Auto Dialing

Automate Sales by Cutting Low-level Tasks out of Your Day

According to The Bridge Groups, sales productivity is the #1 challenge for nearly 65 percent of business-to-business organizations. The one universal truth is that no matter how great your service is, the business needs an efficient sales process. The trick is to find an ideal inside sales software that emphasizes efficiency, usefulness, and productivity. VanillaSoft …

Automate Sales by Cutting Low-level Tasks out of Your Day Read More »

Auto Dialing-Can It Really Increase Productivity by 30% or More? You Bet!

I get quite a few questions about the value of auto dialing software and whether or not it can really increase the productivity of a sales person who works by phone. Most managers who have never tried a form of auto dialing are skeptical, and they should be. There are so many amazing claims in the market built around dialing that it makes it hard to get to the truth. I have seen wild claims: 400% increases promised, triple your sales, never go 10 seconds without a live conversation and so on. Most are just that: claims.  But before we throw out the baby with the bath water, let’s take a look at reasonable claims.

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