While we can all see that the sales field is evolving at a rapid pace, it’s easy to overlook that there is a new age of buyers as well. How do you create connections with this new breed of decision-makers? What’s the best way to bring them value? How have budgets changed, and what’s the best practice for navigating these deals? Have you got it figured out?

In this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl speaks with Will Frattini, the Rockstar Director from ZoomInfo. Darryl and Will discuss how best to navigate the buying process, touching on imperative topics such as creating levels of confidence and trust with your buyer, to getting through the labyrinth of closing an internal deal. They also talk about how best to empower your team to sell to the right people, and how to find the path to success through using delicate qualifying questions. The sales world is changing quickly, but we’ve got you covered on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!

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Host:  Darryl PraillVanillaSoft

Guest: Will Frattini, ZoomInfo


Darryl Praill: And welcome to another episode of INSIDE Inside Sales. My name is Darryl Praill. I’m with VanillaSoft. I am so pleased to have you guys back. It’s been a while. How are you feeling? How you doing folks?

Darryl Praill: I was sitting around thinking about today, what are some of the topics that we can continue to talk about on the show, because we’ve covered off so much. And I always try to cover topics as I’ve shared with you before that are, shall we say not the norm. In other words, if it’s, here’s three ways to optimize your email.

Darryl Praill: Well, it’s a great piece of thing to talk about, but there’s a gazillion of those sessions out there. I got into a conversation with this lad here, that I’m going to talk to shortly.

Darryl Praill: About the whole challenge of how to navigate a buying process. It’s like alarm bells went off and it was ringing in my ear because I hear this over and over again, not just from you, would you guys give me feedback.

Darryl Praill: But I hear it as well from my own internal sales reps. I hear when I’m at the various conferences, the show flows as I’m talking to everybody who was in the sales game.

Darryl Praill: One of the things that he said to me was, « Gone are the days of, I want to talk to the decision-maker. » All right. That those days are gone, it’s true, right? They are. Or the classic, « What’s your budget? » Or, « When do you want to make a decision? »

Darryl Praill: These are all lines that I’ve had presented to me before. If you were to present those lines today, you might get a very interesting reaction. The buying process has changed. It’s changed dramatically.

Darryl Praill: The challenge with that is, what does that mean for you when you’re trying to navigate the buying process, and perhaps every single one is a wee bit different? Different organization, different cultural nuances. The UK versus Europe, versus the US. Just different organizational structures, different personalities.

Darryl Praill: If you’re selling in the tech, it’s got one vibe. If you’re selling in the finance, it’s got a very different vibe, as an example. The question is for you, how do you navigate a buying process? And how do you make it so that it’s repeatable and scalable and you can apply it?

Darryl Praill: Not only apply it and use it yourself but as you mature through the ranks and grow in your career, how can you pass that knowledge onto others, so that they can learn from you?

Darryl Praill: With that, I’m going to bring my fine guest in here, Mr. Will Frattini. If you don’t know Will, he’s with ZoomInfo and DiscoverOrg.

Darryl Praill: I guess once upon a time, technically he was with ZoomInfo, but recently, of course, you had the merger between ZoomInfo and DiscoverOrg. There you go. He’s with ZoomInfo/DiscoverOrg. He’s the Director of New Business Sales. I know this is a passionate topic for him. Will, my friend, welcome to the show.

Will Frattini: Darryl, thanks for having me. Really excited to be here with you.

Darryl Praill: They all say that, but I believe you. I really genuinely do.

Will Frattini: We have a storied history together.

Darryl Praill: We do. It’s relevant because Will actually closed me. He sold me when he was with ZoomInfo, as VanillaSoft, and we put him through the process. We did a comparison between ZoomInfo and DiscoverOrg and a few other options and we did the back and the fourth. We navigated it and we brought in all the various stakeholders and then we negotiated on a price and then he got the deal.

Darryl Praill: I know this man knows how to navigate a buying process because I’m like the most annoying person to buy from. Recently on LinkedIn, I did an article about what happens when people go dark, and they start ghosting you and how do you respond?

Darryl Praill: It was was pretty funny because I got a huge response to that post and that video on Linkedin. But part of the thing I got, and you can pick this up in the comments. Was it had a variety of people whom I had been in sales cycles with, just like I was with Will.

