Product Feature

E-mail & SMS Marketing

Is the phone dead? No, but your prospects aren’t all going to be on it. Some prefer email, others might be just fine with the laid-back informality of SMS. The point being, we all have different wants and desires, and sales is about learning and catering to them. Make sure your tool can do the same.

VanillaSoft Rating
Rating 4.6 / 5

Never Lose Touch

VanillaSoft’s SMS and email features help you stay in front of your customers and prospects. Easily create message templates, send automated drip emails, and automate appointment reminders.

Automate Messaging

Create email and SMS templates that can auto send based on your sales cadence.

Increase Response

Automatically personalize email and SMS content based on key contact variables within the system.


All email and SMS data is stored with the contact for better visibility into correspondence history and message performance.

SMS and Email Marketing Software that Optimizes Prospect Communication

Email & SMS Templates

Create pre-built texts and emails that will auto populate and merge contact information.

Email Drip

Create email sequences that can automatically nurture leads based on call disposition.

Send Video

Embed video messages directly into your email via seamless integration with Vidyard. Watch the demo.

Document Library

Push information from VanillaSoft to another system (like a CRM) using automated triggers.

SMS Reminders

Text messages can be set to automatically send to notify prospects of upcoming appointments.

One-on-One SMS Chat

Live text conversation with prospects directly from the contact screen in VanillaSoft.

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