that’s just a big part of my job and a big part of my personal mission. But if you spend five to 10 minutes, let’s say on LinkedIn, looking at content and hashtags that are relevant to you, you can find content that you wanna share back out, add, as Kristina said, your personal viewpoint. And an occasional preach is okay Kristina, cause I like using preach. But as long as you had your personal viewpoint too, I think that’s the key. And five to 10 minutes a day that’s all you need to get going in the game.

Darryl Praill: If you’re gonna use the preach, then you also have to use the boom. Just so we’re clear on this, all right? Can’t use the one without the other.

John Moore: Boom.

Darryl Praill: Boom, there we go. Okay, Josie, talk to me. So you shared the objection. How do you respond to them when they give you that objection?

Josie Marshburn: I don’t know how you sell today without a social presence. I also don’t know how you build your personal brand without a social presence. So I was having an exchange today with somebody on LinkedIn, and he said, « I just started using LinkedIn. » And I thought, man, where have you been? It’s been around since 2004 and it’s, it’s not just COVID that’s made it a valuable tool, especially for business. You know, it’s a great way to stay in touch with clients. It’s a great way to stay in touch with colleagues that you’ve worked with. So I think it’s super important to build your brand on a platform like LinkedIn. But I also think it’s important to build it in the right way. And what I mean by that is if all you’re gonna do is go out and collect a bunch of people in your network that don’t add value, why are they there?

So where do I start?

Darryl Praill: Okay, so let’s go with that. I, one of the topics I wanna talk about was where do I start? So you made the comment Josie about you just started using it, you know, where have you been? So, let me go to Kristina and am, I stopped the Round-Robin. I’m going back to the Round-Robin. Kristina, where do I start? How do I make this easy? Cause it seems like a lotta work to me and I’m scared and I’m, you know, I’m insecure and I might look stupid, and I don’t wanna be Praill.

Kristina Jaramillo: I think people have to get away from the playing a volume game or the awareness game or the, that mentality of just showing up type-of-thing, and do it in bite-sized chunks. Work on your profile a little bit at a time, it doesn’t have to be all done at once. Change the way you’re actually engaging with people. And think of every little engagement you have whether you’re actually commenting somewhere or sharing a discussion or reaching out to connect as a mini-sales conversation or a mini-conversation of, to add value to that conversation whether it’s with a prospect or someone that you might partner with or someone that you wanna actually get to know or you want them to get to know you. You’re always adding value every step of the way no matter what you’re doing, you’ll be on the right track.

Darryl Praill: So one of the things I did, I, and like Josie said, you know, I, I had been on LinkedIn, but I really wasn’t using LinkedIn, if you will. It was a glorified resume placement holder. A couple years ago as I was on the Christmas holidays and I went and I said « Well you know, I probably, I probably should, you know, have a decent LinkedIn profile. » And I bought an eBook on Amazon, a Kindle book, and it was how to write a killer LinkedIn profile plug from Brenda Bernstein. I don’t know the woman, but she changed my life. It was less than 10 bucks. I read, I skimmed it, you know because I knew you know, a lot of it, right? So you skimmed it. I read it in a couple of hours and then I spent the next couple of days just tweaking here and there.

Darryl Praill: Changed my world, my views went through the roof, the feedback I got, there were the inbound I got, it was crazy. So that’s how I started. I did it on my own time exactly as Kristina said and I bought a book, crazy. You can do it, lots of YouTube videos, lots of experts out there, don’t be shy. You know, many employers are now actually helping you do that. In fact, let’s go back to you, John. How do you work with your sales on organizing, your sales reps to make sure they have a presence on social? Cause Bigtincan is really good at this.

John Moore: Yeah. I mean, one of the things that, so let me start back briefly though if I may Darryl. Nobody wants to be Praill. Nobody wants to be Praill, so let’s establish that, you’re right, nobody wants that.

Darryl Praill: Agreed, it’s bad.

