Lead generation is at the core of any successful sales and marketing strategy. 

This tactic is crucial for ensuring a steady flow of new business opportunities and filling your pipeline with high-quality leads. Join us as we delve into an insightful conversation from the Tempo podcast, where Steve Trout, Enterprise Sales Executive at VanillaSoft, reveals his innovative strategies and tactics for identifying, engaging, and converting high-value leads. 

This discussion offers actionable advice on navigating the complexities of modern sales, from pinpointing key decision-makers to maximizing your presence at industry events.

To dive deeper into these strategies, check out the full podcast episode below: 

The Importance of Targeting Key Decision-Makers

One of the cornerstones of successful lead generation is identifying and targeting the right decision-makers. Steve emphasizes the value of understanding your target audience and focusing efforts on individuals who have the authority to make purchasing decisions. 

This involves thorough research and leveraging data to determine relevant contacts within an organization. By directing your efforts towards these key players, you can significantly increase the chances of converting leads into customers.

Here are some factors to consider during this important phase.

Detailed research

Steve highlights that the first step in targeting key decision-makers is conducting comprehensive research. 

This includes understanding the organizational structure of potential clients, identifying the key stakeholders, and determining their specific needs and challenges. 

Implementing data analytics tools can help in gathering and analyzing this information efficiently. By gaining a deep understanding of the potential client’s business and the roles of various decision-makers, sales professionals can tailor their approach to address the specific concerns and priorities of their potential customers. 

Personalized messaging

Once the key decision-makers have been identified, it is crucial to craft personalized messages that resonate with them. Steve suggests that generic pitches are less effective and often ignored. Your potential customers are busy, and it’s very unlikely that they will respond to a cookie-cutter message or email that clearly wasn’t created specifically with them in mind. 

Instead, sales professionals should focus on creating customized messages that demonstrate a clear understanding of decision-makers’ roles and specific business challenges. Such a personalized approach not only captures their attention but also builds trust and credibility.

Optimizing Time at Sales Events and Trade Shows

Sales events and trade shows present unique opportunities to generate leads and network with potential clients. Steve shares his experience at LeadsCon and emphasizes the importance of preparation and strategic planning to maximize the benefits of such events.

Utilizing event apps

Steve praises the effectiveness of LeadsCon’s event app, which allowed attendees to network and schedule meetings well in advance. This proactive approach ensured that valuable connections were made even before the event began. By using the app to its full potential, Steve was able to set up several meetings and make the most of his time at the event.

Event apps can provide detailed information about attendees, exhibitors, and schedules, enabling participants to plan their activities efficiently. Thanks to all these details, sales professionals can filter out relevant contacts and set up meetings beforehand, ensuring that they connect with the right people and maximize their lead-generation efforts.

Strategic booth management

The layout and management of the booth at trade shows are crucial for attracting visitors and engaging them in meaningful conversations. 

Steve notes that having an inviting and well-organized booth, along with enticing elements like comfortable seating and refreshments, can significantly boost foot traffic. For example, VanillaSoft took booth management to the next level by offering ice cream, which attracted visitors and provided an opportunity for relaxed and engaging interactions.

In addition to the physical setup, the behavior and preparedness of the booth staff are vital. In Steve’s opinion, having a knowledgeable and approachable team that can effectively communicate the company’s value proposition and engage visitors in meaningful conversations makes all the difference. 

To achieve this, train your booth staff to handle various inquiries, demonstrate products, and capture lead information efficiently as it’s essential for maximizing the return on investment from trade shows. This also means that you can’t have just one person responsible for all this, as they won’t be able to manage a continuous flow of visitors and give each of them the individual attention they deserve — not to mention that walking around the floor, making introductions, and exchanging business cards would be impossible in this case. 

Innovative Tactics to Boost Lead Generation

Let’s explore some innovative tactics that Steve has found highly effective. These go beyond the usual playbook and can provide a significant advantage in attracting and converting valuable leads.

