Are you following up with your prospects? Do you ignore your cadence, or disregard contacting certain potential prospects? In a sales world where it takes 8 – 12 touches to receive one reply, follow-ups are one of the biggest issues in sales today. To put it plainly, without a sales follow up process, you are opening the door to your competition.
In this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl speaks with rockstar global speaker, Meridith Elliott Powell. Darryl and Meridith discuss 5 practical strategies to help you get on top of your follow up game. They offer tips such as finding a cadence that both works for you and your prospects, as well as the importance of being patient. Darryl and Meridith also talk about the value add that following up provides for new prospects and existing clients alike. The sale happens in the follow-up, learn how to improve your own follow-up routine on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!
Host: Darryl Praill, VanillaSoft
Guest: Meridith Elliott Powell, MeridithElliottPowell.com
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Darryl Praill: How you doing, folks? Another week. We’re back. You ever notice? I’ve fallen into this habit of starting off every show the exact same way and I’m kind of getting stuck. I always open it up with “How you doing, folks? Another week,” some variation of that and that’s kind of lame, right? What do you think I should do? Should I have some cat call? I open it up with some kind of howling at the moon dog whistle? I don’t know, but I need to mix it up. So I need you to send me your suggestions on how I should mix it up. Maybe I need some kind of repeat expression that’s better than “How are you doing, folks?”
Darryl Praill: Although I was reading my Gong the other day… I shared this on a webinar I was doing with John Barrows and James Bodnam, cold calling, that the line that gets the most interaction, the most engagement from your cold calling prospects is, “Hey, how you doing?”
Darryl Praill: I’m so sorry. “Hey, it’s Darryl. How have you been?” All right? It’s not, “How you doing?” “Hey, it’s Darryl Praill from VanillaSoft, how are you?” because nobody cares about that. I don’t really care about you. I don’t know you, and you’re probably going to hang up on me and then I’ll never talk to you again. And I won’t change what I’m doing because you’re having a good day or a bad day. But, “How have you been?” throws people off a little bit. They have to reflect. It’s not just, “How are you right now,” it’s “How have you been?” Good times, bad times. I find that very interesting.
Darryl Praill: It is interesting, though, because one of the things I’m intrigued by as I shift gears here, completely ignore that topic, is we’ve got a thousand things on the go right now on the marketing side, on the sales side. I’ve started doing a couple of things.
Darryl Praill: I’ve started asking people, inviting new contacts, so I’m making this offer to you now, if you haven’t heard this already. If you’re not already connected with me on LinkedIn, please send me a connection request. But the whole point here is you need to be connected to do what I’m about to offer.
Darryl Praill: What I’m offering people is, are you using the LinkedIn voice message or the LinkedIn video message capabilities. You need to use your phone for that. It doesn’t really work well on the desktop. And what you do is, you send them a message, right? And in the text box there’s a little plus symbol. You hit the plus symbol, you can actually add voice messages, et cetera. And I’ve been telling them all kind of how we opened up this whole conversation about how do you open up a conversation, is to send me your voicemail.
Darryl Praill: Send me your voicemail and I’ll critique it. I’ll give you feedback and we can practice this. Or send me a video message and I’ll tell ya if you’re out of focus or if your head is framed properly or if you look credible or if you look blown out and tell me how you sound. Because in the video message, I think in the voice message the same way, you’re limited to one minute. And what’s happened is I’ve gotten a lot of people doing that. So there you go. That’s your invite. Please do that. It’ll be fun.
Darryl Praill: My point being is that when I get a lot of these things happening then I get backed up and then I start missing appointments and I start missing calendars and that got me to thinking about how things have changed. How things have changed so much.
Darryl Praill: When I began this business way back when, I was so excited. I had the world’s best day-timer. It was super thin. It was a real day-timer because PDAs didn’t exist in those point in days. And I loved it because I would write in pen or pencil all my to-do’s and I’d write it all down. Each day was about an inch by inch square and I could have all seven days on one little size paper, almost like a checkbook size. And that was in my briefcase. Yes, I had a briefcase in those days and that was… Or in my suit jacket pocket because we dressed very differently when I began life in my career. And that’s how I stayed on top of my game. So I reflect back to that how busy we are and how has that changed? That was how I began.
Darryl Praill: And now everything’s on the phone, of course, right? So you’re making the transition. If you’ve ever had to make that transition from paper to phone, it’s hard. It’s really hard.
