It’s time to ask the tough questions. Are you meeting your corporate goals? How’s your business acumen? Do you start the day with the right mindset? If you want to improve from where you are right now, only you can determine how that growth will occur. If you want to progress rapidly and quickly rise above your peers, then this is the podcast you need to hear!
In this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl has the opportunity to speak with another of The Four Horsemen, the unrivaled Anthony Iannarino. They forensically dissect Anthony’s tried and true 9 steps to finding success. Darryl and Anthony dig down into topics such as becoming a subject matter expert, learning how to ask pointed questions, and knowing how to create opportunities with your dream client. All the advice you need to become a world-class sales expert is all here on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!
Not in the mood to listen? No problem, you can read the transcriptions below.
Host: Darryl Praill, VanillaSoft
Guest: Anthony Iannarino, The Sales Blog
Darryl Praill: And we are back for another episode of Inside, Inside Sales. How are you doing everybody? It is a wonderful day. Guess what? It’s my first day of vacation. It really is. I rarely take vacation. I in fact avoid taking vacation. Not because I don’t like it, it’s just because I just have too much fun doing my job. So ironically, here I am on vacation on my first day and I’m sitting in my basement of my house having a wonderful conversation with a killer guest you’re going to meet shortly.
Darryl Praill: That’s what it’s all about, right? What do they say? They say, if you like your job, you’ll never work a day in your life. That’s a wonderful expression. I’ve had enough jobs to know when I’m working and what I’m not working. I’m having fun. I guess it gives me pondering, as you start every job, you sit back and you say, “Is this going to be a job that I’m going to like?” Well, I sit back and say, “I’m working or I’m not.”
Darryl Praill: I know as you know, that working in sales can be, let’s say it can be a challenging proposition. It can be very rewarding. The highs are high and the lows are low, right? When you’re rocking it, when you’re hitting your number, when you’re just closing everything in sight, you feel like you’re on fire, you are invincible and you go, “this, my friend is why I do this job. I have fun. I’m talking to great people, I’m representing a great product and I’m making a difference in people’s lives. I get to hang out with these people. I get to problem solve with these people. I get to help them be successful. Along the way I get rewarded financially for my efforts. This is a good thing.”
Darryl Praill: But then there’s the other side. There’s the other side when perhaps nobody’s returning your phone calls, nobody’s responding to your emails. When you’re getting in, you’re getting shutdown over and over again relentlessly and you sit back and you say, “Why do I need this rejection? Why do I put myself out there?” And it can often suck. Ah, welcome to the joy of sales. Right? It’s true.
Darryl Praill: So then I often, I sit back when I start my new jobs and I say, “What will make this job different? How will I have success versus failure?” That’s the big thing. How will you have success versus failure? So if you’re listening to this, perhaps nod your head yes if you can relate to this or sit back and listen and learn if you can’t. I ask if I ask you, how many times have you gone into a job and said, “These are the intentional tactics I shall take so that I can optimize my likelihood of success? And if I do these tactics well then I have done everything I possibly can. If it does not work out, it’s not for lack of effort. It’s because it just wasn’t meant to be. The gods are not smiling upon me.”
Darryl Praill: Having a plan is huge. Now, my job, my full time job is marketing, not sales. Although any more these days, that you and I both know that line blurs and blurs and blurs because, when does marketing end and sales begin? Who really knows. But the reality is I have a plan. I go and talk to all the stakeholders. I get their input and what they think I should be doing. I ask them if I was doing my job in 3, 6, 12 months, what will have happened for you to say, “Yeah, that Darryl guy, he was a good hire.”
Darryl Praill: I check out the technology. I make sure I understand it. I actually give myself a 30-60-90, or as the classic saying goes, 100 day plan with milestones and objectives and accomplishments I need to do. I tend to over communicate and ask way too many questions. I do that all intentionally so that they know I’m there and I know that I’m learning and I’m learning from them. I’m learning from my colleagues. I’m learning what they know already, what works, what doesn’t work. Do you do that when you start your job? You’re a new salesperson. How do you find success? Well, that is the golden question. So what do you do when you need to get the answer to the golden question? You bring in the industry’s rock star, one of the four horsemen himself, Anthony Iannarino is on the line.
Darryl Praill: If you don’t know him, well, let’s go through the usual. He is an international speaker. He is a best selling author. He is a sales leader. He is an entrepreneur. If you like my podcast Inside, Inside Sales, well then, you know what you got to do? You got to listen to In the Arena, because that’s his podcast. Every single week he’s having fantastic stuff. Right now, his most recent episode was with Mike Weinberg, all about sales truth. By the way, that’s Mike’s new book. If you haven’t bought it yet, get out there, buy it. Fantastic stuff.