Darryl Praill: Who said, Darryl, I think you’ve gone dark on me. And by the way you still owe me a callback. I got called out myself and, and that’s the fun part of buying for both the buyer and the seller. Is how do you navigate that?

Darryl Praill: Will, how is this… I know when we were talking this was just jumped off the page to you. This is really a passionate thing for you. Talk to me about why you’re so convicted about this, and why it was a first thing to mind when we chatted.

Will Frattini: I think we sell into such a new age of buyers that while there’s so much training, there’s so much thought leadership. There’s so much precedent around this concept of BANT for a decision-maker, or what’s your budget.

Will Frattini: At the end of the day, I think there’s a new renaissance of selling that’s based mainly around value and compelling business cases to go and procure funds and invest in certain solutions that have an impact on a business’s development, growth, success, efficiency improvement.

Will Frattini: I know I don’t share this. I know I’m not the only person that thinks this way. I know we share this mindset. I know there’s others that are really subscribing to this. In our sales, it’s really important to tie to value and create a connection with the people that you’re talking to in the initial pieces of a sales cycle. That every step of the way we’re empowering them to go make that business case internally. Put their neck out on the line and ultimately get the deal done for the sales rep, right?

Will Frattini: That’s kind of where this stems from for me, is I’ve had enough deals now where my team and I never really get to talk to the decision-maker. And we have to empower somebody to go navigate that kind of scary process internally, to go ask for the company’s money to ask for trust and make a decision to move forward with an investment and a solution.

Will Frattini: This is why this is so important to me. I think there’s a lot of examples of success here, and obviously a lot of work in progress, but I’m seeing this happen more and more.

Darryl Praill: You made an interesting comment just there. Already jumping off the page at me. Which is, you talked about empowering the individual to fundamentally go represent you. Go represent the business case. Go represent the value of ZoomInfo, DiscoverOrg solution to your case, to the decision-maker because you don’t get to the decision-maker often.

Darryl Praill: How often does that happen? And let me ask you this further. How do you respond perhaps to your bosses where they say, « Well, do we have the decision-maker online? Do we have the budget, yada yada yada. »

Darryl Praill: I guess it’s twofold. How do you manage internally up, and how do you manage with the individual? Because sometimes the buyer will represent you well. They genuinely are not lying. They’re not misrepresenting. The decision-maker will trust the person you’re talking to. And you can coach them and give them tools and away they go.

Darryl Praill: Other times, they’re misrepresenting because they want to pretend they have all the power, but the fact of the matter is they don’t. Or they’re not trusted or they’re not respected. Or they’re not influential enough, or they’re not persuasive enough.

Darryl Praill: And you should have been talking to the decision-maker and ultimately you lose the deal. I guess, how do you manage up, and then how do you sniff out that situation to know which way to go with the actual buyer?

Will Frattini: We’ve all been caught off guard by that. Where we think we have it figured out, and then at the last second it’s, « I couldn’t get a budget approved. » Or, « It’s not the right time. Call me in a couple of weeks. »

Will Frattini: What I found to be most successful in our best wins, I actually learned this very, very early on, even before coming to ZoomInfo. The best way to qualify an outcome, is to look at historical behavior, right? Asking for the decision-maker… is just kind of an awkward question. Think about it like we’re all human still, right?

[bctt tweet= »The best way to qualify an outcome is to look at historical behavior. ~ @wfratt687 #SalesTips #SalesStrategy #InsideInsideSales » username= »VanillaSoft »]

Will Frattini: Let me talk to the decision-maker is kind of a sideways hit at whoever you’re talking to that you’re saying, « I don’t want to talk to you. I want to talk to somebody else. » And that puts people up on guard.

Will Frattini: One of the things that we found to be most successful is to dig in on, how the company you’re working with has done what you’re trying to do now in the past, right? It could be, how does your company evaluate data providers? Or how does your company evaluate sales engagement, sales enablement, sales empowerment solutions?

Will Frattini: Frankly, the last time you bought something to improve the efficiency of your X, who is involved, who had to ultimately give their stamp of approval on it. Getting that information out in the very first call is an appropriate, necessary professional and important thing to do.

Will Frattini: That starts to flush out, « Well, the last time we did this I evaluated it and once I felt like it was worthwhile, I brought it to my boss. And then she said, this is something that we should think about, but she needed to go talk to the finance team to make sure she could spend money before we go farther. »

Will Frattini: People start to share that with you if you’re comfortable asking that earlier. If you wait until the finish line and you’re trying to fumble a deal over the finish line, and you’re negotiating and people are asking for a 50% discount, you probably just missed how that process went. It’s uncomfortable for the person that you’re selling to now because they also don’t know how to get it done either.