Darryl Praill: My wife has the propensity, or at least she did for years, to book us for social engagements where I was already booked because she was pen and paper and I’d transitioned to the phone.
Darryl Praill: Finally we went and we had this fun marriage class. Every couple of years we do a marriage class. Not because we need it, 30 years plus going on, but because it’s just good to kind of touch base again. Like you would a sales coach, this is a marriage coach and it’s fun. And so in this course, it comes up and it says, “What’s one thing your spouse can do for you that would make your life better?” And I said, “Oh my gosh, please move over to using a phone from paper so then I can have a common calendar, and we will stop booking each other and stressing each other out.” And so she made that commitment. And she did that. And life has been much better.
Darryl Praill: What that’s allowed us to do is now I can see into her day, she can see into my day. I can coach her when she’s going to miss an appointment because she likes to talk. She will not deny this. She loves to talk and it’s no different than probably you on a phone. I’ve had more meetings that I… I’m with a meeting, a video call for example, and they never show up because their other call went too long.
Welcome Meridith Elliott Powell
Darryl Praill: It’s all about follow-up. It’s all about how do we stay organized. It’s about how do we use the tools we have, what processes do we have to make sure we’re maximizing our time? That’s the bottom line, right? So imagine my delight when I happened to stumble across this article, which led me then to saying, “We need to have this person on the show.”
Darryl Praill: And the article was called Here are Five Strategies to Help You Build a Powerful Follow-up System. And I said, “I need this.” So where would you find this article? Well, you could probably find this article on this little site called meridithelliottpowell.com. And if you haven’t figured it out, by the way, I’m talking about that Meridith Elliot Powell. Let’s see if she’s here. Meridith, welcome to the show, my friend. How are you?
Meridith Elliott Powell: I am great, thank you. How are you? It’s quite the beginning.
Darryl Praill: Well, you know I ramble. I go all over the place. And what’s awesome is the audience rambles with me. And I say this because we do get some analytics. I’m sure there’s a ton of them listening right now, but go fast forward 30 seconds, in fact.
Darryl Praill: True story, Meridith, on my particular podcast app that I use on my phone, there is a feature, I kid you not, that if you type the letter L on the screen, it does what’s called a LEO jump. L-E-O, because that’s named after a guy named Leo LaPorte. And Leo LaPorte is a famous podcaster forever. He’s known for “This Week in Technology, TWiT. He goes way back when and he rambles. His commercials, like he had the sponsored commercials, are like five minutes long. Each one. He says, “We’re going for a little break.” It’s five minutes later, he’s still wrapping it up. The advertisers love it. But the listeners not so much.
Darryl Praill: So they created this LEO jump on the podcast app and I am positive that most of my listeners sometimes do the little LEO jump when I’m rambling. But many stick with me so there we go. There you have it. How are you doing these days, Meridith?
Meridith Elliott Powell: I am good. I am excited. I am hanging out in Charleston, South Carolina, today and life is good.
Darryl Praill: And you’re on the beach there, you were saying to me in the green room. I just want you to know it’s really annoying because I’m up here in Canada and I’m not on the beach. I don’t know if you have any sympathy for me but what’s the… Let me guess. It’s sunny outside, isn’t it?
Meridith Elliott Powell: It’s sunny and it’s 70 degrees.
Darryl Praill: I really dislike you.
Meridith Elliott Powell: I would like to add, it’s daylight savings time so the light’s going to hold later and life is good right now.
Darryl Praill: Oh, it’s true. When we did this recording, folks, we had just changed daylight savings time so everybody’s a little happier.
Darryl Praill: Now, if you don’t know Meridith, let me tell you a little bit about her, okay? She is a sales rockstar. She’s going to be at the OutBound conference. If you missed, Meridith was with Mark Hunter on our webinar we did in, I think it was January this year. It was all about prospecting. Go to vanillasoft.com website. We had so much amazing feedback on that webinar. It was through the roof. So definitely worth your time.
Darryl Praill: You can check her out at meridithelliottpowell.com. She’s on Twitter. She’s on LinkedIn. She’s got a great YouTube channel. Check them all out. I literally just bought her book, The Best Sales Book Ever, and the best sales leadership ever. So that has been purchased. It’s supposed to arrive today or tomorrow. I’m really excited about that one. And in fact, we’re going to be giving away Meridith’s book soon, so watch for that promotion if you haven’t seen it already.
