When it comes to completing your daily tasks, do you find your focus sometimes wavers? Does looking at your calendar, or to-list list, overwhelm you? You need to take advice from best-selling 10-time author Melissa Krivachek.  In this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, Melissa teaches us how to focus on what matters, when to say “No”, how to create balance within our lives, and helps us overcome potential control issues that may be impacting our success.

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Host:  Darryl PraillVanillaSoft

Guest: Melissa Krivachek, The Ultimate Sales Summit


Darryl Praill: Good afternoon, good evening, good morning. How are you doing, folks? Darryl Praill here for another episode of INSIDE Inside Sales where we get together with the industry’s biggest, brightest, and best thought leaders talking about all the things that matter to every day’s sales rep. All the pragmatic, tactical, actionable things you want to know so that you can apply and you can make yourself a more productive, successful sales professional.

Darryl Praill: My name is Darryl Praill, and I’m joined today by Melissa Krivachek. Now, Melissa, did I get that right? I should have tested that with you. Did I get your surname even remotely close?

Melissa Krivachek: It’s Krivachek but we’ll call it.

Darryl Praill: Krivachek. Now I look at that, Krivachek. I don’t know. I’m gonna stick with Krivachek. You should change the way you pronounce your name.

Melissa Krivachek: Well my family wouldn’t approve of that.

Darryl Praill: They wouldn’t approve.

Melissa Krivachek: Heck, you know what, my family doesn’t approve necessarily of my career either so I’d be okay with that.

Darryl Praill: It’s true. Sales is one of those careers where if you’re not in it, a lot of people are like, « Oh, you’re in sales. » But the reality is it’s a brilliant career if you’re reasonably good at it, you’ve got a good income earning potential, and it’s rewarding, and you get to talk to a lot of really cool people.

Darryl Praill: So I’m curious, how do you answer that when your family doesn’t necessarily approve of your career? What’s your response to them?

Melissa Krivachek: Well sales is the only career in the history of life … Doctors, lawyers, dentists, teachers, anybody that’s in any other career other than sales does not have the freedom, the income, the lifestyle, the assets, and the opportunities that salespeople have. And the only reason that they have those is because they’re willing to take the risk, the risk that so many people aren’t willing to take. So I mean, we are able to build asset portfolios of 401Ks, IRAs, real estate, whatever we want. And it’s the only career where you can change your entire lifestyle overnight with the stroke of a check.

Darryl Praill: So I gotta ask. When you respond that way to your friends or family when that comes up because clearly you’ve given this answer before. It was like bam, you had the answer.

Melissa Krivachek: Uh-huh.

Darryl Praill: Do they just look at you and their eyes glaze over, or do they like … Oh, okay. How do they respond?

Melissa Krivachek: Well, they know not to respond because they know that sales is my absolute passion. I am one of those people that is super, super obsessed with my career. And it’s not that it takes away from other things because it definitely doesn’t, but it’s just that I love sales, and I love to make sales fun. It’s what I’ve done since I was seven.

Melissa Krivachek: So quick backstory, when I was seven my parents couldn’t afford a bike so I had to go door to door selling popcorn, pizza, all that kind of stuff. Then I moved into doing lawn mowing for my neighbors, and then babysitting, and then house cleaning, and then got into retail and got into management. Then got into telesales. So like sales is my gig. It’s my thing, and I love it.

Darryl Praill: For those of you who don’t know Melissa, she is the executive producer of The Ultimate Sales Summit. Now she’s been selling, if you can’t tell already, over 20 years. And she’s passionate about it, and she obsesses about it. And yeah she started, as she said, when she was seven years old. So it’s kind of a great story. Since the age of seven, she’s been involved as she’s just shared with every kind of sale possible. From high ticket door to door cold calling to social selling. She’s generated a lot of money along the way.

Darryl Praill: Now if that’s not credible enough, she’s also the author of over ten books. Seven of which are international bestsellers, and of course she has her own podcast, The Millionaire’s Hot Seat, and in that she’s actually interviewed over 200 millionaires to date. So if that sounds really busy to you, there’s a lot going on in Melissa’s life. Well, that’s what I took too. And that’s why we approached Melissa and said, « Here’s the topic we want to work on with you, and that is ‘how to focus under pressure.' »

Darryl Praill: Because as sales professionals, we are often under pressures of all different shapes and sizes, right? It might be quota. It might be activity. It might be education. It might be training. It just goes on, and if it’s not you it’s your teammates because you’re all in it together. Then there’s changes in the marketplace, and there’s competition, and it just never seems to end.