Will Frattini: They’re trying to figure it out, but they don’t want to admit that to you. Right? It’s really, really important to dig in on what’s happened before, so that you can start to collect that kind of path to success really from the beginning, and get mutual buying from whomever you’re working with now, that you’re going to go try to sell this together to the right people, right?

Darryl Praill: It’s so interesting you bring that up, because I know on one of the more recent episodes, we talked about having continual alignment. Always checking in with the various stakeholders to make sure, not just at the start that you ask the qualifying questions. But that you continue to ask the questions throughout the process. Because sometimes priorities change, sometimes new players enter the process that you’re oblivious to.

Darryl Praill: They have influence that you’re unaware of and all of a sudden there’s a whole different value prop you have to speak to, and you get blindsided. One of the questions we talked about was, well, how do you identify who those stakeholders are?

Darryl Praill: I use the example which is not unlike your example, but yours is a little different. The example I used was, right up front you say, okay so for a solution like this, who were all the stakeholders that have a vested interest?

Darryl Praill: Because if I ultimately decide that I’m going to put forth a proposal, I want to make sure I understand each of their perspectives. For example, if there’s a finance guy involved, versus an IT guy involved, versus an HR woman involved, for example. They all come from a different point of view. They view value differently, they have different needs and requirements, different features.

Darryl Praill: If I know that upfront, I can help you navigate that internally by giving you the tools you need to speak to those issues. I can make sure that their needs are represented in the proposal so that your chances of getting this, because I’m assuming you’re my champion, are dramatically better and your process is easier.

Darryl Praill: But really, the reason I’m doing that, of course, is to find out who are the stakeholders. You ask the question a little differently. When you made a decision on this last time, that you made a purchase? Nope. Who was involved in the sales company? Or how does your company evaluate data enrichment solutions?

Darryl Praill: Similar question, but yours is even in some regards broader. Because you’re not just talking about the people, you’re talking about the process as well.

Will Frattini: Yes. Because, look, our biggest competitor I think it’s Doug Landis. That says this, our biggest competitor’s a no-decision, right? At the end of the day, our job is to figure out what is the labyrinth of closing a deal internally? Because no matter how well-intended the people are, it just might be the wrong time or they might be trying to knock on the wrong door themselves. Right?

[bctt tweet= »At the end of the day, our job is to figure out what is the labyrinth of closing a deal internally. No matter how well-intended the people are, it just might be the wrong time or they might be trying to knock on the wrong door. ~ @wfratt687 #SalesTips » username= »VanillaSoft »]

Will Frattini: That’s something that I think sales folks take for granted. Is we assume that if we’re having a, « Buying discussion, » right? With somebody that they know how to buy stuff themselves, right? I think that’s a really, really underrated thing that people assume that people know how to go do the thing themselves. Let alone if they’re bought in on it.

Will Frattini: You could still have the HR director, the VP of finance and the IT manager all bought in on doing something, but maybe they’ve never made a purchase themselves internally because they were all just hired in the last six months because the company’s growing so fast.

Will Frattini: I think that also could tie to even a CEO, who might still have to go talk to three or four other people in his or her network before he even stamps off on something. Or before she says, « Yes, this is a good idea. » Because not all CEOs are going to say, « Yes, you know what? I hired you for this job. I trust you. Go get it done yourself and I’ll support your decisions because that’s why I want you here. » Right? It’s all different varying levels of trust internally that people have to navigate.

Darryl Praill: You nailed it. You talk about levels of trust they have to navigate. And the CEO is a brilliant example. What many people forget, is that the CEO often, they may have one or two people internally that they trust. But often what they have is, they have a collection of external advisors or peers that they almost trust more. They feel safer, where they can be vulnerable, they can be transparent with.

Darryl Praill: That could be a board of advisors, it could be a board of directors, but often it is fellow CEOs, they know from networking groups, or what have you. They will consult with them, « Hey, we’re looking at making a decision. If it’s VanillaSoft for a sales engagement platform.