John Moore: One of the things I did for myself personally was I built a strategy document. What the heck am I trying to accomplish? And as a result of putting that forward, I also, I, you know, did a lot of the same things that you talk about, I bought a couple of books, I listened to some stuff on Audible. But ultimately what I did was I boiled down those lessons, and what we’ve done internally at Bigtincan, and we’re a work in progress, but I simply put together a series of training courses and best practices for the entire customer-facing team. And the key lessons there for them were really that you need to not make this a resume. I mean you mentioned it so many of the LinkedIn profiles are resumes.

John Moore: So what I did was I took my own LinkedIn profile, walked them through section by section the best practices of how to use it and showed them how I had converted my own personal LinkedIn profile, to be much more of a story about how I can add value, how I can be of help and of service to you, the person listening to me, the person reading my resume, and I just simply reinforced that with the sales team. And there were plenty of people, let’s be very honest and very transparent, that said John, « That’s BS, I don’t have time for that. » But, we slowly started converting some people and we’re gonna continue to convert more and more people to refer, to enhancing their resume, their LinkedIn profile so that it really tells a story about how they can help the customers that are out there.

Which community is right for me?

Darryl Praill: So one of the things I do with my reps is I had them start intentionally using, you know once you connect with somebody to send them a voice message or send them a video message, just because maybe they gone silent. « Yeah, well, we’ll talk. » And all of a sudden they go silent, they ghost them right? And it was amazing how quickly when they did that, they, they, the prospect’s re-engaged and my reps were on fire. I was like, « This is killer, this is amazing. » And I’m like cool, so now you get it, it works. So now, if it works don’t you wanna really exploit the platform, the channel, and to do that, you need to focus on your own personal brand, you need to make sure your profile looks good, you need to be engaged. you need to go to all these communities. Then we started throwing communities at them, and that’s my next question. I’m gonna throw this up, but I’m gonna go Josie first. Josie, do you recommend just LinkedIn? Because there’s a ton of communities. There’s obviously LinkedIn, there’s Twitter. Then there’s a lot of specialty communities that have sprung up. There’s RevGenius, there’s Revenue Collective, there’s Thursday Night Sales. There’s a whole bunch. What are your recommendations?

Josie Marshburn: All of the above. So I think there’s some really amazing blogs that are out there, Quotable by Salesforce is a great sales blog. There are great podcasts that you can listen to. There are great community forums that you can join. Sales Enablement Society is a great example of one. The Collaborator now has one that people can join. So there’s a, there’s a whole lot of different things that you can do to either build your presence, build your brand, or, you know, in some cases, share some expertise from other people.

Darryl Praill: Kristina, what are your thoughts? I know you’re a LinkedIn advocate, just LinkedIn? I mean, if I was gonna start one place would I start at LinkedIn or, or should I do what Josie said and go everywhere?

Kristina Jaramillo: I agree with the idea of trying to go everywhere. I don’t necessarily do it myself and LinkedIn is my platform of choice, but it is just a platform, it is just a tool. I believe that the platform doesn’t really matter where you are, as long as you’re in the right place for your, you know, your audience. It’s the personal communication, it’s that emotional connection that you’re making and building trust. So communication versus platform, if you take that communication across any platform that you choose, I think that’s the bigger value-add.

Darryl Praill: Okay, so Kristina just said something that was solid gold and I’m not sure you picked up on it. She said if it’s the right platform for the audience you’re trying to target, right? So that’s huge, for many of us it’s LinkedIn, but you know I look at my Higher Ed vertical that we sell into. They’re all over Twitter, that’s where they are. They’re not on LinkedIn anywhere, but they’re on Twitter. So you gotta go to Twitter if that’s your target audience. And a lot of these communities are amazing, you know, but you also understand the composition of ’em. So for example, I mean I’m personally in a community called RevGenius, and you’re gonna see that’s a lot of middle layer Marketing, Ops and Salespeople, right? So starting to middle layer. Then I’m in another community that I pay for, I pay 10 bucks a month for, that’s called Peak. And it’s for people who wanna be a CMO and that’s much more senior level.