Darryl Praill: Then you add in the dynamics of economy that’s up one day and down the next. And a sale rep’s job can be challenging. The secret to sales is knowing how to focus where to put your time, where to invest your efforts, and to get through it. Because often … Well, it may not always be glamorous. Sometimes it’s those who simply have the ability to execute and get that checklist done that have the most success.

Darryl Praill: So Melissa, are you up to the task today to talk about how sales reps can better focus? Can you share with us your advice ’cause I’ve got lots of questions I wanna ask you.

Melissa Krivachek: Yeah so the biggest thing that salespeople have a challenge with is how do you balance family life and sales? Like, getting your quotas in and getting referrals in the door and making enough money to have a viable income.

Melissa Krivachek: And so the answer to the question is there is no balance. You are going to have times in your career where you literally have to focus strictly on bringing money in the door and making sure that your clientele is happy while getting referrals at the same time.

[bctt tweet= »You are going to have times in your career where you literally have to focus strictly on bringing money 💰 in the door and making sure that your clientele is happy 😊 ~ @UltSalesSummit #SalesSuccess » username= »VanillaSoft »]

Melissa Krivachek: On the other side of that, raising kids and having a husband or a wife and making sure that you’re taking a family vacation is equally important. Neither one of these are more important than the other. It’s just how you put time, effort, and energy into them.

Melissa Krivachek: So the biggest thing for people to realize here is that you need to know when to pull the trigger and when to put on the brake.

Darryl Praill: So this is, full inhibition here, this is a big problem for me, and that’s one of the reasons I’m so excited to have you on the podcast.

Melissa Krivachek: Okay.

Darryl Praill: I have good focus, but I don’t think it’s actually optimal focus. So in other words, I get a lot done, but could I be getting it done better? And this how I know because I get … There are times, let’s go with this, there are times when I have higher levels of anxiety than other times because I’ve got this to-do list I’ve not gotten through that is like staring me in the face every time I look at my calendar, I look at my whiteboard, I look at my to-do apps. It’s always there in my face.

Darryl Praill: And what ends up happening is that I end up working into the evenings. I end up working on weekends, and I actually do that so that I can get rid of that anxiety, but then ironically two things happen. I replace those things that were overwhelming me with more things, and at the same time, my wife especially is … Let’s just say she is voicing her opinion that I’m not spending enough time with her, and she’s not wrong.

Darryl Praill: And of course my answer’s « Just let me do one more thing here, honey. I’m almost there. »

Melissa Krivachek: You know what? Your wife needs to listen to this podcast right now just to know that she’s right.

Darryl Praill: Oh trust me. She knows that she’s right. There’s no doubt about that, and I’ll even admit it she’s right. But you know hey, the first part is admitting you have a problem, and I’m out here saying I’ve got a problem, and I know I’m not alone.

Melissa Krivachek: Good. So here’s the thing that I would challenge you to do for the next seven days, and I challenge every single one of my clients no matter what level of success they’ve had or how much money they’ve made. For the next seven days, every fifteen minutes write down what you’re doing. Every fifteen minutes, 24 hours a day for 7 days. And you do this every single quarter. And when you do this, you’re gonna find out where you’re least effective, where you’re wasting time, energy, money, resources, and where you’re taking away from the things that truly matter in life.

Melissa Krivachek: So sometimes we miss like a kid’s band concert because we are busy writing an email campaign. And one of the things that I’ve seen in working with people is like we have this executive, and he insisted that he was the best at writing email campaigns. Well, we actually saved him about 1,500 hours a year because he’s been writing these email campaigns for the last 20 years thinking he’s the best at writing the email campaigns.

Melissa Krivachek: Well his campaigns didn’t even come close to the conversions of the campaigns we had written for him when he decided to give up control. So the question becomes, « What are you doing that you’re doing only because you want to be in a state of control? »

[bctt tweet= »What are you doing that you’re doing only because you want to be in a state of control? 🤔 🎧 Listen as @UltSalesSummit gives her advice on how to focus under pressure. #SalesSuccess » username= »VanillaSoft »]

Darryl Praill: Now that is brilliant. Actually, I didn’t see the control angle coming, but as soon as you said it I was like ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. And I know personally, actually, that’s something I learned at a very young age.

