March 4-6, 2024
VanillaSoft is a Presenting Sponsor of Northeast Annual Giving Conference, taking place March 4-6, 2024 in Pittsburgh.
Come by to speak with VanillaSoft’s Fundraising Evangelist Emily Etzkorn, and Account Executive Rachel Spencer.
VanillaSoft Speaking Session
On Wednesday March 6 at 9:00 a.m., VanillaSoft’s Rachel Spencer will host the session, “Donor Journeys: From the Engagement Center to Leadership Giving (and everything in between!).”

Donor Journeys: From the Engagement Center to Leadership Giving (and everything in between!)
At the core of donor-centricity is a keen focus on the “donor journey”: a journey that could span a lifetime (or just a few touch-points); that should be personal (but also consistent within a group); intentional (but always ready to pivot); individually tailored (and infinitely scalable). A piece of cake…right?! This session will explore how the concept of the donor journey can be applied to Engagement Center, Leadership Giving, and DXO programs – with a view to enlisting it as a source of inspiration.
Rachel Spencer, Senior Account Executive, Fundraising
Rachel is a true “phonathon” and Engagement Center expert, benefitting from nearly 15 years of tele-fundraising experience. She graduated from student caller, to telefundraiser-for-hire, to Engagement Center manager (and VanillaSoft client), and is currently salesperson-cum-consultant. In her role at VanillaSoft, Rachel works closely with more than 100 universities and her ability to imbue others with her unique brand of enthusiasm and joie-de-fundraising is truly unmatched.