Darryl Praill: « You guys made this process recently. Who did you pick? How’s that going? » Any advice. Or, « We’re looking at VanillaSoft. You’ve ever heard of them? What do you think of these guys? My guys are telling me this, is that what you’ve experienced? »

Darryl Praill: They’re looking for somebody who has basically no skin in the game, because they don’t. Whereas your champion clearly is, he’s got some skin in the game. Part of that says you have to preempt that, and many people are good at doing that. Which is saying, « I’m going to get my CEO talking to their CEO. I’m going to get my board members talking to their board members. »

Darryl Praill: We can kind of understand who are all the influencers, how do they define value and how do we make sure that there’s no obstacles. And all that is truly about navigating the buying process.

Darryl Praill: All right, we’re going to take a break. We’ll be back in a few minutes, and then when we come back, we’re going to carry on the discussion around how to navigate a buying process. Don’t go anywhere.

Darryl Praill: Okay, we’re back. Now, I want to talk, I want to drill down on something. You asked that question. How does your company evaluate ABC solutions? When you make a decision like you did last time, who was involved in the sales cycle? How do you vet? How do you validate the answer you get? Because that’s all part of navigating the process.

Darryl Praill: « Oh, no. It’s just me. I make it. Oh yes, I make it with George, the IT guy. That’s it. We’ve got full authority. Don’t talk to anybody else. »

Darryl Praill: What tactics do you use to make sure that what they’re saying is truly factual? Because you set off the whole conversation by saying, « It’s changed. » You’re not necessarily going to say, « I want to talk to the decision-maker. » It’s not as direct anymore.

Will Frattini: Such a good question. All your questions are good, Darryl, but that’s such a good one, right? It’s our job as the experts in our solution to really act like the experts. When someone says it’s just me, we have to be comfortable with a little bit of being uncomfortable and saying, « Okay, let’s map out what it’s going to be like when you have to go get this approved. » Right?

[bctt tweet= »It’s our job as the experts in our solution to really act like the experts saying, ‘Okay, let’s map 🗺️ out what it’s going to be like when you have to go get this approved’. ~ @wfratt687 #SalesStrategy » username= »VanillaSoft »]

Will Frattini: You might be the one that’s making the decision, but then what has to go happen? Right. If they’re literally like, « I can buy it myself. I don’t have to talk to legal, I don’t have to talk to procurement. We don’t have to do any of that stuff. »

Will Frattini: All right, cool. What’s stopping you from moving forward today, when you find the right solution and holding them accountable to what they just said? Right?

Will Frattini: Sometimes, that’s literally the case. We have some of our best sales folks here, one call closes $50,000, $100,000 dollar deals when that happens. That’s because they’re confident saying, « If you’re really the person that gets to go make this decision, let’s make a decision. What more do we need to do? »

Will Frattini: More often than not, the former will happen though. Or they’ll say, « Well, I’ll have to go get it approved by finance, even though they usually trust me. » Or, « I’ll have to go, probably have to talk to legal quickly, but it shouldn’t be too complicated of a process. »

Will Frattini: And that’s where you get back to that mutual alignment of, « All right, let’s map that play out. Let’s telegraph that play together. I’m here to help you go sell it. I’m not trying to trap you into going around you and talking to a « Decision maker. » « I want to help you be empowered to go sell this and carry the ball over the goal line if you will, without needing to have me in the room. »

Will Frattini: And sometimes I use a little humor and say, « I know you’re not going let me talk to your CFO. » Right? « I know your CEO is not going to make time to talk to a salesperson. Let’s get ahead of that together.

Will Frattini: They hired you because they trusted in you. They hired you because you have a specific set of skills. They hired you because they know you’re going to take them to the next level. Let’s talk about how you go finish that, get it over the finish line together. »

Will Frattini: Usually that turns into a nice comfortable conversation. There are fewer still scenarios though, where people aren’t really ready to go on a buying journey with you, and they’ll still be reticent to give any further detail.

Will Frattini: Or again, they might just not know and they don’t want to admit it. That’s when we as sales folks have to take our foot off the gas, take a step back, and start to walk away from that opportunity and let the prospect start to sell us and saying, « No, no, no. This is real. I know what I need to go do. I just have some other things that have to happen first. » And then we can get to those kind of gotchas ahead of time. It’s all about discovering, discovering, discovering.