Darryl Praill: So different audiences, different communities, different conversations, and both add value. So even though I’m more established in my career, I still get a lot of value of hanging out with those who are earlier in their career because they just have a different point of view than me, a different take. And often they’re symbolic of the people I wanna sell to because not everybody I’m selling to is 50 years old. Some of them are 30 years old, 25 years old. So understanding their points of view is huge. Just understand you’re going there for a reason. John, what are your thoughts? Is it just LinkedIn? Or do, would you go some- You’ve got a big smile on your face or is it somewhere else? Like you tell me.

John Moore: I’m laughing cause there’s so much good feedback here. But again, I go, I went forward by building a strategic plan about where I wanted to target. And it came down to exactly what Kristina said: Where are the people that I want to build a relationship with? Now for me, it’s a, it’s a mix of CMOs, of sales enablement folks, sellers, and so on and so forth. So the biggest community that I could most easily become a part of and share value into was LinkedIn. But I’ve also started to spread out to these other communities as well.

John Moore: Now that I have sort of that initial beachhead where I’m delivering consistent value there, but that’s, that’s the gold standard and I agree with that point from Kristina, where do you need to be? I think it’s important though that as quickly as you achieve your initial level of success on LinkedIn if that’s where your community is, you start to identify just like any good marketer would do, where are the other places that your audience lives, and become a part of those communities as well. But it’s always about a cost-benefit analysis, not to make this too boring and dry, but I’m not gonna go spend a lot of time on Tik Tok because there’s not anybody talking about sales enablement there.

Darryl Praill: Nobody’s Tik Tok’ing about sales enablement, gotcha. I agree.

John Moore: I’ve learned a couple of dance steps though. I’ve learned to dance a little better. But no sales enablement.

One last piece of advice

Darryl Praill: I love this, all right, cause what I’ve heard you guys all say is, I understand, if I back it up, I understand when your customer you’re trying to reach flips, right? That’s kinda your ideal customer profile and that’s where you need to go. Then I’ve heard you say ease into it. Make sure you’ve got a personable, professional, polished profile to start. All right, let your personality come through. Have a point of view. You can get help either in books or in videos or expert advisors. You can allocate a few minutes a day simply to go do it, to start and get in there, but have a take, don’t just regurgitate what other people are saying. Be constructive, ease your way into it and be, and you will build your reputation over time. All right, final thoughts. Here’s my question: If there’s one piece of actionable advice or feedback, so it’s pretty much open-ended that you can share with our audience today, what would it be? I’m gonna start with John, one piece.

John Moore: Fix your profile. Take a look at your profile and remove every element of resume to it and read it or share it with someone who is your ideal customer profile. Ask them if that’s the resume, if that’s the profile I should say, of someone they would trust and start to communicate with.

Darryl Praill: Josie, one piece of advice.

Josie Marshburn: Please, please, please read a company’s About page before reaching out. If you do that, you’ll know exactly what they do and you will stop trying to reach out to people that cannot buy your product that you’re trying to sell.

Darryl Praill: That’s gold. Kristina, I’m gonna coach you on your advice should be, your advice should be to go to an event. What event should they go to?

Kristina Jaramillo: They should go to Stop the Sales Drop’s upcoming event. It’s a LinkedIn training navigating the new social selling and Darryl will be there, Josie will be there and John will be there. And it’s happening August 18th, 19th, and 20th. But if you can’t join us live you can always access it On Demand. So it’s stopthesalesdrop.com/LinkedInTraining.

Darryl Praill: There you go. The conversation started today and it carries on again and we’re all gonna be there with Kristina. My name is Darryl Praill, we’re out of time. Big thank you to John Moore, follow him. Josie Marshburn, follow her. Kristina Jaramillo, follow her. And go to the Stop and Drop event. I hope you had fun today, folks. What’d you think of this many people? It’s a lot! We’ll talk to you soon, take care. Bye-bye.