It’s time to talk about agility. The ability to be agile is often the difference between closing a deal or closing the door on a customer. Receiving a promotion or stagnating in your current role. Your level of agility can even mean the difference between starting a new job or looking for one. Salespeople need to have an agile sales methodology.
In this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl is joined by bestselling author and legend, Amy Franko. Darryl and Amy discuss how integral agility is as it relates to either your success or failure. They share fantastic tips to strengthen your level of agility such as developing curiosity, and how to reframe any failure you experience. Darryl and Amy also go over advice such as seeking feedback, strategic speed, and busting the patterns that hinder your progress. Learn how to increase your level of agility on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!
Host: Darryl Praill, VanillaSoft
Guest: Amy Franko, AmyFranko.com
Darry Praill: My goodness, my goodness, my goodness. Folks, how are you doing today? I’m in a good mood. I’m in a good mood. Why? Why are you asking am I in a good mood? And if you’re not asking that, why are you not asking that? You should wanna know why I’m in a good, maybe once you learn why I’m in a good mood, you will be in a good mood, who knows? I don’t know. I ramble sometimes, I know you know that already.
Darry Praill: I’m in a good mood because a couple of things are happening. We’re really having a lot of fun and success these days at VanillaSoft, the activity is off the charts. These are the things that matter to our marketers, they may not matter to you. I know you’ve got things that matter to you so just tolerate me for a second. We’ve got massive traffic, massive brand awareness, massive conversation.
Darry Praill: Here is an example of what I mean of good news. I got a report the other day from the fine people who do all our production and distribution of the podcast and they messaged me, and they have a network. They have like a gazillion shows on their network and we’re part of that network. They messaged me to say, “Darryl, my gosh, what are you doing? Your show, it’s been like really doing really, really well. Last month alone, in one month, your show grew 25% and at this point of the year and everything else, all the other shows as a whole, cause the seasonality, they dropped 10 to 20% which is fine, don’t panic. But like you grow 25%. And like what are you doing?”
Darry Praill: And that’s an example. We’re getting good news everywhere. I’m getting so many people who saying, “Darryl I’ve been listening to you for so long and consuming the content, I really wanna know about VanillaSoft, can I have a demo? Can I see it? Why do I share this? I share this because it really shows you that if you play the long game, which we’ve talked about before. You play the long game, you have faith in the process that you will get rewarded.
Darry Praill: Sometimes I know we sit back and we say, am I ever gonna get rewarded? I’ve made 10,000 calls in the last three weeks or three months or what have you. I have sent more emails, I have had more social invites sent and my leads aren’t happening, my pipeline is not happening and I’m not hitting my numbers and I’m concerned. Then I got fricking Praill who’s annoying as hell. He’s in a good mood while I’m sitting back here miserable all can be. I don’t even want to listen to Praill’s podcasts anymore because of that cause he’s just a bozo.
Darry Praill: While you’re technically correct on me being a bozo, what I’m trynna tell you is that keep the faith. But let’s sit back. Let’s sit back because there’s many times I didn’t have the faith of the podcast was gonna do well or the other efforts gonna do well. What did I do beyond play the long game? ‘Cause clearly, you can play the long game but have the wrong tactics and eventually after a year or two you go, “Okay Darryl, I put the long game but nothing happened.” Well you had the wrong tactics.
Darry Praill: For me there was a variety of things I did. I like to think that I was a bit agile in how I approached all of the branding and outreach and awareness creation and demand generation programs we’ve done. I do a lot of studying, if you will. I studied my competition like relentlessly. I pick apart everything they do. Actually, I hope they do the same to me. I would love for them to tell me what’s working and what’s not in their point of view from what I’m doing. Hey competition, if you’re listening, this is an open invite.
Darry Praill: Kinda like Trump asking the Russians to do the mail server thing. I’m asking you, please let me know what’s working right, what’s working wrong, so I can make sure I do more of what’s right and less of what’s wrong. The whole point is, it is a series of continuous feedback with trusted advisors, including the competition, including my colleagues, including those mentors in my life. It’s people that I trust, it’s people with skills who I trust. That could be you, it could be your sales coach, it could be your spouse, your partner, it’s people whom you trust.
Darry Praill: And it was giving myself permission to fail. For me to succeed at some of these ventures, trust me, it wasn’t 100% every single time. There were failures along the way. And afterwards you go, okay, that didn’t work. I just wasted a month or two or three and that didn’t work. I shouldn’t do that anymore, should I? That was stupid.