Darryl Praill: She is all about business growth. She’s about sales leadership. She’s about not just that, sales skills and leadership skills. She’s a speaker, she’s a coach, she’s an author. She’s pretty much a rock star and everything I want to be when I grow up. So Meridith, thanks for making me feel bad about my lack of success, and you’re kicking ass there at the beach. She’s giggling at me. I love it.
The Biggest Issue in Sales Today
Darryl Praill: All right. I was talking about the whole follow-up stuff. Let’s put it in the context of our sales professional friends. Set the big picture for me. Do you see follow-up and the need for a system as an issue? Are most people okay these days? Because, as I mentioned, we have our phones or our PDAs. We have our calendars and Gmail or Outlook on our desktops. We have sales engagement platforms that are all about the follow-up. Do we suck at this or what’s the word?
Meridith Elliott Powell: Yeah. We pretty much suck at this. I have a theory. I feel like follow-up is probably one of the biggest issues in sales today. I think the statistics are, I’m not exactly sure this is right, but it takes anywhere from eight to 12 touches to actually get a prospect or a customer to bite. And we tend to give up as sales professionals. At best, we stay in with three touches.
Meridith Elliott Powell: But understand when I’m talking about follow-up, I’m talking about follow-up, not only with your prospects, but in today’s marketplace, you have to follow-up with your existing customers. And the reason is because if somebody has bought from you, they trust you and they believe in you. And the worst thing that can happen to you in this economy, the worst, is that one of your existing customers finds out about a product or service they need or want, and they find out about that product or service from somebody else other than you.
Darryl Praill: And I’m listening to you say that. In my mind, I’m saying, “And that’s a bad thing,” because that really is a really bad thing. And the reason this kills me, I actually was having this conversation with a number of people in the last week or two. I’ve had a number of people on LinkedIn really reaching out to me and asking for my advice, and I was having this conversation about different cadences and different outreach follow-up. And I’m like, “Even if you know the deal’s not now, you never know.” They may say to you, “Not today. We’re not ready.” And if you go away, and for six months or a year, it could be like two weeks later after your last phone call where all of a sudden, everything changed and they forget about you because out of sight, out of mind.
Darryl Praill: You need to follow-up. Maybe not every single day, but you need to stay top-of-mind. And I see that as a problem all the time. So let me ask you this. Is the easiest way to do this, to make sure we follow-up, is that to create a natural schedule that we follow? Is that a fair statement or not?
Meridith Elliott Powell: Yeah, in my opinion, what you need is a system, and a system really begins with a schedule. A system is a series of steps that you’re going to use. And rather than think of those steps as individual, understand that they work together. They have a compounding effect.
Meridith Elliott Powell: And the first thing you need to do is you need a schedule. Darryl, you know this better than anybody, the best way to schedule your follow-up is to use your CRM, to use that customer relationship management system that you know a little bit about because that’s the best place to hold that schedule.
Meridith Elliott Powell: I just want to tell you really quickly, I’m a salesperson at heart. And one reason I think that we struggle with follow-up is because we’re about the hunt. We like what’s new. We like to chase what’s new. There’s no bigger high than actually getting the customer to agree to sit down and talk with you. So it loses a little bit of its sex appeal when we realize we’ve got to nurture that close to sale. That’s not who we are by nature.
Meridith Elliott Powell: So I fought the CRM. I fought that so much at the beginning of my sales career. And when people ask me now the biggest mistake I ever made, the biggest mistake I ever made was not using a CRM immediately.
Darryl Praill: So when you say you fought it, I’m actually really intrigued with that because I get it. I almost feel your pain when you were saying that. It was very visceral. Was it because you couldn’t be bothered with, shall we say, the administrative aspects of it? You just wanted to go on to the next hunt, if you will, that next prospect. Was that why?
Meridith Elliott Powell: Yeah, you don’t want to do the administrative. Also I’m a little cocky. I think I don’t need something telling me when I need to call somebody or what I need to say. I falsely believed I would remember, and I falsely believed I would stay up on top of stuff.
Meridith Elliott Powell: I could blame it on age now, but even in my twenties I would call people and I would ask the same thing that I’d asked them before or I forgot to ask the fact that how was their vacation? Because that’s what they were leaving and doing the last time we talked. Or worse, I would just plain forget about them. And so you’ve got to schedule that.