[bctt tweet= »That’s when we as sales folks have to take our foot off the gas, take a step back, and start to walk away from that opportunity and let the prospect start to sell us. 😲 ~ @wfratt687 #Prospecting » username= »VanillaSoft »]

Darryl Praill: You said you as a sales rep, there are times when you need to walk away and let them start selling you. That’s huge. I want to explore that. Because that takes some cojones. And everybody know they see the deal, and they know the quota they’ve got and then might get a little, I don’t want to say desperate. Let’s call anxious because they don’t want to lose the fish who’s nibbling on the bait.

Darryl Praill: Talk to me about your approach. What you’ve seen work to set that up, to come across as if you’re walking away and encourage them to start selling to you. How does that work?

Will Frattini: I think you nailed it. The beauty of prospecting in a rich area is, there’s a lot of opportunities as long as you’re patient enough. If you’re… we’ve actually been using this example here lately. There’s an annual shark fishing contest down in Oak Bluffs in Martha’s Vineyard, every year. And, lo and behold, fishermen always catch sharks.

Will Frattini: It’s not because they try to go to a new place every single time and hope that they’re going to find a shark there. They know exactly where the pods are. They know exactly where they’ve gone every single year. They have skill, they definitely have finesse. They definitely have technique that not everybody has, but they’re not spending their time in the wrong place.

Will Frattini: We as sales folks need to remember what is our core ideal persona or person, that should be purchasing our services or seeing value in what we offer. What’s the core type of company that’s going to benefit from what we offer and not try to that philosophically, and just stay true in those areas.

Will Frattini: If you have someone that is cuspy, that doesn’t fit that core profile and you’re trying to sell them, even if they’re interested, you have to be really wary of that. And you have to get to a no as quickly as possible, so that you can start to walk away and let them take ownership of saying, yes, « This is a new behavior for us, but this is the real thing. We’re going to buy you or we’re going to buy something else. » Right?

Will Frattini: Getting them to admit that they’re going to make a decision on something, will help you start to flush out if they’re actually real. They’ll tell you that if you start to kind of put your guard up a little bit, if they don’t look exactly like all of your customers look.

Darryl Praill: You’ve said a couple of things that are really kind of cool. I want to drill down on these. To get to a no as soon as possible. Now we know that. That’s not new. Few of us do it, which by the way, if you’re not doing it guys, I know it’s just dumb. All right? Because the reason is if you get to the know, then you go onto the next prospect. You’re not wasting time. All right?

Darryl Praill: I’ll use Will’s example. If you’re fishing in a body of water and no one’s biting, move. Is it getting to a no? No one’s taking my bait, I’m not going to stay here and keep hoping it changes, and keep throwing my line in the water. Move on to the next location because that, they might be biting there.

Darryl Praill: It’s all about time. It’s time and opportunity. If you spend too much time chasing the nos, then you’ve lost your opportunity in the other areas. But what’s really cool about what you’re saying here is, in the process of pushing to a no and not being afraid to do that.

Darryl Praill: What I’m hearing you say is that you want it, but right now you probably just not ready for it. Why don’t I circle back and say three months time? And then they’re going to say, « Well no, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. »

Darryl Praill: Then the magic just happened there. You almost threatened to walk away, and they’re going to then flip roles instead of you chasing them, they’re chasing you. Is that really kind of what I’m hearing you say? To a degree?

Will Frattini: Yes. I’m an analogy nerd. Another one, right? You walk into a department store to buy a suit. You’ll probably have a salesperson that’ll work with you, but they’re not going to custom tailor you a suit. But there’ll be with you, and they know you may, or may not buy without them really making much of a difference.

Will Frattini: You walk into a custom clothier. Whether it’s a dressmaker or a suit tailor, and you come in and the first thing you ask about is price. That tailor or that dressmaker is going to say, « There’s the clearance rack. I have to get back to what I was working on. Please let me know if you need my help. » Right?

Will Frattini: That’s such a beautiful analogy in my opinion, of how sales folks are masters at their craft, that believe in their value. Can navigate people that aren’t totally committed to making a decision, right?

Will Frattini: What happens if you’re at a dressmaker’s shop and you’ve asked what the price of the dress was. And the person that runs the store says, « Oh, there’s the clearance rack. » If you’re serious about buying a dress, you’re going to say, « No, no. My wedding’s in a couple months. I have to pick a dress today. And I’ve heard really good things about this store. »

Will Frattini: Now you’re the best friend of the owner of the shop, and they’re going to give you everything that you want and break out champagne, and be with you the whole step of the way. And you’re probably going to buy something while you’re there. Right?