Darryl Praill: True story, sidebar. The first time I became an executive at a company, a senior level executive, I thought I was the cat’s meow. I got there at a very young age. I was on track for all my plan. Then a few months into it finally, I had two staffers walk into my office and close the door. And they … I’m like, « Okay, what’s going on? »

Darryl Praill: And they said to me, « Okay, Darryl. We need to talk. » And fortunately, these were people that were about my age. We had a good rapport and they could talk to me. And I said yep, and they said, « Here’s the thing. You’re doing our job for us because you can do it better, and we actually know you can do it better or at least close. But it’s killing us, and it’s killing you, and you need to let us just do our job. » And it was like oh sugar, they’re right. But if they didn’t have the intervention with me then I would’ve maintained control, and then my life would’ve just spiraled out of control further, ironically.

Darryl Praill: So control is such a big thing. Do you find people that actually understand they have a control issue? I’m just curious.

Melissa Krivachek: Oh, every salesperson has a control issue. Every single executive and salesperson I’ve ever worked with has a control issue. And the worst part of their control issue is letting me control them. So they like don’t do the exercise to the full degree that I’ve asked them for two reasons.

Darryl Praill: Yes.

Melissa Krivachek: One is the control piece, but the other piece which is actually more important is that they’ve continued to lie to themselves the whole entire length of their career. So their lies could be like, « I have to worry about this because my client demands that it be done at this time, » or, « I have to worry about this because I have this bill to pay, » or, « I have to worry about this because, » whatever their story is. And the story is a lie they keep perpetuating, yes.

Melissa Krivachek: So a lot of people find themselves stuck at, « I can’t lose weight because I have to spend hours in the office, » or, « I can’t make money because I have to spend time with my family, » or whatever their reason is, but all it comes down to is like-

Darryl Praill: I can’t make that phone call because I have to research this email or this social media, right?

Melissa Krivachek: Yeah, like stop lying to yourself. You do not need to lie to yourself to allow yourself the results that you currently have when you could be much better by giving up that control and letting go of that lie.

[bctt tweet= »You do not need to lie to yourself to allow yourself the results that you currently have when you could be much better by giving up that control and letting go of that lie. ~ @UltSalesSummit » username= »VanillaSoft »]

Darryl Praill: So your point is fundamentally to do kind of an audit, I’m hearing you say. Every fifteen minutes this is what I’m doing now so that you do it for a week, and you could look back, and you could say, « Where am I invested my time? » Is that to identify, shall we say for lack of a better word, the clutter in your routine, or is there a bigger premise behind that exercise?

Melissa Krivachek: Yeah, there’s a bigger premise. So what you do once you have that information, or what I would do after I had the client’s information, is draw three circles. Basically two circles with an overlap in the middle. Now the middle is gonna be called your zone of genius. That’s the number one thing you rock at, you’re good at, you bring money in the door. Like you are excited about in the morning and you go do throughout the day.

Melissa Krivachek: The two outer circles are the places where you need the most help. So on the left side, basically, it’s your online reputation and online management of systems and services that get built. So it could be a sales funnel, it could be an email campaign, it could be social media updates, it could be whatever. But suddenly, you should not be doing those things. You need to delegate them out. So who is the best resource to delegate that to?

Melissa Krivachek: On the right side is the other end of the spectrum. So it’s gonna be like the laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, all that kind of stuff. So why are you doing those things when you know that somebody else could be doing that for you at a cost that’s way less than what you currently are worth?

Melissa Krivachek: So you have to really look at this as like how much do you value yourself, and do you value yourself enough to put resources in place for you to have the freedom to commit to your relationship and making it better?

Darryl Praill: So you’re fundamentally making a visual representation of where your time is best spent that, if I’m getting this right, balances, for lack of a better word, your professional obligations with your personal obligations. Is that a fair statement, or am I missing it?

Melissa Krivachek: It is a fair statement. It also allows you to see how much time is being wasted in certain activities that you’re not even good at.

Darryl Praill: So how do you figure that out? You’ve got this timeline on the left and on the right, and the middle’s your genius circle. So how do I know when I do my audit, how am I placing … Okay, at the fifteen-minute mark I was writing an email. Fifteen minutes later, I was writing a LinkedIn post. How do I know where to place these activities on this timeline?