Meridith Elliott Powell: The hardest thing you ever do is get an appointment with a prospect. It is so hard these days. So if you’ve done that heavy lift, why not get it into a schedule so that you know the next time you’re supposed to follow-up with them.
Darryl Praill: So there’s two things that jump to mind. I’ll throw them out there. One, I love the idea of capturing those notes because that really gives you the continuity because you can refer back to the last engagement. My biggest beef with people who reach out to me is they don’t prep for the meeting. So even when you get me in an active sales cycle, I find often I’m spending the first 10 or 15 minutes repeating the answers to you that I already gave you because you didn’t write it down. And that annoys the crap out of me.
Darryl Praill: Whereas if you started the call by saying, “Okay, so last time we talked, this was the situation, A, B, C, D, and E. Oh, and you were gone on vacation. So I want to know how was the vacation and then can we visit A, B, C, D, E, again and see if that’s changed.”
Darryl Praill: That just gives the call so much focus and it respects a person’s time. So I love that and I see too many people missing that mark, which is a shame because all you’re doing is doing a disservice to yourself. You’re losing your own street cred and you want to differentiate because what people forget, too, is that if there is an active buying cycle going on, it’s not just use. It’s not just product A versus product B or vendor A versus vendor B, it’s sales rep A versus sales rep B. Who do I like the best? So you want to respect their time.
Meridith Elliott Powell: Completely.
Darryl Praill: Yeah. The other part I find so frustrating with… Love your thoughts on this one. People who actually do make that next follow-up in their CRM or in their sales engagement platform, whatever it is, and then when it pops up on their screen, they ignore it.
Darryl Praill: You’re laughing. I know. And this is what we see. You said they make two or three attempts and they stop. We see that almost 50% of leads aren’t actually followed up on regularly because they’re getting told to call them and they’re ignoring it altogether.
Meridith Elliott Powell: Yeah. Do you know, the statistic to somewhere over 50%, but over 50% of leads that are qualified, the meaning that they would be a really good lead. They have a need for what you sell. Over 50% of them are interested in buying. They’re qualified but they’re not ready to purchase. So the chances that you are going to interact with somebody at the exact moment they’re ready to buy are like slim to none. Nobody got up this morning, got down on a knee and prayed to God that a sales professional would call them. So you’ve got to nurture that lead along.
Meridith Elliott Powell: So what I say to people is if you are not following up on that lead, you just opened the door for the competition. Especially if you touch them two to three times, you did all the heavy lifting because I guarantee you, the next person who picks that up, if they’ll just stay in the ring for four or five more touches, they’ll close that deal.
Darryl Praill: That’s killer. That’s incredible. Okay, we need to go for a quick little break. We have four points to cover off rapid-fire when we come back, but they’re all going to be around helping you folks know what that schedule is, how it works, what’s the frequency, how do you measure the results, all that great stuff. So don’t go anywhere. Do not hit that LEO button. Do not fast forward 30 seconds. Listen to our fine sponsors. We’ll be back in about 30 seconds. Stay tuned.
The Right Cadence is Key in Sales Follow Up
Darryl Praill: Okay, so you talked about the frequency. You said two to three attempts, and you said you want to do it… You said follow-up. The follow-up could be phone, could be email, could be social, could be direct mail. It could be a multitude of things.
Darryl Praill: Talk to me about your cadence, because if I’m right, that is what defines how often you’re following up, what time of day, what channel you’re using. I find too many reps are just doing it without a cadence in mind. They’re saying, “Okay, they didn’t answer the phone. I’ll make a follow-up appointment in a task in a month from now.” I don’t know. “Or 10 days sounds good,” or, “I’m not busy three weeks from now and that’s when I’ll do it.” There’s no rhyme or reason to it. So talk to me about cadence and that’s relevance.
Meridith Elliott Powell: Yeah. Typically what I tell my clients with cadence is you have to understand where the prospect is in the sales cycle. If anybody is hot in the sales cycle, meaning that we have literally had a conversation and they say, “Yes, I’m ready to do business. I want to pull the trigger,” then they go into a rapid-fire follow-up. Right? I’m going to stay present. I’m going to stay visible with them.
Meridith Elliott Powell: Somebody who had a meeting and they tell me that they have budget constraints right now or another project that needs to move forward, but they have an interest. I’ll probably follow-up with them on an every-other-month basis. And then I have leads that I know are a good lead for me but they have not shown an interest, and they go into two to three times a year, I follow-up. But you know, Darryl, I’ve got to tell you, I’m like a barnacle on the side of a boat. If you fit my target market, I am staying in touch with you until you pull the trigger.