Darry Praill: All of this, it’s just about how you approach your job. It was breaking patterns that were not helpful to me. It was reacting quickly. It was really about embracing failure and giving myself permission to fail. And then I like to think most of all, it was about me having a curiosity about what worked.
Darry Praill: For example, literally before I got on this podcast, I had a person reach out to me from the local town of Ottawa, Canada, coincidental. One of the things they do was they said, “Hey, you’re a fellow marketing peep, let’s connect.” I drilled down on their profile as I always tell you people do and I’m the same way. And I said, “What is this cat all about?” This cat apparently does podcasts and does production and does promotion. And I pinged him and I said, you do promotion, I don’t need podcasts, I got that part covered. You do promotion? Can you help me reach a broader audience to get the word out there about INSIDE Inside Sales? We had that back and forth.
Darry Praill: Maybe he can, maybe he can’t, we’re still going back and forth. But I was curious. I was curious and I asked because if he can help, I wanna know. Teach me, teach me oh wise one. Then I had that epiphany, that moment I thought, well if this is how I’ve had success recently and this is why I’m in a good mood, how can I transition this to you? So that you’re in a good mood, and you’re having success.
Welcome Amy Franko
Darry Praill: How can I teach you to be agile? And that my friend is when I remembered the wonderful book called The Modern Seller. That was written by Amy Franko and she’s here right now. Amy, welcome to the show.
Amy Franko: Thank you so much for having me, INSIDE Inside Sales.
Darry Praill: You got it right, that’s awesome. I’ve heard people say, can you say that again? They’ll go, “Sure it’s Inside Sales.” And I’m like “No, it’s inside twice, you gotta say it.”
Amy Franko: Because you gotta get the first word right.
Darry Praill: You do.
Amy Franko: There’s a certain way to say it.
Darry Praill: I shared this already with the audience, probably a podcast ago or two. If you guys have already heard this, I apologize. But there was a tweet the other day from a follower, a big fan of the show, he writes on the tweet, something, blah, blah, blah, inside dot, dot, dot, inside sales. And then he puts in brackets, for those who know you just know. I giggled when I saw that, I’m like right on dude, that was awesome. You gotta say it that way. You gotta be as cheesy as hell. Amy, you are a bestselling author of the Modern Seller. You are a Top sales Voice from LinkedIn, kids did you know this? In 2019.
Amy Franko: Yeah.
Darry Praill: I’m sure she’ll do it again in 2020 because hey, she’s Amy fricking Franko. You’re gonna be on stage in not too long at the OutBound Conference, is that not right?
Amy Franko: Yes, I will be there. I’m one of the presenters. I am so excited, can’t wait to see everyone in Atlanta.
Darry Praill: I’ve been asking this to everybody this who I talk to, have you done OutBound before? Is this your first year or are you a repeat presenter? Talk to me.
Amy Franko: First year, yeah. First year.
Darry Praill: Me too.
Amy Franko: So, Anthony Iannarino,
Darry Praill: Yes.
Amy Franko: He invited me, invited me to speak this year, so first time.
Darry Praill: Anthony Iannarino of the Columbus Iannarinos, is that who we’re talking about here?
Amy Franko: Yes, of the Columbus Iannarinos, you got it.
Darry Praill: We say that, “Why the hell does that matter?” ‘Cause Amy is based out of Columbus and we’re just talking about all the fantastic people in Columbus. And a big fan of the show, Ed Porter, if you’re listening, Amy and I were talking about you beforehand, so there you go. All the sales action happens in Columbus, Ohio, including Amy Franko. If you guys wanna multitask, if you’re actually listening to this while at work with Amy Franko, that’s with a K, amyfranko.com. Check her out, she’s pretty cool. Great blog. Does a lot of training and a lot of coaching.
5 Things to Build Your Agile Sales Methodology
Darry Praill: Amy, let’s set the stage here. I talked about agility and I know that’s something you talk about in your book. Maybe you can set the stage for me, now I gave my version of agility. But in the context of your book, when you talk to sales professionals, what does agility mean to you?