Darryl Praill: So he’s got conferences, he’s the man. So I don’t know if I can suck up any more than that, but I can tell you, he’s got a killer blog. He’s got a newsletter that comes out every Sunday. Sign up for it. But I’m going to put Anthony to the test. I want to say, “Anthony, what can you do to help us understand how new salespeople can find success?” I know he knows the answer because he actually blogged about it not too long ago. My math says he has nine tips. Let’s see if he can bring them and share them with us. Anthony, my friend, welcome to the show.
Anthony Iannarino: Thank you for having me. That’s a great intro. it’s funny that Chris Beal, who showed up at the first Outbound conference started describing me and my peers as the four horsemen. Somehow that stuck well enough that it ended up in Ottawa, Canada. I don’t know how that ended up spreading so fast, but that’s now our moniker, I guess.
Darryl Praill: Yes, so no, it’s [inaudible 00:05:45]. I actually was talking to Mark Hunter the other day and I actually asked that point blank question. I said, “How the hell did you guys become the four horsemen?”
Darryl Praill: And he’s like, “Well, that’s a good question.” He goes, “We are the four horsemen. We’re the four Titans.” He goes, “I don’t know how it stuck.”
Darryl Praill: But you remembered Beall. He couldn’t remember Beall. He just said, “I don’t know, but it kind of stuck.”
Darryl Praill: I said, “Well, there you go.” As the marketer in me, I love it. I mean that’s branding right there.
Anthony Iannarino: I think Beall says that sort of reference to the four horsemen of the apocalypse because we were the only people out trying to shout back into Linkedin the fact that the phone hasn’t died and that the best salespeople are really good at the phone. We got so much flack and we had so many people writing horrible things to us and about us, or not buying the idea that the phone was dead, that Chris called us the four horsemen. I think it was more in reference to the Apocalypse, because people thought we were coming down on like a horses on fire and dragons or something. But I like it. I’m glad he stuck it with us.
Darryl Praill: Oh, I think it’s a fantastic one. He’s such a great guy. By the way, guys, we’re talking about Chris Beal, he’s the CEO and founder of ConnectAndSell. He’s a fantastic speaker, prolific. I’ve spoken with him on a few panels myself this year already. We always feature on the same shows. If you don’t follow him, you should follow him. But he’s amazing. I quite enjoy him. But with that said, I look at every single new salesperson and they seem to go into a job almost with trepidation now. Not everybody. If you’re listening guys and you’re like, “Not me, I rock it,” then that’s cool man. You can just hit pause right now. But my gut says there is a little bit of nerves and there’s a little bit of uncertainty whenever you start a new job.
Darryl Praill: It’s real. It’s cool. But my good friend Anthony, he’s got nine tips. So Anthony, do you want to work through these in order as you’ve got it on your blog and you just want to go way in. What do you want to do?
Anthony Iannarino: Sure. We can do them in order. I’m happy to take them in that same order.
Darryl Praill: Well then I’ll prompt you and then you tell me what it is you’re thinking of and together folks, we’ll do this. So number one, and we’ve had a number of episodes about this recently on Inside, Inside Sales, guys, go back and check it out. It is all about developing the right mindset. I know it’s huge, but talk to me about what you mean when you say that.
Anthony Iannarino: I love that question and I love the concept. When I wrote my first book, I had a publisher that reached out to me and they said, “We’d like to talk to you about publishing your book.”
Anthony Iannarino: I sent them the book and they read it and we had our followup meeting and they said, “We hate your book.”
Anthony Iannarino: I said, “Well that’s not a really good starting place for us. If we’re going to write a book together, probably, that’s not a good place to start.”
Anthony Iannarino: And they said, “Why on earth would you have something like discipline in a book about sales? Everybody hates discipline. Why would you do that? Then you wrote about caring, caring and sales. How does that work? It doesn’t even make any sense to us.”
Anthony Iannarino: We eventually discovered that we weren’t going to write a book together. It didn’t take very long after that opening to realize they didn’t really get the book. But the first half of the book, actually it’s a little bit more than half, is about your mindset, because who you are matters more than what you do. If you want to make it easy to sell, become somebody that people want to buy from. So that means you need to be disciplined in your approach and in your actions. You need to be optimistic. You need to care about other people, which we call other orientation. You have to be about serving, you have to be super competitive, resourceful. If you’re listening to this and you’re in SDR, resourcefulness is the name of the game. Because you have to keep calling the same people and you have to change your approach and find something new to say. You have to be proactive, persistent. You also have to be a great communicator and accountable.