Melissa Krivachek: Well you’re gonna … So every fifteen minutes you’re gonna write down what you’re doing. So let’s say in the morning, and I’m just gonna give you my routine, in the morning I wake up and I immediately get in the car, drive to the gym with Tyler. Once we’re at the gym, we work out for 75 minutes, come back home, make a shake, go to the bathroom, take a shower, all that kind of stuff.

Melissa Krivachek: So you know what you’re doing every day by looking at it, but if I ask you, « Darryl, can you audit your day yesterday? » Would you know what you did every fifteen minutes?

Darryl Praill: No, I mean. Shy of looking at my calendar, even then I know that’s not a real representation because that calendar is a suggestion at best.

Melissa Krivachek: But the thing is you know that you’ve wasted time that you could have effectively spent.

Darryl Praill: Oh I know I wasted time. Absolutely. Yes, absolutely.

Melissa Krivachek: So if I look at that, and I’m auditing you, I’m like, « Darryl, look. You know you’re not even being honest with yourself. »

Darryl Praill: So that gives me my circle where I should focus. How do I delegate the rest of that stuff? Can I? Do I use other employees? Do I just not do it? Do I bring in virtual assistants? How do you see people manage that?

Melissa Krivachek: So there’s a couple ways that you can manage it. The first, and the biggest way, is to get rid of distractions. So the number one thing I tell people to do is before you get into what you should delegate, look at where you are putting your money.

Melissa Krivachek: So a lot of people put their money in clothes and houses and cars and whatever. And if you go into those things, if I went into your office would I find chaos and messiness, or would I find complete cleanliness and control. And most of the time with salespeople, it’s cleanliness and control. So if that’s the case, what do you get rid of?

Melissa Krivachek: And for me, like when I started this process several years ago, I got rid of all of the apps on my phone. I don’t have a calendar on my phone. I don’t have Facebook, Messenger, nothing on my phone. The only things that are on my phone are things that I can look at and know where I’m progressing. So I have a fasting app on my phone. I have Fitbit on my phone. I literally can tell you how many steps I walked yesterday, what I ate yesterday, what I did, and I know that’s trackable.

Melissa Krivachek: The problem with salespeople is they never track anything. The only thing they’re tracking is their bottom line if they’re good at making money.

Darryl Praill: So you are truly, to a point of we’re talking about earlier, you’re getting rid of a lot of clutter and the distractions. And so this allows you to really focus on what matters to you.

Melissa Krivachek: Yeah, and the thing is you have to look at where do you want results. So if you want results in your sales, how many calls are you making? How many referrals are you getting? How many connections have closed? How many of your current clients would renew their agreements? Like, you have to look at that as a number, and if it’s not a number that you can track up and down it’s not a number that you should be paying attention to.

Darryl Praill: Alright. So with that, we’re gonna take a quick break, and when we return I’m gonna ask Melissa a little more details about the next step in this process. So don’t go anywhere. We’ll be right back.

Darryl Praill: Okay so we’re back, and what I wanted to ask you next was I understand your point. I understand the focus. I understand getting rid of the distractions, getting rid of the clutter. It’s all good. But my problem is I still have people coming to me and asking me to do things above and beyond what I’m trying to do, and often it’s because I’ve got skills or I have a certain job title, or I’ve gotten certain relationships, or I’m just a nice guy. Who knows. And I often say yes to them way more than I should. Is that part of my problem? Do people do that, or am I just the only one?

Melissa Krivachek: I was literally going to say, « Darryl, do you know how to say no? »

Darryl Praill: I do. I’m getting much better at it, but you know what? Candidly, that’s something that’s acquired over decades of working and realizing I’m just continually shooting myself in the foot if I just say yes. But I was earlier in my career, I had no will.

Melissa Krivachek: The thing is, just because you know how to say no doesn’t mean you’re gonna say no.

Darryl Praill: Okay. I’m listening.

Melissa Krivachek: So it’s like just because you know you need to lose weight doesn’t mean you’re actually gonna lose weight. Just because you know you need to make more money doesn’t mean you’re gonna go make more money. So what habits need to be replaced in your life that can be replaced over a period of time? Maybe dramatically or not so dramatically.

Melissa Krivachek: So who are you saying yes to that you know you should be saying no to, and how can you do that in a way that’s conducive to staying within your integrity?