Amy Franko: The Modern Seller digs into what I see as five next generation selling skills. And one of them is agility. A modern seller is agile. Agility was something that was pretty much reserved for the sports arena up until maybe the last decade. You’ve started hearing it in business context. And interestingly enough, The Center for Creative Leadership does a lot of research in next generation skills in general, not just selling skills. And agility is a top five skill that organizations are hiring for. That’s not just a sales statement but that is a broad organizational statement. If you’re out there looking for the next role, you are looking to develop yourself in the role that you’re in today, agility is something that you need to be focused on.
Darry Praill: I gotta drill down on this a little bit. So hiring managers are actually looking for this. I actually believe you. But how does a hiring manager look for this? I’m asking on behalf of every single sales rep right now who’s thinking about maybe I need to look for the next opportunity. I need to make sure that my CV or my experience projects the whole agility angle. What advice would you have for them?
Amy Franko: I think there’s maybe a myth about agility that you either have it or you don’t. I believe it’s a set of skills that you can develop over time, some are short term, some are long term. But if I were to give us a working definition for agility, agility is the ability to connect your past experiences to a current situation. When you talk about the things that you’ve learned with the podcast and I believe no experience is wasted. There is something that you’ve learned along the way that’s going to help you in the career or selling situation that you’re in today.
Amy Franko: People who are agile, quick thinkers, quick decision makers, they are decisive. But they also know when they need to pivot. When you talk about something’s not working three months down the road, it’s the ability to see that for what it is and maybe pivot to something different. Totally applicable that any selling situation and any sales conversation that you might be having. And they can filter a lot of information.
Amy Franko: We are so overloaded with information these days but someone who’s agile can filter that information, process it, and really pull out the most important things. Imagine being able to do that in a sales conversation. Your prospects and clients are dealing with the exact same stuff. If we can filter and process for them, help them see those nuggets, those insights, we’re gonna move a sales situation further faster.
Darry Praill: That’s so huge the way you say it because you’re actually spot on. And I really hadn’t connected the dots until you said it. ‘Cause I always think of agility like I just described, which was my personal, I used the podcast as example and the success of VanillaSoft is having. But agility to your point, equally applies to not just the big picture but also that moment in time. For example, that sales conversation you’re having at that moment in time ’cause you have some information, so you have some knowledge. You go maybe into the call thinking, the call’s gonna go this way. And all of a sudden you ask a question and they give you an answer you’re not expecting, and it goes that way, exactly. How do you react? Many people go, because you’ve taken me off of what I thought was my script, my path.
Amy Franko: This isn’t my script anymore, what do I do? I gotta go off script.
Darry Praill: I’ve had many reps actually on the call try to bring me back to their script, even though I’m spoonfeeding them the direction they should go in ’cause that’s where I have the pain. I guess if you’re listening right now and you’re chagrined as you hear that know you’re guilty of that, that’s okay.
1. Take an Improv Class
Darry Praill: That’s why Amy’s here. Let’s make this real tangible, practical for all of our sales rockstars listening. You mentioned there’s five things to build more agility. I wanna know what those five things are. Let’s just go right through the order. Number one, first thing I need to know.
Amy Franko: Number one, I’m gonna go further down my list and hit number one.
Darry Praill: You’re gonna bop around.
Amy Franko: I’m gonna move around on you.
Darry Praill: You’re being agile.
Amy Franko: You said something in your intro that got me thinking and this was this part about developing curiosity. When you were talking, I’m thinking, did you have a career in improv at some point? Developing curiosity, take an improv class. If you are not used to being able to think in the moment and being able to pivot, if that’s not a skill that you’ve developed or something that is natural for you, an improv class will, hands down, help you to do that. I took an improv class early in my career. I had the opportunity to go to Second City and take a one-day improv class. It is something to be on a stage with people that you don’t know, putting together a scene right in the moment. That is something, curiosity, improv, that will help you in sales situations.
Darry Praill: I’ve seen many friends who are standup comics, kinda improv again. They’re sales professionals or trainers or marketers by day, but they do improv at night or comics at night. What about something about as simple as like a Toastmasters? ‘Cause even then often you’re kinda called to stand up and speak about this pencil, go.
Amy Franko: I’ve been a part of Toastmasters for a couple of years. They do the more structured speeches but they also do off the cuff speaking. Same idea. It’s being able to talk about something for one or two minutes, a topic that someone throws out to you that you know nothing about. It’s the discomfort of being in the moment but being able to think quickly and redirect. So we’re going off script, if you will. You apply that to a selling situation. You’re hearing what someone is telling you and you have to redirect based on what you’re hearing not the path that you intended to follow or the script that you intended to follow.