[bctt tweet=”Who you are matters more than what you do. If you want to make it easy to sell, become somebody that people want to buy from. ~ @iannarino #SalesTips ” username=”VanillaSoft”]
Anthony Iannarino: That makes up the first half of my first book, The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need. My view is if you get the mindset right and then you build the skills on top of that, you get better really fast, because you’re somebody worth buying from in the first place. So that’s where you should start, start with your mindset. What do you believe, and then what actions are you taking based on those beliefs?
Darryl Praill: Now talk to me about this mindset of being competitive. That’s an interesting one. I don’t disagree, but I want to explore that. What does that mean to you?
Anthony Iannarino: It’s really interesting. We don’t talk about it anymore, but it’s a zero sum game. I mean for me, if I win the business, somebody else doesn’t have that business because they lost it. My third book is called Eat Their Lunch. That’s a book about literally taking clients away from your competition because that’s what we’re doing. We’re coming in and we’re displacing somebody else. So you have to have the mind of a competitor, which means this is a contest. Somebody wins and everybody else loses. So you have to bring that spirit to it and say, “This is a game that’s got consequences. There’s going to be one winner.”
Anthony Iannarino: It doesn’t matter how well you play the game when there’s one winner you have to play as if everybody has a really good shot of losing on this kind of thing. So you have to bring everything to that contest. I don’t think that we teach salespeople that, because we’re more sensitive or kinder and softer and sales than we were in the past. But you have to retain that. You have to recognize this is a competition to see who can create the greatest value for the client, who can create the greatest preference to work with them or their company and their solution. You have to play and know that every interaction counts.
Anthony Iannarino: So if you’re an SDR, you might think, “Well, all I have to do is get an appointment and then I’m going to have somebody else on my team handle that call.” That is the wrong way to think about this. You’re part of the experience right from the beginning. You have to say, “I’m going to create compelling, differentiated value.” That means they’re going to show up for the meeting that I book because they recognize there’s going to be a value proposition that’s going to serve them. That’s how you have to think about this.
Darryl Praill: So if you said your first half of the book on The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need, that’s his first book. By the way, second one is The Lost Art of Closing. He’s already mentioned the third one, Eat Their Lunch. The second half as I recall, of The Only sales Guide You’ll Ever Need, it talks about acquiring the skill sets. Step number two, so I mean, don’t we all just do that? Or is this something that you’re talking, again, this is an intentional aspect?
Anthony Iannarino: I don’t think anybody, before my book, wrote down what the skills are for a B2B salesperson today. I mean, I don’t think anybody ever wrote them down. I think the novelty of this book is, there is no novelty. I mean everything in there, is very well known. At the end of every chapter, there’s three more reading recommendations. But you do need to know how to do certain things. You need a certain set of skills to be able to be effective in sales and it starts with closing. If you’re an SDR, you’re like, “Well I don’t close. All I do is get a meeting.”
Anthony Iannarino: Well, you’re closing for a meeting. It turns out that the commitment for time is maybe the most difficult of all the commitments you have to gain along that path. So you’re learning to close for a meeting and what you’re going to find out through your career in sales is that you’re always closing for the next meeting. So closing ends up being the fundamental thing that we do. We gain commitments to take the next steps, starting with the commitment for time at a meeting.
Anthony Iannarino: You also have to know how to prospect and if I were to pick just two out of the list of eight, if you get these first two right, if you can learn how to gain commitments and prospect well, you’re going to have a really good career in sales. I mean those two are so fundamental. They’re in order and in that order it’s really, really important that you get those two skills first. Then there’s some other things that you need to do. You need to know how to present and tell a story and help somebody understand a value proposition. You need to be able to diagnose and look and say, “Okay, what’s the ground truth here? What are they really suffering from? What’s their real problem? How do we do something about that?”
Anthony Iannarino: You have to learn how to negotiate. Then the last three skills are skills of a higher level. They’re a different magnitude. You need business acumen, so that means you need to understand how your client’s business works and how your company works and how those two come together and how you create value. You need to build consensus, which means you’re really in the change management business and you have to lead even when your title doesn’t say that you’re a leader. You have to lead by having your team do things and having your client’s team do things and and move initiatives forward so that your client gets the benefit of whatever it is they bought from you. Those are the skills.