Meridith Elliott Powell: I just closed a deal a couple of weeks ago that I’ve been following that lead for two years, but you’ve got to have a strategy in place. Whatever you do, understand who your leads are and then put the right cadence to it. Make sure it makes sense for them, not for you.
Darryl Praill: I love that. So when we use the word cadence, maybe not everybody’s familiar with the term. That could, as well, be called a sequence or a playbook. They’re all pretty much the same thing. And what I heard you describe… It was a couple of things and I’m loving what you said. A, basically I heard you say you have basically three different cadences. Kind of like the decision may happen soon, or maybe not quite soon, but I’m going to stay in touch with you quarterly. Or I’m going to stay in touch with you every six months, what have you, whatever it might be. The point is from super-urgent to not so urgent, but not disappeared. I love that.
Darryl Praill: So your schedule can be dynamic. You can have multiple schedules, multiple cadences depending on the prospect and you just pop them into that.
Darryl Praill: Marketing does a good job of this. You see them have lots of different nurtures or drips. You’re the same way. So if you have a difficulty doing that, then you should get tools that will help you with that.
Darryl Praill: But the other part that I really liked about your cadence was, and this is what I try to teach sales reps who are hungry, it’s exactly your point. You said, “I’m hungry. I want to go on to the next one.”
Darryl Praill: But sometimes being hungry means playing the long game. You said it took me two years. You’ve been hungry for two years, but you stalked them. You stalked your prey for two years because you knew if you just stayed there on their periphery, talked to them periodically, that when the time was right, that was your business to kill, so to speak. How many times do you find reps are just not patient enough?
Meridith Elliott Powell: I think they aren’t patient enough and it’s always made a difference. I think the conversation we are having has always been important, but I think in today’s marketplace it is even more important. It is harder than ever to get people’s attention. It is harder than ever to differentiate yourself from the competition. On top of that, you’ve got to deal with constant disruption in the marketplace. You’re going to do a better job of closing more business if you focus on the leads that you have already had contact with and then nurture those leads to close.
Tracking and Measuring Provides the Answers
Darryl Praill: All right, so then let’s talk about bringing numbers into the game. You talked about having the cadence and because it’s always about scheduling the next follow-up, but how do I know what the right cadence is? How do I track my results? How do I measure that, and are people doing that now or should they be doing it? You tell me.
Meridith Elliott Powell: Yeah, I don’t think that people do that. I always tell my clients, even though I am a sales coach, I always say, “The best sales coach you’re ever going to have is yourself.” If you track the sales follow-up calls that you’re making. If you track the appointments that you get from that. If you track the closed deals that you get from that and you look at it on a monthly basis, you’ll start to see what’s working in your follow-up system and what isn’t working in your follow-up system.
Meridith Elliott Powell: I’ll give you a great example. A couple of months ago, I wrote an article all about sales leadership and really how sales leadership can take your team to the next level and what’s missing in the strategy. And I got that published in a leading sales magazine and I shared it out and it got a lot of hits. It got a lot of responses. It got a lot of, “Thank you. We’ll share that.” Well, when I do the review, I’m able to see what my audience is responding to, what they’re interested in, making sure that my follow-up system is constantly getting better and better and better. So you need to be tracking and measuring and understanding what’s working.
Meridith Elliott Powell: Another example right now is that at the time of this recording, we’re dealing with the Coronavirus. So I’m not selling my speaking business right now because nobody’s really booking conferences and that would be a rude thing to do when everybody’s trying to figure out how to save what they’ve got. I’ve backed up and I’ve shifted my follow-up system to focus more on my strategic planning and more on my coaching, two things that are acceptable given the marketplace right now.
Darryl Praill: All right. You had a sentence in your article that popped off the page at me. You said, “Follow-up is more, it’s more about adding value than it is asking for the business.” I would think most people would say you should always be asking for the business. But you’re saying no, you’ve got to add value. Talk to me about how you can add value and how that applies to my cadence and my scheduled follow-ups.
Meridith Elliott Powell: Yeah, so I believe it’s a 70 30 split. 70% of your follow-up ought to be adding value, and 30% ought to be asking for the business. And this even means with a hot prospect.