Darry Praill: I can’t stress to you how important this is, not only as a sales skill but as a life skill. Let me pull back the curtain a little bit about this podcast. If you’re a regular listener, you probably have figured out by now there’s a bit of a formula that we like to follow, most podcasts do. I love talking to you for the first five or odd minutes about what’s going on with my life. And everything I share with you is completely legit. But what’s interesting is this, I’ll use Amy as an example but this happens every single episode. Amy and I talked, what do you wanna talk about? And we’d agreed that the whole idea of agility was a great topic.
Darry Praill: Now we kind of came to that agreement, literally before we went on the air. Amy had it in her mind but she hadn’t floated it to me until we went on the air. Then I have to come up a-la improv and talk about for the next five minutes about something related to agility, that is not easy. True story. Amy, I’ll share this with you ’cause you’re gonna be at OutBound.
Darry Praill: So we’re trying to interview everybody who’s gonna be speaking at OutBound. Whether it’ll be the podcast or webinar. OutBound is founded by the four, we got Jeb Blount, Anthony Iannarino, Mark Hunter, used to be Mike Weinberg, now it’s Victor Antonio. Those are the four anchors of the show. We had a hard time getting Mr. Blount, let’s just go with that. We had a really hard time. Imagine herding cats, that would be easy. We finally get Jeb, because Jeb was supposed to go to the studio to record his audio book version of his new book he’s got out. And his voice was trash and they sent him home and he had a couple hours on his agenda and he said to me, I could do whatever you want now.
Darry Praill: So we had no scripting whatsoever and in that we were on the phone, we were on this session, video everything for like two and a half hours. We did a podcast as we’re doing now, we did a 35 or 40 minute interview for him and then we did an actual webinar. Kids, the webinar we had to pre-record. We will air it live but it was pre-recorded. The webinar and the podcast, a million percent improv. There was no slides, there was no plan, it was just go. if you don’t develop that skill, you can’t do that.
Darry Praill: But when you get Jeb Blount or your ideal customer profile on the phone, you better demo, you’ll be able to react. That’s a skill you should develop, I love that. There’s four more to go through. I’m talking way too much. What we’re gonna do is we’re gonna make you wait because hey, we waited this long already. Don’t go anywhere, we shall be right back and we’re gonna say Amy quick, go fast, give us four. Stay tuned, be right back.
Darry Praill: Alright, that’s my Jeb Blount story. Don’t tell him I shared that with you. That’s between you and I.
Amy Franko: That’s between just us and however millions are watching him.
Darry Praill: However how many thousands No worries.
Darry Praill: Are listening, exactly. Develop curiosity. Before we move on from that, if I’m not inclined to develop curiosity, how do I develop that skill?
Amy Franko: If you’re not inclined to develop curiosity, this is one of those moments in life where you have to make a decision to do it. I think that that’s kinda the bottom line. If you’re a sales leader and you see it in a team member, you may have to help them on the path. But if you are not inclined to develop curiosity, it starts with the decision and maybe doing something small. Something else that you like to do that has nothing to do with sales.
Amy Franko: Do you like to work out? Do you like to write? Do you like to do art? Those are all things that help you develop curiosity. Just getting out of your everyday work and doing things that you enjoy, help you develop curiosity and interestingly enough, it can also make you a better seller because you’re creating other experiences. Your brain can connect the dots more easily between disconnected experiences.
Darry Praill: I’m always listening for those verbal cues that people give without even realizing it. The other day we were out on the ski slopes and my partner and I were talking about this and then we came back and blah blah blah and the story carries on. Wait a minute, ski slopes, let’s go research. Is there a connection here? Do they like skiing? Can I send them something, maybe a pass to the local ski club to stay topical and relevant. Curiosity, you’re listening for the clues. Anyway, we beat that one to death.
2. Reframe Failure
Darry Praill: Now you’re out of order. So Amy, the show’s yours. Where are we going next?
Amy Franko: I’m gonna go to the next one which is connected to developing curiosity, which is reframing failure.
Darry Praill: Oh, I love this one.
