Product Feature


As far as objections go, we’ve heard it all. Chances are your reps are probably hearing it right now, too. Tired of spending all your time coaching on objection handling? No problem, just automate it for your reps with dynamic scripting that adapts faster than your prospects can think of a new objection.

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Rating 4.6 / 5

Conversations Aren’t Linear – Your Scripts Shouldn’t Be Either

Our logical-branch scripting allows the sales rep to easily adapt to the changes in a conversation with prospects. Build out all the potential responses and objections a prospect may have at each stage of the conversation, then with one click your sales reps will see the appropriate information to handle any direction the conversation may take

Sound Natural

No matter where the conversation goes, your reps will stay on message without getting lost along the way

Better Prospect Engagement

Merge personal data about the contact or sales rep into the script to avoid the awkward empty blanks.

Close More Leads

Quick access to objection rebuttals, competitive data, and key differentiators give your reps an edge to close the deal.

Our scripting software gives your reps a gold standard for communicating with prospects

Logical-branch Scripting

Easily create scripts to guide your salespeople through calls that adapt based on responses.

Team-based Scripts

Create team-based scripts to tailor the message to the correct stage in the sales cycle.

Data Collection

Collected conversation responses and data directly into the script for further reporting, filtering, and analysis.

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