Meridith Elliott Powell: So let’s assume, Darryl, you’ve told me, “Meridith, I think you’re amazing. I’m ready to buy your services. Let’s pull the trigger.” And I follow-up with you immediately and then I follow-up again and you go dark on me. And that happens to every single one of us. We have a hot lead and it goes dark. Well, if I keep pinging you and saying, “Hey Darryl, are you ready to do business? Are you ready to do business?” You reach a point with me that you think, “I don’t care if I loved her. I don’t care if I love her product, I don’t care if it’s the best thing on the market. I hate her now and I’m not going to buy from her, even if she was the last person I could buy from.”
Meridith Elliott Powell: So you have to understand that when people don’t respond to you, it’s not about you. They’re busy. What happened was the roof blew off their building. Their biggest client just handed them a new deal and their kid just got a D in math. Life is insanely busy right now and so you have to understand that even if somebody has said, “I’m ready to do business,” if they’re not responsive, add value. Let them know, “Hey, I get it. I’m going to stay visible until you’re ready to pull the trigger.”
Meridith Elliott Powell: Now with other clients who really haven’t said, “I’m ready to buy your product,” if you just start coming on like a bat out of you know where trying to sell them, they’re going to pull away. So I’m going to show you what I could do for your business and I’m going to pepper that with saying, “Are you ready to pull the trigger?”
Asking for the Business is Not Optional
Darryl Praill: Okay. Now what I loved in the article was your very next point, though, was you need to find the balance, which, in a nutshell, says you can’t spend all your time adding value without actually asking for the business, which you touched on a little bit there right now, but you had a personal story about how you actually missed out on the business because you didn’t ask for the business. Is that right?
Meridith Elliott Powell: Yes. And you’ll find that most things I read and write about are because I learned them the hard way. It’s absolutely. I spoke at a conference. I got off stage. They said, “We loved you. We would love to have you back for next year.” I assumed that meant I was going to be speaking on the platform next year. So my cocky self, I followed up with them all year long. I sent value-added articles. I did interviews for them. I published for their magazine. I did their podcast. I did everything to add value.
Meridith Elliott Powell: A month before the conference, I got a little nervous. I thought, “I don’t know what time I’m speaking, I don’t know anything.” And I called and they said, “I’m so sorry. We’ve already booked everybody. Stay in touch with us for next year.” I never asked again to be on the platform. I assumed because they said they were interested. So that’s why I say it’s a 70 30 split. Add value, but spend 30% of your time saying, “Hey, I’m still here and I want to do business with you.”
Darryl Praill: All right. So this all began about my wife and I being unable to schedule a follow-up time together for our personal calendars. That got me to leading, “How do we bring that over to the sales profession?” That’s when I found Meridith’s article about Five Strategies To Help You Build a Powerful Follow-up System. She talks about using a sales follow-up schedule, determine your cadence, make sure you track and measure, always create value, but then, of course, find the balance and ask for the business. That’s why you do follow-up. This is why you stay relevant. There’s a lot more there than just me, see.
Darryl Praill: I, of course, would suggest you definitely go out to her website, meridithelliottpowell.com. Please follow her on LinkedIn. If you’re not going to OutBound, book your appointment, book your ticket now. I’ll give you a hint. She has a code. I have a code. They both get you a hundred bucks off, but you can only use one code, so it’s your choice. You want to know the code, just ping us. One of us will answer you.
Darryl Praill: In the meantime. Meridith, any final words of wisdom for my audience here on the INSIDE Inside Sales Show?
Meridith Elliott Powell: Absolutely. Please remember, the sale happens in the follow-up. It always happens in the follow-up. It’s the most important piece of the sales process. You need to keep your foot on the gas and you’ll close more deals.
Darryl Praill: All right. There you have it. Meridith. Thank you so much. I’m looking forward to seeing you in Atlanta. In the meantime, folks, that wraps another week. I have six more days, maybe six and a half, before I need to figure out a new line I could open up the next show with, so I don’t say, “Hey, how’s it going, kids?” Ha.
Darryl Praill: Hope you enjoyed today’s show. I had a lot of fun. Thank you, Meridith. If you’ve not subscribed yet, please do so. We appreciate every single like, share, follow and comment you leave us. We read them all and we often bring them back here to the show. My name is Darryl Praill. That’s another episode of INSIDE Inside Sales. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye-Bye.