Sometime we simply do not take the time to say thanks. We all may think it, or, from a business prospective, create a campaign to show it, but, I am talking about truly being reflective and feeling it. As you know, I usually write about software, lead management and business. Now that the holiday season is upon us, I wanted to take this opportunity to give my thanksgiving openly and honestly in a public forum. I have so much to be thankful for I can’t possibly scratch the surface.
I am thankful to all of those that poured into New Orleans, my home then, after Katrina to rescue my fellow citizens. I am thankful for the tank of gas we got that moved us farther away from the chaos. I am thankful to all of those that showed us kindness along our journey to rebuild our life. I am thankful to our family of employees in Canada that picked up the pieces of VanillaSoft and kept us afloat when we in the U.S. were struggling just to get by.
I am thankful to our customers who, with many great choices, choose us. I am thankful that through one of the worst economies in global history we never had to lay off a single employee; we even managed to grow. I am thankful for all of my mentors along the way who taught me that business does not have to be hard or complicated and that good companies and good guys can still win.
I am thankful that after 28 years of being his father my son still thinks that I am cool and we talk almost daily. I am thankful for the two amazing little girls my wife and I adopted from China, who have taught me that giving back is the most selfish act a person can commit. I am thankful for two parents that realized the most valuable asset that they had to pass on was their values.
Lastly, I am thankful for my partner and wife, who took a chance with a guy making five bucks an hour. She dusted me off, added a little polish and helped me believe and see that together, we could build a dream and live it.
I am thankful for you and the few minutes you have invested in me and my post. Take time to jot down your own.
Happy Thanksgiving,