July 19-21, 2023 

Midwest Meeting of the Minds


Conference Center – DePaul University
8th floor, 1 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL

VanillaSoft is a Presenting Sponsor of Midwest Meeting of the Minds, an annual in-person and online gathering of fundraising professionals sharing best practices and new ideas.

VanillaSoft Speaking Session

Join VanillaSoft’s own Jordan Hiatt for his session, “Get With the Times: A Fresh Take on Student Fundraisers”. 

Session Overview

As donor fatigue continues to become more and more apparent in annual giving shops across the country, the key to reengaging your alumni is right in your backyard — the new era of student gift officers is upon us! In this session we will take a deeper dive into how to make the most of your student fundraisers by recruiting across campus to target niche alumni bases, utilizing a “slingshot” method in cultivation, and instilling a culture of philanthropy within your institution. (Not “just” another phonathon session!)

Learn More