Darryl Praill: Number one, develop the right mindset. Number two, acquire the skill sets. Number three, and I love this bullet. I love this point: become the subject matter expert. The reason I love this is because I can teach you how to sell. Number two, acquire the right skill sets, over and over again. But if you don’t know the subject matter for which you are selling, for which the world your prospect lives in, you will never connect and never be able to form a solution that is winning and effective and results in the outcome you want. Now, that’s my point of view, but Anthony, what’s your take on this?
Anthony Iannarino: Well, every salesperson will say something like, “I want to be a trusted adviser,” or, “I want to be consultative and I want to be the person that the client turns to as a peer.” Okay. So a trusted advisor is made up of exactly two parts: trust and advice. Okay. So the trust part, people tend to be pretty good at. It’s the advice part. Why should I take your advice? What do you know? How much experience do you have? How much are you an expert on what it is that you sell? Or what I would say the intersection between your business and my business. So you need to understand my business, but you’re never going to be an expert in what I do. But you do need to be an expert at that intersection where you create value for your customers. So I call this a 52% SME, because I’ve seen so many salespeople that can’t have a conversation with a client unless they have the SME with them.
[bctt tweet=”You need to understand your prospects’ business, but you’re never going to be an expert in what they do. But you do need to be an expert at that intersection where you create value for your customers. ~ @iannarino #SalesStrategy #SalesTips” username=”VanillaSoft”]
Anthony Iannarino: So then you’re not the trusted advisor. You’re just a person who happens to know people who knows things. You have to know things, you have to be able to say, “This is the right answer for you and here’s why. This is the way that you should be looking at this. Here’s why.” So if you’re not developing your subject matter expertise, if you’re not becoming an expert at what you do, then you can’t be a trusted advisor because you have the trust, but you’re missing the advice.
Anthony Iannarino: So you have to put a lot of effort into becoming a 52% subject matter expert, which means, look, you don’t have to have all the technical knowhow. You have nerds on your team that you can get with the nerds on your client’s team so they can nerd out together and have that conversation that they want to have. But you have to be good enough that you can get through the first or second level conversation with people. Even as an SDR, you should be learning to develop that subject matter expertise by listening in on calls and really listening for what clients need and how your company helps them get the outcomes that they need, and the reason that they buy from you in the first place.
Darryl Praill: So this means guys, that you need to really know your client’s world. You’ve got to read the same journals they read, you’ve got to be involved in the same discussion groups they’re involved, you’ve got to ask a lot of pointed questions. Don’t just listen to you know what to ask next. Listen to understand. If you don’t know, ask them. They will gladly educate you. You take them out for coffee, you meet them at a conference, whatever it might take, get to know their world.
Darryl Praill: It candidly, it’s no different than dating somebody. You date them to get to know them and you ask the questions and you invest the time and you do the research and you talk to their friends and their family, whatever it might take, get to know who these people are. Be the subject matter expert. We’ve talked about this over and over again in previous ones. This is huge.
Darryl Praill: All right. With that, we’re going to go for a break. We’ve gone through the top three right away, which was the biggest one in my mind. The mindset, the skill sets, and the the SME, the subject matter expert. When we come back, it’s going to be lightning round time. We have six to go, so don’t go anywhere. We’ll be right back.
Darryl Praill: It’s back time for lightening round with Anthony Iannarino. He is the man. Again, check him out on his website. Just Google it. It’s awesome. You’re going to find so much content. Sign up for the weekly newsletter if you don’t have it. All right, Anthony, lightning round, one a minute. Let’s do this. Step number four, become world-class at prospecting. Talk to me.
Anthony Iannarino: The very best salespeople create their own opportunities. It’s nice to have help from marketing. It’s great to have inbound, lovely to have referrals, but the best salespeople don’t wait for that to happen. They pick up the phone, they call their dream client, they get a meeting and they create new opportunities on their own. If you’re world-class at prospecting, you’re going to be a great rep.
Darryl Praill: So that means guys, you need to be intentional. You need to actually book it on your calendar every single day for certain areas that you are doing nothing but that. No distractions, no excuses. You’re not saying I’m going to spend a lot of time researching. Not to say don’t research, I’m saying don’t delay. You become world-class at it. It’s a skill you refine. You’ve got to commit to the process. I know not just the phone, I mean I believe you know Mike Weinberg’s example, right? He just loves social selling, right? I’m just being cheeky there for a second.
