Product Feature

Appointment Setting

You know it better than anyone – when you’ve finally got your prospects live on the phone, time is of the essence. Prospects have enough handoffs to get through, so why risk annoying them and contributing to a leaky funnel? Get the time on the calendar and get out with the best appointment-setting solution on the market.

VanillaSoft Rating
Rating 4.6 / 5

Eliminate Human Error

Innovative features give your team the edge with the latest in appointment-setting software technology. It’s easier than ever for your team to set appointments – with less time, effort and errors. Incorporate state-of-the-art functionality to promote better qualified appointments, and more appointments for your inside team, outside sales team, or clients.

Maximize Efficiency

With one click, simultaneously send invites with distinct messaging to both the prospect as well as the sales rep.

Higher Attendance Rate

Automatically send email and SMS text reminders to the prospect leading up to the scheduled appointment.

Fewer Errors

Manage multiple calendars in a single view to help avoid double booking. Easily see what sales reps are available for a specific time. Eliminate time zone errors by displaying all calendar items in the prospect’s local time.

Streamline Workflows with our Feature-rich Appointment Setting Software

Multiple Calendars

Team members can see their calendar, or other team member’s calendars, from a single view.

Proximity Booking

Group appointments for sales reps in close proximity to existing appointments.

Data Collection Prompts

Ensure important information is collected before an appointment is set

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