Amy Franko: You’ve had a rough call, you’ve had a rough prospecting block. Our decision to take the data points of learning from that and being able to set aside the feeling of we’re not good enough, the feeling of failure, the emotional component to it. Feel it for a little bit but take the learning points and move on from it. Use it to get better the next time. That is a concrete example of reframing failure. Take in the learning points, moving on, getting better and not seeing something as an absolute success or an absolute failure. Everything kinda falls on a spectrum. Thinking about failure differently.
Darry Praill: This is all about mindset a little bit folks. We talked about this before, definitely is a mindset. There’s two ways I handle this myself. One is I anticipate failure. I don’t plan for failure but I do anticipate it. Meaning, like I shared the podcast, we’re gonna do this tactic or this approach or this strategy, it may or may not work. So I’m anticipating that it might not work. I may even proactively communicate to the stakeholders on my team, or bosses that this may not work so that their expectations are managed accordingly.
Darry Praill: And then when it doesn’t work, you go, okay, it didn’t work. Plan B, right? It’s like going into battle, the plan goes out the window and you’re under plan B or plan C, or D before you know it. But that’s what it’s all about. That’s when you can anticipate.
Darry Praill: It’s when you’re not anticipating that’s really challenging. When all of a sudden you thinking you’re rock solid, things are going right to plan and all of a sudden, boom. A failure happens that you didn’t anticipate. For me, what I find I have to do is I have to compartmentalize. I have to grieve in the moment, say, damn, get up, walk away, walk around pace, go for an outside, get a coffee, whatever it might be.
Darry Praill: Come back and say, okay, I can’t change that. That’s where I’m at. Where do I go from here? All of this starts with giving yourself permission to fail because if you win, you win big and if you fail, you can always adapt. Rarely does that failure kick you in the ass and kill you. That’s me, that’s my point of view.
Amy Franko: I always expect to win. I go into every client situation and I plan to win. I go for the win. But to your point, I’m also saying there’s something that might go off the rails here. Something I’m not thinking about. I’m gonna be ready for that and anticipate it. And I think we have to be able to live simultaneously with anticipating something going off the rails or failing but also expecting to win.
Darry Praill: And that could be as simple as starting small steps. I’m gonna pick up the phone and if they reject me and they trash talk to me, that’s okay. I was actually expecting them to say no, I’m okay with that, move on. It’s tactical or it’s strategic but either way I love reframe failure. I’m a big advocate of that one.
Darry Praill: Number three…
3. Ask for Continuous Feedback
Amy Franko: Continuous feedback, think these all kinda tie together. You as the seller, you own your performance cycle. You own your performance, you own the mindset around performance. And with that, you own getting feedback to be better. Your boss doesn’t own it, the person sitting next to you doesn’t own it, you own it. You may have formal feedback cycles, formal performance reviews. The annual performance review is something that sets, it’s a rearview look.
Amy Franko: Are you looking forward and saying, I want to get better. I’m looking for continuous feedback from my leader or if your leader isn’t the right person, who else can you be getting feedback from? Are there other peers? Do you have a coach? Something like that. But people who are agile are always looking for continuous feedback from the right people and using that to get better.
Darry Praill: I’ll use a building the podcast example cause it’s just totally safe with almost all of my guests. unless I just totally suck. I’ll say, how was that for you? Is there anything we could have done better? Did we communicate good enough? Did you understand? Were you misinformed? What can we do to make this experience better for you? What can we do to improve the show? All that kind of stuff. I don’t always like what they say but that’s okay. And that’s where I’m combining a little bit of curiosity with a little bit of expecting failure but seeking feedback cause if I did suck, I don’t want to suck again. Please help me not suck again. They may actually give you that little piece of advice you need to become a rock star. Love continuous feedback.
4. Be Strategic with Your Speed
Darry Praill: Okay, number four.
Amy Franko: All right, strategic speed. Strategic speed is number four. This is the ability, and I think you touched on this really nicely in your opening, it is the ability to work toward short term goals, i.e I have X number of calls to make today or emails to make today, X number of leads to put in my pipeline, short term with long term. Maybe it’s my annual quota, maybe it’s something else that’s aligned to that. It’s creating momentum in the short term and also being able to create momentum in the longterm.
Amy Franko: When we’re only looking at the short game, what I have to do today, what I have to do next week, we sometimes lose sight of where we’re actually headed in the big picture. And we can veer off the path, like pretty steeply and then we gotta make our way back. But if we’re looking way far out at the long game, like I have to make this annual quota or quarterly quota, whatever it looks like for you and we’re looking that far out, we’re not always looking for the momentum that we can get in the short term and the short term wins that are gonna help us get there. So it’s the balance between the two.