Darryl Praill: The idea though, is Omni Channel, right? So you don’t know where they’re going to live, so you want to make sure you’re hitting everything up. By the way, on that social, to be world-class at it, here’s where it intersects back to number three, becoming a subject matter expert. How do you look right now on Linkedin? If someone were to look at your profile, because you reached out to them in the prospecting stage. Do they look at you and say, “That individual seems to have a lot of posts and comments and engagement. That might suggest they are a subject matter expert and therefore worthy of my time to respond to them.” That’s what we have to look at, because when you prospect, they’re checking you out.
Darryl Praill: Step number five improve your business acumen, which is a little different than of course than becoming a subject matter expert. Anthony, explain the difference and why this matters.
Anthony Iannarino: For me, it means turning my Sirius XM radio off of Howard Stern and onto CNBC. You have to be curious about business. Business is really very much like the the TV show, Game of Thrones. I mean there’s a battle going on. There’s all kinds of sides being drawn. There’s all kinds of relationships. You have to understand how business works. Listening to something like CNBC and reading Forbes and reading Fortune and reading Fast Company and Reading Business Week and having an RSS feed full of business insights that come through. Even something like an app called Quartz where you can get the business news on a daily basis. That makes you a business person. So it’s great to have sales acumen. You need to know those skills, but also, you’re a business person. You’re offering people business advice. You’re trying to tell them to do something different with their business when you sell to them. So you have to be a business person. So you absolutely want to ramp up your business acumen and start listening and paying attention to how business works.
Darryl Praill: I can’t stress that enough. Your prospects aren’t just doing these things. They’re not buying your tools, your software, to make their life better. They’re doing it because if they make their life better, then they actually make more revenue, they make more margins. They either have more market share. They have corporate goals. Everything they do is because they’ve got a stated corporate goal that they need to achieve. If they do that and they’re publicly traded, their stock will go up and the company will be worth more and all the investors will be happy. If they’re privately held, well then they’re taking dividends or whatnot. It’s all the same. That’s why they do that. If you don’t understand business, the actual reason, the math behind why they do all this stuff, then you’re never going to to connect with them. You need to understand the root cause.
Darryl Praill: Step number, what are we up to? We’re up to number six I guess, let your dream clients educate you. We touched this a few minutes ago. Talk to me, Anthony, give me examples.
Anthony Iannarino: When I was a kid, I got into sales because I was forced into sales. When I started to realize I didn’t know anything, my life got better. Instead of deciding that I was going to talk about me or my company, I sat down with a grownups and I would ask them, “Help me understand how somebody in my role and in my industry should be creating value for you. Help me understand what I need to know to be valuable to you.”
Anthony Iannarino: They would tell me, “Look, we’re trying to reduce our spend in this particular area,” or, “We’re trying to get greater efficiencies in this other area.” They would say words like throughput. I understood what it meant, but I didn’t understand how they were using it in relation to their business. So I started asking people to teach me.
Anthony Iannarino: It turns out that if you say, “Help me understand your business and why you do this the way that you do,” your, what I would call situational knowledge or experience to say, “Some people do it this way and this is why. And other people do it this other way, and this is why,” you start to be able to make discernments about what advice to give based on what you can see because you’ve been educated by a whole bunch of people and listen, they love to teach you their business. People love to talk about their business and themselves. All you have to do is ask the question and they’re going to take off and you’re going to leave the meeting being less ignorant than you were when you came in. You’re also going to be able to apply what you learn from them to every deal that comes after that when you’re becoming a a vertical expert or a subject matter expert.
Darryl Praill: Step number seven is really what we talked about already. Remember we said, “You got to invest in yourself?” Did you hear us say that? Because we kind of said it and he did, and I killed that idea. But now this is actually being intentional. Write a professional development plan. But why does that matter, Anthony?
Anthony Iannarino: Because it’s your responsibility. You are the greatest asset you’re ever going to have. You own yourself free and clear of any obligations. So you have to decide, “What do I need to learn? How do I need to grow? What’s the best place for me to put my efforts so that I can create greater value for other people and become more valuable to my company and to my clients and to have the life that I want to have? So you need to make a list of, “What do I need to read? What do I need to study? What courses do I need to take?” You write your own professional development plan. Don’t wait for your company to do it. Decide for yourself what you want. If you do that, you will probably end up very quickly in the top 10% of not only your company, but probably the field. Because most people won’t put forth the effort to grow themselves and instead sit back and passively wait for somebody to do it for them.
