VanillaSoft Support & Training Resources
VanillaSoft offers world class support provided by subject matter experts.
If you are not happy, we are not happy.
Knowledge Base
You can search our Knowledge Base for “How To’s” to answer your questions, as well as access our library of user guides and videos.
Live Support
Call our support line at (972) 200-0179 (or +44 (0) 114 352 2510 ext. 2 in the UK) between 8:00 am and 9:00 pm ET Monday-Friday (except for Holidays) and 10:00 am and 4:00 pm on Saturday (except for Holidays), to speak with a support representative.
Support Portal
Create, update, and view support tickets from inside your account. Just click on the Support icon on the top right corner of the VanillaSoft screen to access your portal.

or email us at [email protected]