Every sales team has some members who are real characters. Maybe you didn’t realize how closely their behaviors align to characters of the animated kind. Do you see any of your agents in this colorful bunch?
Bugs Bunny – The Bugs Bunny on your team is the one who always has the answers. He can slip his way out of most any situation. The only problem with the Bugs Bunny rep is that he always seems to be making a “wrong turn at Albuquerque.” Instead of saying, “let me get back to you on that,” the Bugs Bunny just figures out his own way to answer the question or fix a problem. That tends to get him in some situations that are hilarious for cartoons but painful for clients and support staff.
The fix: Next time you see your Bugs about to make that wrong turn at Albuquerque, consider using it as a training opportunity. VanillaSoft’s Monitor and Eavesdrop feature allows you to perform real-time training and verification with those sales reps who may need a little extra help staying on track.
Spongebob Squarepants – You know the Spongebob of your group. He’s the one whose mantra is “I’m ready! I’m ready!” Spongebob loves to help others, and he is kind hearted to a fault. He usually ends up in a crazy predicament no thanks to his good nature. Do you have a Spongebob on your team? He or she may be great at teamwork, relationships, and collaboration; but the urge to please and make friends can make negotiations sway so far in the customer’s favor that it ends up to your detriment.
The fix: Help keep your Spongebob types on track with call scripting. Call scripting can help your people-pleasing reps move the sale forward with less opportunity for them to squirm or change up the process when it comes time to close. VanillaSoft’s call center scripting software feature can help any Spongebob stay cool.
Homer Simpson – Doh! You know who the Homer is. He’s that guy that everybody enjoys – if only for the comic relief he brings to the workplace. Homer is lazy. If there’s an easy way out or a way to avoid work at all, he’s going to find it.
The fix: If you have someone who is actually as lazy as Homer, then that’s probably an issue to fix through disciplinary action. However, there may be a way to redeem the Homer on your team. VanillaSoft provides tools that help increase productivity. By using Automatic Real-time Lead Distribution and VanillaSoft’s Auto Dialing Software services, you can keep your Homers busy and on track.
Chicken Little – Chicken Little is in a perpetual state of panic. He’s worried about everything. Any little disruption to his flow, and suddenly “the sky is falling.” Everything and anything freaks out your Chicken Little sales rep.
The fix: VanillaSoft has every base covered when it comes to the anxieties experienced by the Chicken Little on your team. Data is secure in a SSAE16 certified server environment. The software itself ensures an easy flow through most any sales call with logical branch scripting to help with handling objections, message drop to allow the rep to move quickly on to the next call, and lead nurturing features like email drip to keep those leads warm.
Papa Smurf – Papa Smurf may be you or your sales manager. He knows everything that’s going on in the village and is able to jump in to help the other Smurfs when they need it. Papa Smurf isn’t a know-it-all, but he is a wise mentor and guide to his Smurfs.
The fix: Papa Smurf doesn’t need a fix, of course – he’s Papa Smurf after all! But, since you or your sales manager lack Papa’s magical talents, VanillaSoft can fill in where mere mortal powers leave off. Real-time Dashboard for reviewing all sales campaign and sales rep activity, online reporting for drilling down into details, and with the Monitor & Eavesdrop feature Papa can listen and know all – all that’s happening on sales calls anyway. With all this information, your Papa Smurf will be able to talk about sales activity until he’s blue in the face…pardon the pun!.
Who are the characters on your sales team? Make sure that you understand the nuances and behaviors of your various sales team members and truly know what makes them tick. Also make sure that you utilize the appropriate sales productivity tools to keep them on track, monitor their performance and help them succeed!
NOTE: With the exception of Chicken Little, which is in the public domain, characters mentioned in this post belong to their respective copyright holders listed below. VanillaSoft is in no way associated with these properties.
- Bugs Bunny – Warner Brothers, a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company, LP (PWH)
- Spongebob Squarepants – Viacom International Inc.
- Homer Simpson – Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
- Papa Smurf – Pierre Culliford d.b.a. Peyo