Darryl Praill: And, I mean I know because you’ve already given me some stories about people who have control issues. When you say that, my first gut reaction is most people are gonna create excuses about why they’re saying yes. And therefore, they may not be honest with themselves about their yeses versus their nos.

Melissa Krivachek: Yeah, that’s you there. That’s exactly what you’re doing.

Darryl Praill: Yes. No, yes. I’m confused. You’re right which is why we’re having you on this podcast.

Melissa Krivachek: Because I will have an intervention.

Darryl Praill: Help me, Melissa!

Darryl Praill: So when someone asks me something, what should I do? What should I say to myself in my head before I respond to them?

Melissa Krivachek: No.

Darryl Praill: Just no.

Melissa Krivachek: No, obviously. Obviously, you should say no a lot more often.

Darryl Praill: There’s truth to that. Actually, I love what you’re saying because ruthlessly focus … It gets rid of this … Okay, I love it. Okay. Okay. So I’m gonna take you up on this. Just so you know. So I’m auditing. I’m gonna be ruthless-

Melissa Krivachek: Well how much nos are you gonna tell people today?

Darryl Praill: Well today’s a snow day. I’m working from home so other than my wife and my dog, not a lot.

Melissa Krivachek: It doesn’t matter. People are still gonna ask you for things.

Darryl Praill: They are. It’s true. Slack and email and everything else. You’re right.

Melissa Krivachek: That’s your story, Darryl.

Darryl Praill: That is my story, but you know what I did yesterday? I had my weekly staff meeting yesterday, and I said, « Guys, I’m really trying to delegate down because I’m overwhelmed, and I need you to pick up the slack. I don’t need to be involved in every decision. » I actually had that conversation. Yes it’s true, I’m not a young pup anymore so I should have done this about 20 years ago. But I’m trying, Melissa, and I’m sure everybody listening’s doing the same thing. They’re saying, « We’re trying. »

Darryl Praill: And to that of course, you would say try harder.

Melissa Krivachek: The thing is, is like trying the same as doing, though.

Darryl Praill: Yes.

Melissa Krivachek: ‘Cause I’m trying to lose weight. Am I actually doing it?

Darryl Praill: Listen. You’re killing me here, Melissa, but you know what it is? This is all good love. I love it. This is all good love.

Darryl Praill: So okay, I’m not asking you. I’m asking the audience right now. So is Melissa saying this, and she’s giving me a lot of grief, and she’s right to do it. Are you feeling a little uncomfortable because if you are, then you should be listening to Melissa because she’s clearly hitting something in your own process, your own motivations, your own execution that is affecting your ability to focus, and she’s giving you the tips and tricks here.

Darryl Praill: So now, I want to circle back here. So you’ve kind of talked to us a little bit about the psychological part, the control, and everything else. You talked to us a little bit about saying yes when we’ve got to say no. You talked about doing the audit, but I want to … and this is really for me, but I don’t think I’m alone.

Darryl Praill: How do I systemize this? How do I make this a repeatable, scalable, from this point onward this will work for me?

Melissa Krivachek: So the first thing you have to do is go through an elimination process. And that’s gonna take about 30-60 days. And you’re going to need accountability during that process.

Melissa Krivachek: So just because you went to your team and said like, « I’m trying to do these things. » Who’s asking you on a daily basis, « Darryl, did you say no more often? Did you accomplish the things that you said you wanted to accomplish in a timely fashion? » Like, if you don’t have that accountability, it doesn’t matter who you told because no one’s following up to see if you actually stood true to your word.

Melissa Krivachek: And then the next thing is like once you do stay true to your word, how do you scale that so that you can consistently stay on track and get better and better results?

Melissa Krivachek: The answer to that is to have that period of your life where you’re like, « Alright. I need to put this tracking in place so I can see where I’m falling off the wagon when I do that. » Like, what’s the trigger point for me when I’m moving forward?

Melissa Krivachek: So sometimes it’s like I need to take control back because I want this done a very specific way, or sometimes it’s like I need to call this person and say yes because I feel like I’m obligated, so to speak, to saying yes to them as I owe them a favor because they did me a favor.

Darryl Praill: I’m still listening. Then what?

Melissa Krivachek: Does that make sense?