Will Frattini: It’s funny too. The other thing to look at to like you used the fishing example, you can’t come to the end of that shark fishing contest either with a striper, or even a tuna and say, « Hey, but I caught a big tuna. I think this one’s going to be good, right? This might be better than the shark.

Will Frattini: The judges are going to be like, « No way. » Right? It’s a shark fishing contest. Now, in sales, we don’t have judges. We have managers and directors, coaches through the pipeline. But sometimes the tuna looks like a shark at the highest level until you show up at the weighing station. Right?

Will Frattini: We as sales folks have to be taking ownership of, you know what? This isn’t a shark. I’d rather go catch a little shark than catch a really big tuna in a shark fishing contest. Right? Again, forgive the analogies. I’m a total nerd about this stuff, but this is how I help make sense of it.

Darryl Praill: You’re storytelling, and that storytelling is a huge sales skill. You should go into sales. Will it be even in consideration? I thank you for it. I’m guilty of wanting that tuna to be a shark because I know I couldn’t land the shark. This is shark-like, isn’t it good enough? And of course, it’s not.

Darryl Praill: One last question. When you talk about navigating that buying process and you ask the right questions. Have you made these decisions? Who’s been involved? And they say this CFO.

Darryl Praill: What’s your thought about you picking up the phone and calling CFO, and phone saying, « I was talking to Sally, and she says you’re involved in this process. » I just want to hear your take on what it is you’re looking for. Good, bad?

Will Frattini: It’s like any good card in a good game of poker. It’s only useful at certain hands, right? You don’t always need to play it. If you play it, sometimes it’ll burn you. I’ve had success with it frankly, where I have a champion who’s just trying so hard to get the deal done, and not getting the progress that they want.

Will Frattini: They’re trying to negotiate with me and they’re telling me everything I should want to hear. Like, « We’re going to get this done, we’re going to get the signed. I just need a 30% discount.

Will Frattini: Or I just need, for us, I need 10 users for the price of five. It’s just doesn’t make much sense. I’ve asked all my questions and I’ve said, what happens when you go to sell this? I haven’t gotten the answers that I know I should hear.

Will Frattini: I’ve done it before where I send a nice thoughtful email or pick up the phone and call and I say, « Look, you’ve got some fantastic people in your team. Credit to you. I’ve been working with John, for a while. He’s great.

Will Frattini: You clearly have invested in people that want to see the success of your company. Here’s what they’re telling me. « I am curious to know though, it seems like there’s some disconnect. Can we get on a quick call to get aligned? »

Will Frattini: I think I can absolutely help based on what I’ve learned from John, but it sounds like there’s some extra reticence here. There’s some additional stuff that I might be able to help dig in on with you, If you and I talk.

Will Frattini: More often than not that C-suite or VP will be aware of the fact that all this has been happening at a very, very high level. If they’re serious about actually empowering the teams that your solution should support, they’ll oblige. They’ll either refer you to the person who actually is at a VP level or director level that can go make that decision that the CEO trusts, or they’ll on the phone with you.

Will Frattini: If they don’t do that, then you know you are chasing a tuna the whole time and you didn’t even realize it. Right? Again, it’s a card you can’t play all the time, right? If you go do it, you will offend some people. You have to use your judgment and you have to do it and mess up, and learn from when you messed up. But it’s absolutely a valuable skillset for most talented sales folks out there.

Darryl Praill: As you navigate the buying process lessons today, you want to fish for the shark and not for the tuna, and know the difference. That wisdom is from Will Frattini, Director of New Business Sales, at ZoomInfo and DiscoverOrg.

Darryl Praill: Guys and girls, if you’re not using this product, by the way, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. We love it. It’s made a dramatic difference in our success. I strongly encourage you to check it out. Will, if they want to follow you. Get along with you, reach out to you. What’s the best way to connect?

Will Frattini: I’m on Linkedin. I love communicating with people there. You can reach out to me in my email, [email protected].

Darryl Praill: All right. With that, thank you, sir, for your time today. I’m grateful. I hope you guys learned something new about how to navigate a buying process. He has a ton of opening lines and tactics. If you listen to those wonderful nuggets in there, you two can hook yourself a shark.

Darryl Praill: My name is Darryl Praill, I’m with VanillaSoft. I had fun today. I hope you did too. We’ll talk to you soon. Take care. Bye-bye.