Leverage social media

Social media platforms are powerful tools for lead generation. By actively engaging with your audience, sharing valuable content, and participating in industry conversations, you can build a strong online presence and attract potential leads. Steve recommends using platforms like LinkedIn to connect with industry professionals and showcase your expertise.

High-quality content, such as blog posts, videos, and infographics, can help establish your brand as a thought leader in the industry. Engaging with your audience through comments, likes, shares, and contributions can foster relationships and build a community around your brand. 

Don’t forget to use social media to announce you’ll be attending an upcoming industry event. When there are 50,000 people, it’s difficult to stand out. By leveraging event hashtags, you can expand your reach and get noticed by other attendees. During the event, you can share live updates and virtually connect with potential prospects in attendance and, later, follow up with those connections to spark conversations and nurture relationships. 

Additionally, using social media advertising to target specific demographics can help reach potential leads who may not be actively searching for your products or services. 

Focus on personalized outreach

Personalized communication is a must in effective lead generation. Steve emphasizes the importance of tailoring your messages to address the specific needs and pain points of your target audience. This way you’ll capture their attention and demonstrate your commitment to providing solutions that meet their unique requirements.

Personalized outreach involves more than just addressing the recipient by name. It requires understanding and acknowledging their business challenges, industry trends, and recent developments within their organization. By referencing these specifics in your communication, you can create a more impactful and relevant message. Tools like email marketing automation, CRM systems, and sales engagement platforms will allow you to segment your audience and deliver personalized content at scale.

Build strategic partnerships

Forming strategic partnerships with other businesses can open up new avenues for lead generation. Steve shares his experience of identifying potential partners at events like LeadsCon and initiating conversations that could lead to mutually beneficial collaborations. 

These partnerships can expand your reach and introduce your products or services to a wider audience.

Whether it’s through co-marketing campaigns, joint webinars, or referral agreements, collaborating with businesses that complement your offerings can create value for your customers and open doors to new markets. Steve advises building these partnerships on a foundation of mutual trust and clear communication, ensuring that both parties benefit from the collaboration.

However, he insists on the importance of building both personal and business connections for successful lead generation as personal relationships often pave the way for mutually beneficial business partnerships. This narrative aligns with the idea that successful lead generation is much more than cold outreach or transactional interactions — the trick is in building genuine relationships and adding value to others. 

Case Study: VanillaSoft at LeadsCon

Steve’s experience at LeadsCon provides a practical example of how these strategies can be implemented effectively. VanillaSoft’s participation in the event was meticulously planned and executed, resulting in significant lead-generation success.

Pre-event planning

Before the event, Steve and his team utilized the LeadsCon app to identify key attendees and set up meetings in advance. This proactive approach ensured that they had a packed schedule of valuable interactions even before the event started. The team also prepared their booth carefully, to ensure it was welcoming and well-equipped to handle the expected traffic.

Engaging booth experience

VanillaSoft’s booth at LeadsCon was strategically designed to attract visitors and facilitate meaningful conversations. We already mentioned serving ice cream which created a relaxed atmosphere that encouraged attendees to stop by and chat with the team. The booth staff were well-trained to answer all the questions, demonstrate how the product works, and capture lead information so that no opportunities slipped through the cracks.

Post-event follow-up

Effective lead generation does not end when the event concludes. Steve stresses the importance of timely and personalized follow-up after the event. 

The VanillaSoft team ensured that all leads collected at LeadsCon were promptly entered into their CRM system and followed up with personalized messages. As a result, they managed to maintain the momentum generated at the event and convert leads into potential clients. 


Mastering lead generation is an ongoing process that requires a combination of proven strategies and innovative tactics. By implementing the practical tips Steve and Ollie talked about, you can refine your approach, target the right decision-makers, and maximize your lead-generation efforts. 

Remember, personalizing your messaging, building genuine relationships, and delivering value will help you stay ahead of the curve and drive business growth. 

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