Darryl Praill: No, it makes sense. It perfectly makes sense, and what I like about this is it’s a little bit of … We’re kind of getting a self-help book in less than 30 minutes, guys. Isn’t this kinda fun?

Darryl Praill: So I’m listening. Now assuming I’m a good boy and I do everything you just said, then what? Is there a then what after this to make sure this is all repeatable now and scalable? It’s my new normal, or what? Just basically having that support system to hold me accountable? Are there … Okay, hear me ask a question differently. Are there habits or apps, I’m a big app guy – I love technology, that will help me do this better?

Melissa Krivachek: So the biggest question you have to ask yourself is what is it that you’re trying to achieve? So yes, there’s apps for this. So for money, if you’re trying to achieve something financially, Cleo is one of my favorites. So basically, Cleo is like an AI algorithm that literally sends you messages every day of your budget of money you’ve spent. And it like wraps it up in an accounting sheet for you. So when I look back like the other day they’re like, « You spent $1,158 today. » And I’m like, « On what? » But like I needed that because that’s not my strong suit. Keeping account records isn’t my thing.

[bctt tweet= »So the biggest question ❓ you have to ask yourself is what is it that you’re trying to achieve? ~ @UltSalesSummit #SalesSuccess » username= »VanillaSoft »]

Melissa Krivachek: For like fasting, there’s an app called Zero. So I hit « Start Fast » and it tells me like every single time that I’m fasting. And that’s really cool. For sales, like you just have to write that down. I don’t really think there’s an app for that.

Melissa Krivachek: So I have this checklist of I called this person, I got this referral, and I have made this amount of money. Now the thing is like you want to make more money today than you made yesterday, and you want to continue that process. So there’s never a point where you’re like, « Oh, I made enough money. Oh, I have enough referrals. Oh, I talked to too many people today. » Like once you feel like you have done those things, do one or two more of those things to make yourself grow.

Darryl Praill: Alright. Folks, this is just the tip of the iceberg with Melissa. I mentioned she’s authored ten books. She’s all over the place. Podcasts and live streams and video. You’ve gotta check her out. So with that, Melissa, if someone wanted to check you out and continue to follow you and your advice and your wisdom, your guidance, or even just to reach out to you directly, how do you recommend they do that?

Melissa Krivachek: Yeah, I would say come to The Ultimate Sales Summit, and you can find that information at TheUltimateSalesSummit.com or just email [email protected] and I’m sure Darryl will spell that out ’cause-

Darryl Praill: I will spell it out. But not now, but I’ll spell it out. When we send out the notice, but I’ll spell it out. It’ll be in the actual listing on the podcast. You can get it there, guys.

Melissa Krivachek: Perfect.

Darryl Praill: Now trick question, bonus question, of all the ten books you’ve written, when it comes to focus, which book is most applicable?

Melissa Krivachek: Power, Sex, and Business.

Darryl Praill: I just love the title alone. You’ve got me right there. Power, Sex, and Business. Man, your copywriter on that title nailed it. Well done. That’s fantastic. If that was you, well done.

Melissa Krivachek: Oh, I title all my own books.

Darryl Praill: Alright well that’s fantastic. Okay, guys. So that is a quick and dirty method on how to … for lack of a better word, how to assess your focus. To come to some truths about whether it’s affecting you or not, and if you’re like me it is. And then how … I love Melissa’s guidance on the idea of the audit and the idea of implementing changes and keeping the core and jettisoning the rest because you want to have the right balance between your goals and objectives, and personal side versus a business side and then the whole idea of systemizing it so that you can then maintain yourself moving forward.

Darryl Praill: And I love the fact that she kind of said this is not an overnight change. This is gonna take an extended period of time to make that transition. So play the long game. But if you do that, to her point, your focus will be much more clear and your results will be much more pronounced, and in the end that’s what we all want. We want better personal, we want better business, and therefore you need to invest in yourself.

Darryl Praill: I’ve had a lot of fun talking today, Melissa. Thank you so much for your time and your expertise. Thank you.

Melissa Krivachek: You’re welcome, Darryl. Thanks for having me.

Darryl Praill: Alright, folks. If you liked that then guess what? There’s tons more episodes at INSIDEInsideSales.com. You can find us on your favorite podcast directory. All we ask is that you simply go and share, like, comment, just spread the love. In the meantime, we’re done here today, folks. We wish you a wonderful day, and we’ll talk to you real soon. Take care. Bye-bye.