Darry Praill: I love it. As you said, I spoke to that already in my own personal story. And that really does apply, longterm, short term. Make it tactical. It could be you have to do a 100 calls today but in the next hour, I wanna do 15 calls or I wanna to get, this is gonna sound stupid, but going back to the Andrea Waltz episode we did on “Go For No”, I wanna get 10 nos as opposed to yeses. We all want yeses too but, listen to that episode if you haven’t, you know what I’m talking about. That’s the short term then the long term and it could be hourly, daily, weekly, quarterly, annual. But have goals, always hold yourself accountable to that.
5. Bust Sales Patterns
Darry Praill: Number five, what is it?
Amy Franko: Bust sales patterns. Bust the old patterns that aren’t working for you. Our brain is designed to create routines. Always looking for ways to take something that’s complex and turn it into routines that we follow. And it is one thing to have a routine, it is another thing to be stuck in a rut. There’s a fine line between a routine and a rut.
Amy Franko: And I went through this personally. I was struggling with prospecting. I just was not getting good results with my prospecting. I needed a coach to point that out to me. I needed some outside perspective and someone to help me look at what was going on. You might need that too. But I needed someone to point out to me that there were maybe a couple of things I needed to be looking at in my patterns.
Amy Franko: I had some old patterns that weren’t serving me anymore. When we’re looking at patterns, we’re looking at our environment and we’re looking at behaviors. I was stuck in a home office environment and that was not conducive for me at that point in my business and life to be successful with prospecting. I could pinpoint the things that were not working. Mine was environment.
Amy Franko: And when I changed my environment, I went into an office environment and it changed a lot about the way I approached prospecting. I planned better, I dressed for better success. I had to be very focused in what I was going to be wanting to accomplish in my prospecting block. Changing my environment, changing a couple patterns, helped me to become more successful. And get back into prospecting success. Where are you maybe stuck? A routine is become a rut that you need to bust some sales patterns and either change your environment or tweak a behavior.
Darry Praill: This is something I talk about all the time anybody who ask my advice. I always say be self-aware. A bit of a related note here. In other words, know where you’re strong and know where you’re weak. Being self-aware in your example is saying, I’m aware that this environment isn’t working for me. I love my office and I love being in the amenities of it but it’s just not working. I wish it worked but I’m aware it doesn’t. Therefore, how can I fix that?
Darry Praill: If you’re not aware, you can’t identify those patterns. But if you are aware, honest with yourself, then you can. Sometimes we don’t see the pattern. Sometimes you need to ask a colleague, a partner, whomever, and they’ll point it out and you go, damn, you know you’re right. That probably, is the problem. My wife is great at telling me how I suck. Sometimes you need someone who can tell you the harsh truth so you can identify the pattern and go, damn that’s the problem.
Amy Franko: She helps her bust pattern.
Darry Praill: She helps me bust my pattern. And then I can develop curiosity where I can say, I wonder if that pattern is the problem. Exactly to the point Amy is taking. Maybe it’s ’cause I’m stuck in this home office. I’m gonna go to a coffee shop and see if it made me more productive. So there’s my curiosity. And now I’m gonna say, Oh my gosh, that worked. That’s good, okay.
Darry Praill: Then you can reframe failure. Just say, my home office wasn’t a failure. I just recognized that I worked better over here. We’ve gone through five rapid fire ways that you can be more agile. Five ways to be more agile.
Darry Praill: Now this is from the book. The Modern Seller. Five stars on Amazon. Go buy it now, I wouldn’t steer you wrong. If you haven’t signed up for OutBound, go sign up for OutBound because Amy’s gonna rock it, I know she is. In the meantime, how do you become more agile? If you tuned in halfway through which of course it’s hard to do on a podcast. But if you did, develop curiosity, reframe failure, continuous feedback, strategic speed, busting sales patterns. This is Amy Franko. You can see her, amyfranko.com, you can email her, you can go on Twitter where she’s active, on LinkedIn of course, all the usual places. Amy, anything else we need to say to our crew or is that it for today?
Darry Praill: I think that’s it for today. Thank you, this has been so much fun.
Darry Praill: I love it. Kids, that’s another episode of INSIDE Inside Sales. I had fun, I hope you did too. We’ll talk to you soon. Take care, Bye bye.