[bctt tweet=”You write your own professional development plan. Don’t wait for your company to do it. Decide for yourself what you want. ~ @iannarino #SalesMotivation #podcast” username=”VanillaSoft”]
Darryl Praill: So remember, step number one was mindset. Part of mindset was accountability. Be Accountable. So step number seven, write a professional development plan. That’s you being accountable. So that’s just one example. So if step number six was let your dream clients educate you, ironically, step number seven is the same premise but to a different segment. Steal from the best salespeople. Love this. But explain Anthony, what does that mean?
Anthony Iannarino: I was with Jed Blunt and I was talking to one of my clients and I said, “Listen, I don’t want you to under invest in the result. As much as I know you’re doing your job by asking for my best price, what I’m afraid of is that you’re going to take money out of the result that you’re trying to get and it doesn’t make sense to do that. I don’t want to let you under invest.”
Anthony Iannarino: Jeb was sitting next to him and he said, “Man, that’s good language. I’m stealing that.” That’s what the best salespeople do. When you hear somebody say something that’s super effective and it makes sense, you want to pick up all those talk tracks, you want to model other people’s beliefs and their behaviors. If you see somebody that’s super successful, that’s a clue. You say, “Look, what are they doing? What do they believe about what they’re doing? How do they approach that? Do they have good language? Do they have good behaviors?” When somebody succeeding, what you do is you try to look at their recipe and say, “I’m going to follow that same recipe because it speeds up your results.”
Darryl Praill: The last step, step number nine, ask your manager for coaching. I love this. You’re basically asking them to work alongside you to make you aware of what perhaps you’re missing. But what’s the power of that, Anthony? What’s the power of actually proactively seeking assistance?
Anthony Iannarino: You can’t see your own swing. That’s what they say about golfers. They have a coach because they can’t see their swing. But somebody else can see it. If you go to your manager and say, “I’d like to ask you for coaching and I’d like for you to help me find the spots where I need to do better work and start exploring new choices I could make,” you’re massively going to speed your growth and development. I think, I don’t know that I have anybody who’s ever come back and said their manager refuse to coach them. When you go and you say, “I’m interested in developing myself,” and you ask somebody for help, they help you with that. Then the speed of your learning curve on all of these things is simply an individual choice. How bad do you want this? How willing are you to do the work to become what it is that you want to become?
Anthony Iannarino: Of the three books I wrote, I have a soft spot for The Only Sales Guide For New Salespeople, because that’s who I had in mind. Selling is completely individual. So it’s all up to you. It’s 100% on on your shoulders to decide how you’re going to play this game and how fast you’re going to get to a high level of competency. I would use every resource available, including my manager or supervisor to come and give me some coaching so I could get better in the areas where there’s a gap in my performance. If you do that, you will find your way to the top of the stack rank a lot faster.
Darryl Praill: There you have it folks. Nine ways for the new salesperson to find fast success, compliments of course of Anthony Iannarino. You can find him at thesalesblog.com. Of course he’s everywhere, Twitter, Linkedin, public speaking. Take him anywhere you want to, just read any one of his books.
Darryl Praill: My friend, what else is going on these days? What? should my audience know about you? Any final words of wisdom? Sage advice? Anything? Final thoughts?
Anthony Iannarino: Yeah, the best thing that I can say, especially because this is Inside, Inside Sales, which you know you’re repeating yourself, right?
Darryl Praill: I do, but I’m getting inside.
Anthony Iannarino: You are getting inside.
Anthony Iannarino: Here’s what I would say. I imagine that the people listening to this are in a role and we’re talking about new salespeople, so I would say right now, decide what it is you want. Decide what it is you want for your life. Decide what it is you want that you’re going to call success and write it down and start doing everything you can to work towards doing that. There’s nothing between you and what you want except for your willingness to take action on that. But first you have to do the hard work of deciding what do I want my life to look like? How’s this going to work for me? Then put all your effort into building that whatever it is in your world.
Darryl Praill: Success comes from knowing what it looks like, what you want, go after it. That’s the beauty of this career is that you can make it happen with this career. I wish I had more time, Anthony. Unfortunately, we have exceeded our allocation, but like I said, guys, go to thesalesblog.com. Check out all his resources, you can carry on. Sign up for In the Arena, his podcast, so you can hear more of him all the time.
Darryl Praill: In the meantime, I’m out of here. My name is Darryl Praill. I’m with VanillaSoft. Don’t forget, we would love a rating, a review, any kind of sharing on the Inside, Inside Sales podcast on your favorite podcast directory. In the meantime, I’m wishing you happy selling. You guys take care. Bye Bye.